Received 3-09-07 from Rev. Dennis Konkel  (India 2007)

Here the weather is comfortable…not hot as I thought like 100 F, but not bad. Yes,  we are sweating a lot.   The town still was busy as bees.  Too many trucks, motorcycled, autorickshaws.   The smell in the air is not good-maybe due to some lake and river pollution.  There is garbage everywhere.  The motel I sleep overnight at is nice and simple.  

At the Concordia Teaching Institute, Bud and I led the workshop.  There are about 30 deaf people for the training.   It is very difficult for me to memorize their names in sign language.  Really different signs.   I had been struggling to remember their names until today finally…   Even their sign language… not all the same…  three different sign languages in the class.  Difficult for me and Bud. Wow!  Bud and I have been training them to learn and memorize the witness bands, some of Jesus’ life and some of the Small Catechism.  They did their homework well.  I provided some games for memory challenge.  They seemed enjoyable.

Last Sunday we went to a deaf school controlled by ILEC where Rev David Christudoss works and had our trainees to teach the deaf children.  Great to watch them doing that. The kids were so excited to learn and ask questions.  The next day, we told the trainees--- “Great… we are happy for you…”   So, we began to train them more and deep about the witness bands like which book, chapter and verse that belongs to the specific color.  They even memorized the verse sentence(s).  They were good! 

We work with them from 9:30 am to 6:30 pm every day.  We often are pooped out!     But we are feeling good to see them learning.   Today they began to memorize the Lord’s Prayer.   We also teach the theology on the Lord’s Prayer.   The materials, like the posters we use, the students love watching.   It is a MUST for them!   Some teachers  (our students) have asked Bud and me about these materials for their deaf schools.  But we don’t have enough of them.  Oh….   The ones we are using now will be given to Rev. David Christudoss when we finish with the workshop as planned.   We never thought about other teachers who wanted these materials.  Oh well…    Some professors, other deaf teachers and leaders came to watch us training the deaf  They were much impressed to see me and Bud to teach.  Bud and I have a great teamwork!

Two times we went to hearing churches to preach and socialize… for the sake of good public relations for Rev. David Christudoss, the pastor for the deaf here.    I was amazed that many VIP around here know David.  I met them and they were very friendly.   Some of them decided to support the Deaf Ministry in the future.  Great! Praise the Lord!   This Saturday I will give a sermon at the chapel at the Concordia Hospital .  I think I will talk about The Great Physician Jesus, because most of the people who will attend the service are doctors, nurses and some professionals.   Well… I think I will be nervous but I must trust in the Holy Spirit for leading me…  Today Bud gave a sermon at the chapel and talked about the seven sins in the Lent season.

Anyway, I talked to deaf students and learned lots from them. Also they learned things from me.   I gave dried deer meat sticks to them. They were amazed that it tasted good, even a professor. Smile. 

A student told me that he ate crows, dogs, and rats.  Some students were amazed!  Me too!   They are the “grassroot” people.  Really it was fantastic when they and I together were talking (using Gestuno).  All of them (the DEAF)  are not allowed to drive.  Very sad.  Their government won’t let them driving, because of their deafness.   I felt so sorry for them.   One brilliant student from north in India showed me his pictures of his very nice car, but he can’t drive it and has to “hire” a hearing driver for him.  That made me sick!   But their careers are pretty good!  Good trade work.   Well.   That is their life!  Not for me.  I must drive a car.  I am spoiled!  You all, too!

One night (Monday?) we went over David’s house and chatted with his family for a while and at the same time I did email my first message to you.    The house really is small but enough manageable!   He is building a small house for his office outside from the family house (not finished yet).   It is in the middle-class neighborhood (yes, in the town).   His wife really is nice and also is a student in our class.   Bud and I could see that David is a soft-heart person for deaf people and a hard-working pastor.  Some deaf people living near him really depend on him for things they can not do.   He is the only pastor for all deaf Lutheran churches in India .  He has been coordinating and scheduling our mission trip here.  We love and respect him!

Soon we will go shopping in the town (Ambur) and later in Chennai in the last week before going back to America .   I can’t wait to see the different shops.  Walking among the people on the streets will be an experience for Bud and me.  Maybe we will ride on an Autorickshaw.  

Oh, it was interesting to see the tomb of St. Thomas , the Apostle and the Doubter,  in Chennai last week.  WOW.  I took some pictures to show later.

Finding time and access to internet is difficult here.  But David said we could find a time for emailing next week.  
