General Meeting


International Lutheran Deaf Association
18th Biennial Convention
Hilton Vancouver Metrotown Hotel
Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada
August 4-7, 2005

Thursday, August 4, 2005

ILDA President Pam Kane made a warm welcome to our 18th Biennial ILDA Convention and opened the convention in the name of Father, Son and Holy Spirit. She introduced our President-elect Greg Desrosiers, Secretary Tim Johnston, Treasurer Erika Sipchen who was representing Jim Sipchen, Pastoral Advisor Rev. Mark Seeger and Deaf Ministry Task Force Chairperson, Rev. Bud Palmer. She introduced several interpreters along with some volunteer interpreters from certain colleges for the entire convention.

Pam called Diane Francisco, our Necrology Chairperson, to the floor. She greeted us in the name of Lord and made a request to please pass along the names of deceased members of our Lutheran Church. Pastor Seeger came to the floor with a clarification that first of all we did not pray for those who were already died but instead prayed for their families and friends who grieve over the passing of their beloved ones. Then he made a prayer asking for the spiritual guidance to help us do what He really wanted us to do for the world. Also, he prayed for the families and friends of the deceased people who were members of ILDA and Deaf Lutheran churches in the America.

Opening devotion's bible reading was signed by Greg Desrosiers and the reading was from Acts 1:1-11. Rev. David Neilson continued the devotion about the opportunity to grow in Lord and share Lord's beautiful Word among our beloved family members and friends in Christ as well as others even across the borders with a longstanding hope to join all together in one Heavenly home. Then He signed the closing prayer asking for our eyes to be fixed on the heavenly promise and the opportunity and wisdom to share with others who would not know Him.

President Kane thanked Pastor Neilson for his wonderful devotion. She began the business meeting at 1:30pm.

She also introduced Charles Kotal. She introduced four tellers, Brian Grabler, Jennifer Bonura, Martha Malone, and Craig Majewski. She then introduced committee chairpersons, Elmer Francisco, Right-hand Award, Lester Ahls, Nominating, Erika Sipchen, Missions Projects and Charles Kotal, Scholarship.

The convention minutes from 2003 ILDA Convention was accepted as recorded.

President asked Lester Ahls, Resolutions Chairperson come to the floor and share with us of his comments. Lester Ahls came and shared that he accepted the responsibility to serve on the Resolutions committee and that he had selected two assistants to work with him. Also, Lester is also Nominating Chairperson, too which would have been James Swalley but he was unable to come to the convention. He already asked four qualified people to consider running for the position but they declined. He mentioned about a new motion which would allow the President to have another term. He mentioned about Secretary Tim Johnston to try considering in running for another ­ fourth term if no one would be found to run for that position. There will be more to be nominated until Saturday afternoon. He mentioned that there were couple ones expressing the interest in President-elect and Treasurer positions, as well.

1. Treasurer's Report: Erika Sipchen, who was a representative for Jim Sipchen, came to the floor and gave her report. The total actual income was $23,625.34 and the total actual expense was $23,057.91. $567.43 was the total net income after the expenses. The expected budget for the year of 2005-2007 was shown on the overhead. The expected income would $15,000 just like it was in the two years before 2005. This was determined based on the past activities and accounts that Jim Sipchen believed that the next expected budget to be the same but more realistic. The expected expenses would be the same as $15,000.

2. President's Report: Pam Kane warmly commented that it had been a wonderful experience in serving our ILDA members and appreciated the opportunity for fine Christian fellowship of brothers and sisters who love and serve our Lord. She requested that we need to continue doing that in serving our Lord by sharing Lord's words with others and support each other in Christ. She mentioned that ILDA finances may be declining but not seriously bad so she requested that we continue to remember and contribute our monies generously to support ILDA as well as doing certain fund raising activities to help support ILDA.

3. Treasurer's Audit Report: It was with an apology that this audit report was overlooked so Erika Sipchen came up and showed the audited report on the overhead showing the net total of $701.83 for 2004-2005 as audited last Nov 11, 2004.

