Sept 2007  Ghana Update 4
Electricity is back on – yippee
We pushed it in today.  Last teaching time on materials.  Gave out homework, gave out money for travel, gave out books, and gave out everything – coming home with the clothes on my back.  Not sure where my heart is right now.
We also practiced funeral and wedding services today.  They want to be more involved with members.  It has always been the “hearing pastor” of the family will take over and deaf leaders are not really involved.  They want to try to change that – thank God!!
We had visits from Dr. Fynn, Dr Young, and others in the ELCG office.  They prayed for us and gave their blessings to the leaders.  They also wanted me to thank ALL of you for helping to train the Deaf leaders in Ghana!!  They really appreciate all you do.
We finished after 2:00 PM to pack up and travel.  Knowing the traffic we needed to go early.  We took a drive to the Cultural Center and along the ocean as a few of the leaders had never seen it.
Everyone came along and we had a good last meeting at the Landing Restaurant near the airport.
Getting ready to board the plane now.  Please pray for the leaders’ safe travel to Adamorebe.  Tomorrow and home on Wednesday/Thursday
Joys of life:
Introduced the guys to iced tea – most never had before.  They liked it – with cream and sugar.  Smile!
Oh joy – we have fish for lunch, fish for supper, and leftover rice in the morning tastes like fish too.
Aid stayed in last night
Love Guinness Malta!!!

Pastor Reinke
Missionary-at-Large/Deaf, South Wisconsin District -- LCMS
Director, Deaf Institute of Theology

For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline. So do not be ashamed to testify about our Lord . . . 2 Timothy 1:7-8