From Pastor Reinke

We finished our first class for the evangelists and the leaders.

They are working now on meeting together to do the homework and encourage each other. They talked about where they would like to travel and set up new areas and also the studies they are starting in their homes.

Worship today in Kumasi was great!! George preached for us and did a great job of law and gospel and explaining the verse. I can see a lot of improvement!

This week we will teach the class on sermons and Alan will teach the New Testament DIT classes to the leaders. Pastor Palmer and Barbara will be teaching the children at the school this week. Please pray for safe travel & lots of learning from our leaders.

The biggest news - we traveled west from Kumasi to see the land the ELCG has. The evangelists were very apprehensive about having land that far out. BUT after seeing it and seeing how BIG, they are more excited. They think it would be a great place to have a Deaf Lutheran SS School (High School) plus the Deaf Lutheran University to train Evangelists and Pastors. WOW!!!!!!!!!

On Thursday we will be meeting with the Council from the Lutheran church in Kumasi and the Council from the Lutheran Church in that town. I hope and pray God guides us in the way He wants us to go. It happens the land was purchased 15 years ago and has not been built on. You cannot get parcels this large anymore. Now we will see what God has planned.

Initially it sounds like $6000 would help us to have a building to be used for Deaf training and meetings; the hearing church would then use it for Worship when we are not there. This would be to reserve the land for us so the chief does not take it back.

Then we would need to begin raising the funds to build the schools, dorms, and prepare the land. Not sure yet about full numbers but it sounds like $200,000 would build the school, another $200,000 for the dorms, and another $100,000 for preparing the land (well, sewer, outhouses, etc.). We are hoping to meet with other Lutherans on Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday who can help give us an idea of the steps in Ghana. Then we need to pray and see if this is God's will, as He will need to open the doors for the funding. It has been a very exciting day.

Please pray for us and for God's plans for His Deaf people here in Ghana, and around the world. We pray very much that God will open the way for us in many more areas. We also pray He will guide our leaders in America to step out in faith and continue reaching the Deaf. The may never meet them on earth, but they will some day in Heaven.

Thank you to every one of you!!! Without your support these trips and this work would not be possible. We thank God for all of you!

Serving Him Together,

Pastor Reinke