Charles Kotal moved to accept the treasurer reports as shared. It was seconded by Lee Ann Kotal. The voting took place. Passed.

4. The Deaf Lutheran Editor's Report: Dave Brown came and gave his report saying that he was happy to be back in the reins as the editor after Melissa Eichler came and helped with three issues before resigning due to her personal and family reasons. She did a wonderful job for one year. He informed us that Fall 2005 issue will be somewhat bit late coming out because of needing to include the information after the Convention in August plus he would have eye surgeries in late August. He shared that DL had been self-supporting ever since with no serious financial difficulties although the subscription had declined from 800 down to 600 newsletters. Pam Kane came and shared words of heartfelt appreciation for David's hard efforts on the newsletters.

5. The Deaf Lutheran Business Manager's Report: Larry Ginter greeted us very warmly. He commented that he continued to enjoy the long and hard work as the business manager for 8 years. He commented that Melissa Eichler served as the editor very well after learning the ropes from David Brown but it was with regret that she had to step down due to personal and family time reasons. Larry was happy that David Brown accepted to return and help. He shared that subscription numbers had declined mostly from LCMS by the number of 100 and some churches as result of financial cutbacks. He shared that he was happy to have small opportunity to make couple travels to help promote DL publication. He informed us if his idea to help fundraise the monies for the DL by selling pens for $1 each.

6. By-laws Committee Chairperson's Report: Greg Desrosiers reported that there was one motion requesting for an additional second term for the President position. The second motion was asking for triennial convention instead of biennial convention. Greg asked Lester Ahls who wrote the first motion to come and explain about the motion.

Lester Ahls and made the honor to the executive council members and brothers and sisters in Christ. He explained that it was time to make a change to the Presidential term to allow for an additional two years. He mentioned that this motion was already written at least 90 days prior to the convention. But it was attempted two years ago but it missed one certain step which was to appear in the Deaf Lutheran newsletter at least 90 days in advance. He read in signs of the written motion to the convention attendees. He asked for the full support to allow the ILDA Constitution to be changed to allow second term of two years for the president. He explained the rationale for having that be changed.

Greg explained the house rule for having up to 3 pros and 3 cons to be discussed and shared. The vote to pass the motion would require a majority of 2/3 votes. Carol Ann Picknell made a motion to close the discussion. It was seconded by Williams Adkins. Pastor Seeger wanted to make the point so he came to the floor cautioning us to take the moment to ponder the new motion without hastening to close and vote upon the motion. He recommended the need to discuss and explain the reasons for the support or disagreement. He felt that it was very important to have a good amount of discussion. Some came and pressed good points in favor of this motion.

One question came up about the motion to be effective for the long duration. Yes, it would become effective from now and on. Couple ones also came and shared points against the motion. There were some more discussions about that motion as the result of raised concerns and points. President shared her view of that motion while reciting the history and the reason that led to that consideration of making that motion which was due to the realization that not many were qualified or expressed the interest to run for the President-elect positon at least 90 days before the convention. That would be only during the unique circumstances.

Charles Kotal moved to close the discussion which was seconded by Carol Seeger. The voting took place to support the closing of the discussion. The vote to support the motion for second President term took place by the secret ballot method.

Linda Desrosiers came to the floor and greeted us as brothers and sisters in Christ to explain few things before the break. She explained about the requests in what banners for the competition needed to be done. Also, she explained about the refreshments during the break times today, tomorrow and Saturday. Today the refreshments would be for free. The refreshments for tomorrow and Saturday will be charged for $5 except for those who already pre-paid for them.

Some came up to the floor sharing some cute jokes and stories.

The result of the secret ballot came. There was 2/3 majority of vote that the motion was passed by 69 to 24.

Delicious refreshment break time took place bit after 3pm. The meeting was resumed at 3:45pm.

