Ghana Update, July 12, 2005

From John:

This Internet connection at GIL is really zipping this morning. 6 am here so not many people using it.

We met with Dr. Fynn yesterday. He is very supportive of the entire ministry that is happening with the Deaf: the training, the school, Adomrobe, etc. He agreed with the men we have on the committee for the school and thinks they are good men. He will do everything he can to help us.

It was great to see him again. Good to know we have his continued support.

We picked up our order and finished our last minute list of things from the cultural center. Then we ate lunch and wrote letters to people back in the States. I know we will arrive before they do, but we try - smile.

Last night we met with a missionary couple here in Ghana, the Groths. We had a great time together. It is hard being here and not have other "oburuni's" (white or American) people to talk with. I know when we lived here for 8 months we enjoyed the times we gathered with other missionaries. The culture and life here are so different and sometimes hard for Ghanaians to relate to our experiences.

For example - last night after we left the restaurant we were driving back and the police set up a checkpoint. Of course they found something wrong with the truck - as we just bought it we do not have all the stickers as it is not registered in our name yet (takes a long time to get through that process). But they said they would need to arrest me and take me to jail!!

Understand - that is a good scare tactic. It WORKED! When I knew they wanted to stop us I immediately called Amadu, he is the man who helps us in Kumasi and he was riding back in the Groth car. They saw what was happening too and Amadu was already on his way back. He talked in Twi for many minutes with the police. They of course wanted to see what we had - showed them our picture Bibles - they kept the samples. Then they walked behind the truck with Amadu - I will need to ask today what happened - I know what they wanted and we will see how Amadu handled it. Then they said to get the sticker as soon as we can and we could go - but asked what more we could give them - again. We said we could give them more Bible picture books. So they took one for each of the police and a few more - pray God plants seeds.

Now would that happen in America? Could you go to an itchy place (jail) for a traffic stop? Could you give out a picture Bible to a policeman and they would be happy? But that is all part of life in another country. Not serious, but you need to know how to handle the situation or can be scary. Bud and I have been stopped before so I know what was happening - I think Pat was a little worried. That is one reason we like to have a Ghanaian driver. They know the system and know how to work with different situations. They also speak the local language much better.

So that was our fun and excitement for the night. Pat said it was enough for her - smile.

It is all part of working in a different culture and different system.

But that is why God called us to come. He said "do be afraid, do not be terrified, I the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go" and Jesus said I again "surely I will be with you always." I pray even in those times God will work things for His purpose. He will use us to witness to the people and give them the Gospel.

I have been reading again a book called "Jesus Freaks." It is about people who suffered for their faith. God used them in many times and places. Sometimes I wonder if I would be so brave. I trust God gives us the strength to face what He has prepared for us. It may not always be easy, may be very scary at times. But I trust He will take care of us. So "do not worry, do not be afraid, I the Lord will be with you wherever you go!"

Thank all of you for your prayers for us. We thank God for you and your support for us. God is hearing your prayers and protecting us.

Now today:

This morning we will finish our packing and sorting. Then we go to meet with the treasurer and several other people who are working on the church project in the village - Adomrobe. Still working to get a deaf church building. Hopefully we can find out what we need to do and how much money. See what happens today.

We will go to the airport about 6 pm to get checked in and see about flight arrangements. We noticed Pat is not on the same flight out of London?? We will try to get that changed. Pray for that.

We will be back with you soon.

PS pray for no cows. Last week one of the airplanes landing in Nigeria wiped out 7 cows on the runway when it landed. Oops

Pastor Reinke

Note: The Ghana Mission Team made it safely home on July 14, 2005.