Alan has not written a full report yet. He is really frustrated with the slow computers.

We have been going full speed with 2 classes at the house and 2 classes at the school.

3 of the leaders have to work and so can only come in the evenings, so that is a bummer. But we are practicing with those who are coming to teach what they are learning.

The first two classes were finished today. Tomorrow we have a leaders planning meeting to set goals for the next year.

It was good to have the (hearing Lutheran Ghanaian) pastors meeting here. They got to see deaf ministry. They also liked the deaf catechism and want to use it in their churches. They like the language level. We also fed them last night, as many did not have money for food. Tonight Dr. Fynn is feeding them.

Abedna has been doing a great job of cooking for us. Real Ghanaian food. Does not taste as fishy as last time - yahhhhh.

We are talking about what to have for our final meal. The leaders thought maybe we should have cat! They said it is very good, better than goat - smile. Instead of the baa of a goat we will have the meow meow of cats for a few days. We are not sure about this. Barbara especially does not think this is a good idea. We thought about having it and then telling her later, but decided against that.

Sunday we are going to go look at some land. I hope and pray this is what God wants. The ELCG leaders and pastors thought it was a great idea to have a deaf SS (high school) with deaf evangelist and pastor training schools. They very much encouraged us to try. Now we need to ask God to lead the right people to raise the $400,000 to $500,000 it would take. They encouraged us to raise the first $100,000 to build the training center and then continue.

We have also had some interesting discussions about videos as some of the young deaf have found the "interesting" sites on the Internet and other places. It is very visual and has started to make some problems.

Alan and Barbara saying:

  • They are having a great time teaching the children at the school. They learned a new word today - fooishing. They could not understand what it meant - found out it means farting - smile.

  • There are sooooo mannnyyyy taxis

  • It is getting very dirty

  • We have ants in the kitchen.

  • Alan is missing his naps and hopes his wife understands when he gets home and sleeps for 3 days.

Driving down the road and buying fresh hot loaf of bread for 5000 cedis was very fun

Leftovers are bankoo with ground nut soup (spicy) some kind of meat sausage (we did not ask what kind of meat) melted goat cheese and rice balls. Plus spring rolls, some kind of chocolate pastry, and meat "pizza"

Not as much "new and exciting" this trip - just really getting into the teaching. I am more and more impressed with our leaders - they are starting to be able to stand for the Lutheran faith.

We are having an early night. We are really tired from teaching all day and night.

I do see how God is using us and pray he will continue to open doors in the way he wants us to go.

Oh funny story - I stopped to get minerals - pop - with one of the pastors. The man asked my name for the receipt - he thought I said giant instead of john. So now the pastor is giving me a hard time about being giant john - smile

Also Bud's name was changed to Bob at the pastors meeting - smile.

There is also a story in the Graphic (national newspaper) about a man who brought charges against another man for making his genitals shrink - smile. The police and hospital checked and they charged him with making a false report. It is on the front page - Alan thought it was very funny.