Greg Desrosiers informed that there was a second motion made by Donna Wright of Elmshurst, NY. She wanted to make a motion to have ILDA Convention be held every three years starting in the year of 2012 and thereafter. The reason for that motion was to help the costs be better manageable as the result of rising costs. It could be open to a certain number such as every 3 or 5 years. Donna regretted being unable to attend to discuss this motion so she recommended Marion Woods and Pastor Bill Wrede to come and explain more about it. This motion was seconded by Marion Woods.

Then Marion and Pastor Wrede came and explained three reasons: 1. be able to manage rising costs with extra time to save more money for next convention; 2. be able to attend other organization's convention or event without having to overspend or miss; 3. be able to afford more financial contributions towards the ILDA Missions Projects' funds. There were several discussions raised by some conventioneers as well as questions being asked to be clarified. Then Greg emphasized the house rules in having 3 pros and 3 cons to be discussed on the floor. Some came and presented their supporting or opposing arguments.

Voting by secret ballots took place. Jokes were shared. The result of the vote came and the motion for triennial convention was failed by 22 to 68.

7. Missons Projects Chairperson's report: Erika Sipchen gave the report that the missions project goal was successfully reached by 83% as we collected $21,741.42 while the target goal was $26,000. She shared that the board of directors met and discussed about the proposed mission projects funds. The proposed mission project listing was shown as follows:

Proposed 2005-2007 Missions Projects

1. Ghanda ­ Lutheran Deaf School - $7,000
2. Starfish Deaf Learning Center - $4,800
3. India Outreach Training - $2,000
4. Rev. Leber Deaf Lutheran Youth Camp - $1,500
5. Youth Service Project - $5,000
6. VBS, Sunday School, After School Education - $7,000
Total - $27,300

Carol Seeger, TX, moved to accept the proposed 2005-2007 Missions Projects as listed. It was seconded by Delores Erlandson, WI. Passed.

8. Resolutions: Pam Kane mentioned that Lester Ahls who would be chairing the Resolutions Committee. He chose two assistants who were Rev. Ron Friedrich and Deacon Charles Kotal.

9. 2003 Convention Host's Report: John Krause came to the floor on behalf of Mark Johnson who was unable to attend. He mentioned that the convention was a wonderful success and that so many enjoyed it. The number of registrants was 321 and everything was planned, recorded and audited very well. He thanked for the wonderful attendance and support of their convention.

President Kane informed us that the meeting would be put on hold till Saturday morning at 8:30 am as the meeting would be shorter and nearly done. There will be election of new officers as well. She requested that those who would be interested to run for the officer position to please inform Lester Ahls of the interest.

The meeting was put on hold at 4:40pm.

Saturday, August 6, 2005

The business meeting was resumed at 8:40 am.

President Kane greeted with good morning message in Christ. She called the Nominating chairperson to come to the floor. She also hoped that the business meeting could be done in the morning so no need to continue the meeting in the afternoon.

10. Nominating Report: Lester Ahls came to the floor. It was not expected that he would be handling this duty but he was willing to continue what was attempted by past President James Swallory as he attempted to get to his full good health. He shared about the thought of making the motion to give another second term for the President position which he felt to be a very good one. He shared the brief history on how that motion was being attempted. There was some discussions and clarifications being made to show how this procedure would work in allowing the President continue the second term by vote.

a. President: John Mason, MD nominated (seconded by Ruth Foster, Montana) Pam Kane to be re-elected as President for the second term. Pam Kane accepted. (Lester Ahls repeated in explaining how important that this matter be taken into sincere consideration on account of the need in having a well-qualified person to be the President.) Pam Kane came to the floor sharing her goals of why she would like to continue her term so that way she could complete more of the ILDA agenda and goals. She answered the question of what was the unfinished goal(s). She wanted to stay on top of seeing some unfinished business matters relating to Missions Project items and financial contributions that were given to ILDA so these generous contributions could wisely be put in good use towards the mission of spreading God's Words. Couple questions were asked and Pam Kane gave her answers about the ILDA position and issues. It was called to re-focus on nomination matter. Secret ballot voting took place. The vote came in the favor to have Pam Kane be remained as our ILDA President for another two more years.

