Note:  You may find it interesting what they want to do with the DIT materials
know email has been hard.
We miss you and wish we can talk more!!
Joshua sat for 5 hours to send the emails last time, hopefully this time will be better!
It has been great teaching, but also very hard.
I am learning some of the signs, but would be much easier for me to use the ASL signs – smile.
So we trade, I teach, then they sign in Tamile and two of the other sign systems if needed. It is very frustrating not being able to sign it all in a way the Deaf can understand.   But it is working – smile.
With the Deaf we also have some hearing people.  We have the headmasters of two of the deaf schools, plus several teachers studying with us.
Plus we have one hearing father with two deaf children.  We have talked during the milk tea breaks (11 am and 4 pm).  His "normal" life was destroyed with the birth of his children.  Because of the view of having a deaf child from family and friends, his wife had a nervous breakdown. She continues to suffer with this.  They went through MANY times of trouble and persecution because of his children.  BUT his faith in Jesus brought him through.  That is why he has brought his high school children to our training.  He wants his children to believe in Jesus.  They do not have a deaf church close, so they travel over 3 hours one way - Worship for 3 hours - then 3 hours back home!! Each week!!  He has taken off time to join his children for the two weeks so they can learn together!
I wish more parents of deaf children would have this same faith and want to share it with their children!
Things I am learning:
To see men in skirts – dodies
Almost got run over again – smile
Squatty potties
 Saturday’s update:
 One of the coolest things is people said they will pray for us. After Worship many came up with their Bibles and asked me to add my name. When they read their Bible they pray for the people whose names are in the Bible.
Women in beautiful colored dresses – each day a different color
Men in skirts –
Electricity goes off and on often.
We have a switch outside our room – when we leave it turns off ALL electric in the room – easy
Men and women sitting separate in church
Bowing and greeting all the people – then shaking hands
India is a contrast.  You see the beauty and you see the poverty.  It is a clean, dirty.  Peaceful, noisy.  Green, dry.  Colorful, drab.  All at the same time.  Also hot and humid – over 100 today.
We do a variety of teaching.  Morning is the hard study time – the ones who can read are beginning to help the others. In the afternoon, because it is so hot we change to story telling.
They learn and practice how to sign/drama one of the Bible stories and tell how it applies to our lives. It is much easier when you are active in the heat.
I had time to talk with many of the deaf during our breaks.  They work making shoes, cleaning shops, making machines, and watches.  We saw the place where many deaf work – Titan watch factory in Hosur.  Some of our leaders are from Hosur and Rev. Christudoss is hoping to start a Bible Study with the workers.  Most of the Deaf are able to take off for two weeks to stay with us – YAH!  But we have a few who could not take off.  So they go to work 3rd shift at night – Sleep for a few hours.  Then come and join with the classes during the day time!!!!
We also have one of our deaf only married for 5 months.  He said it is hard being away from his new wife, But she is not able to join with study same as this.  We have decided on Friday we will send him home on the direct bus to his town.  More expensive – but I thank God he came and is staying.
Was very cool experience for me Friday night – We went to a hearing church for Lent Worship after our deaf classes.  The people said they would pray for us.  After Worship many brought their Bible to me and asked to sign my name.  Not my address or other information – only my name – why?  When they read their Bibles and pray they will see my name and pray for us.  COOL!
Things we are seeing:  Most cars and trucks play "back up tunes," when they back up they play music.   Hindu temples all over the place.  Men and women separate sides in church
Sunday’s Update 
Today we went to one of the poorest deaf schools I have seen here.  The children are great – they played and are very happy.  But the headmaster said when it is time to close for the teachers to go home,  many of the children have no place to go. They allow to stay on the school property, but often they are forced to beg on the streets for food.  Our leader students had a great time acting the stories and teaching the deaf children!
Their church has hearing families, plus the deaf children.  The first Worship all the children came too – but no signing.  I later learned they have some hard discussions with the decision to not have signing.  Interesting…I signed the sermon.  After the service the Pastor said it was a great revelation how to sign in the service.  Maybe they saw it can be a good part of the service and not a distraction.
The one hearing father also talked with Rev. Christudoss and myself.  Rev. Christudoss and he have the same idea. They think we can take the DIT materials as Christudoss and the other leaders translate them – record sections on tape – then BROADCAST on television in 15 to 30 minute program.   Teaching the deaf and inviting them to join in the study with us!!!  They are talking about taking their DIT to national TV in India!
Things we see:
Women in their full - hindu dress covering -- (we sat near one woman in full dress to eat, she was eating so she uncovered her mouth.  But every time I looked - she smiled and covered her face – the other people thought this was very funny. She did not cover her face for other people – only me!)
A husband, mother, and 3 children riding on a motorcycle!  A man, woman, and little baby riding on a motorcycle! 
Saw a flying tree frog

Pastor Reinke