b. President-elect: No need to nominate anyone because Greg Desrosiers will remain being the President-elect since Pam Kane was re-elected as ILDA President.

c. Secretary: Greg Desrosiers nominated to have Tim Johnston for the position for fourth term. Tim responded with uncertainty but wanted to give others the opportunity to be nominated first. It was indicated that Tim would consider being re-elected for the position if no one showed the interest. Martha Malone, TX nominated Jennifer Bonura, TX. Jennifer Bonura accepted. Few others were nominated but they declined. One proposed to accept Jennifer Bonura as the Secretary by acclamation. No one opposed. Tim was asked by Lester Ahls to cast Jennifer Bonura. Tim came to the floor and casted Jennifer Bonura as the next Secretary for ILDA 2005-07.

d. Treasurer: Both John Krause and Erika Sipchen were nominated. Each came to the floor and explained their experiences and goals. Secret ballot vote took place. John Krause won the election to be the next Treasurer.

e. Pastoral Advisor: Pastors Mark Seeger, David Neilson and Matt Nix were nominated and they accepted. Some other pastors were nominated but they declined. Delores Erlandson, WI, proposed to close the nomination and it was seconded by Barry Dischinger, NY. All three pastors were called to the floor to share their comments and goals. The vote came in but it was necessary to re-cast for either Pastor Seeger or Pastor Neilson as both came in a close tie. The final vote result will be announced at 4:30pm.

The business meeting was put on hold at 10:15 am until 4:30pm.

The meeting was resumed at 4:44pm.

The announcement of our next Pastoral Advisor for 2005-07 was Pastor Mark Seeger. It was also another close vote.

11. Scholarship Chairperson's Report: Charles Kotal greeted us and informed us that he had been chairing the committee for ten years. He felt blessed to have served us. He had two two people who would received the scholarship. Mark Larsen of St. Louis would be one of recipients of the $1,000 scholarships. He had been involved very much involved with Deaf Ministry. He was starting to lose some hearing every since. Another recipient was Pat Munroe who was studying to become a deaconess and was recently involved with the missionary team to Ghana, Africa.

12. 2009 ILDA Host Report: Pam announced that Rochester, NY will be the host site for our next 2009 ILDA Convention. Everything was going very well. The approval was already in the place for Alpha Deaf Lutheran Church in Rochester, NY to host the convention.

13. Resolutions Report: It was announced that resolutions for 2005 ILDA Convention were continuing to be in the works. Please see the attached sheet on the Resolutions. There were 5 resolutions and all of them were approved. Passed.

14. Old Business: There was no old business items.

15. New Business:

Pastor Mark Seeger came to the floor to explain about the need to have someone come to the floor to make a motion to get $8,000 be deducted from Scholarship Fund which had $36,000 so that $8,000 can be added to $12,000 which was already donated to ILDA in the memory of Mina Stringer. Then with the combined $20,000, we could ask Mill Neck Foundation to make a match of $20,000 so we could have a total of $40,000 to help us develop and create various kinds of Biblical/Lutheran teachings and materials for our deaf youth of all levels from toddler to high school age.

Motion #1: Carol Ann Picknell, IL (seconded by Craig Majewski, OH) made a motion to have $8,000 be deducted from Scholarship fund. There were several clarifications, concerns and points being made from several. Passed.

Greg Desrosiers proposed to close the new business section. It was seconded by William Adkins, IL. President Pam Kane closed the business meeting in the name of Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The meeting was adjourned at 5:20pm.

Respectfully submitted in Christ with love,

Tim Johnston
ILDA Secretary

Note: It was with appreciation and gratitude for your love, support and belief that enabled me to serve ILDA and our great Lord as your ILDA Secretary for the last 3 terms from 1999 to 2005. Thank you once again for your support and prayer! -- Tim Johnston