ILDAInternational Lutheran Deaf Association

Article V
Regional Presidents

 Section A – Representation

The president of each regional ILDA branch shall represent the region on the ILDA Board of Directors.

Section B – Responsibilities

1.      Regional presidents shall attend all ILDA Board of Directors meetings at the expense of the ILDA and, in the event the regional president cannot attend a Board meeting, he/she shall choose another officer in the region to serve as proxy. He/she must submit written reports at each Board meeting on:

a.      Regional news, conferences, plans, etc. They should also prepare a copy for The Deaf Lutheran editor.

b.      Significant events in congregations and preaching stations in his/her regions which includes pastoral calls and vacancies.

c.      The ILDA convention plans if one is scheduled to be held in his/her region.

2.      Regional presidents shall be responsible for introducing and carrying out the programs, projects and plans of the ILDA in their regions.

3.      Regional presidents shall make every attempt possible to:

a.      Inspire participation in the ILDA among the congregations, fields, deaf Lutherans, the persons involved in pastoral ministry and others in their regions.

b.      Present the ILDA purposes, programs, projects, plans and goals and obtain financial support for the ILDA.

c.      Communicate the messages of the ILDA in every available media of the region.

4.      The Regional presidents shall annually meet with the ILDA representative from each deaf congregation and/or field for the purpose of communicating the messages of the ILDA and inspiring support and participation.

a.      The Regional presidents shall communicate annually with the regional pastoral advisor and the congregational representatives via Internet like e-mail or Instant Messaging or Chat Room.

b.      These meetings shall be for the purpose of coordinating the ILDA efforts with those of the region, implementing special programs and projects into their regions to meet specific needs and study ways and means to raise funds for the ILDA and the region.

5.      Regional presidents shall conduct the administration and activities of the ILDA in their region in a Christian manner.

6.      They shall report to:

a.      The Board of Directors on all ILDA activities in their region.

b.      Their regional conference giving the highlights of the ILDA convention.

7.      The Regional presidents or their representative(s) shall attend the ILDA convention and represent their regions.

8.      In general, the regional president shall introduce the ILDA programs, projects and plans into the region and communicate all the hopes, desires and grievances of the region to the ILDA.

9.      The regional president shall send articles and stories to the editor of The Deaf Lutheran regularly.

10. The regional president shall serve on special committees as appointed by the ILDA president.

11. The regional president shall vote, by mail, promptly on concerns before the ILDA when asked to do so by the ILDA president.

12. The regional president shall check and be alert that his/her regional constitution is in harmony with that of the ILDA, especially in matters of conference schedules.

13. Travel reimbursements will be based on the cheapest round-trip air fare available (Supersaver or Tourist). Transportation by car qualifies for reimbursement as the cheapest air fare quote.

14. The regional president shall communicate with the ILDA president each quarter, preferably on March 1st, June 1st, September 1st and December 1st, by letter email, fax, or video communication device.

Section C – Election

1.      Each congregation shall be encouraged to submit nominations for each office, in writing, prior to the regional conference.

2.      The regional president shall be elected by a majority vote at the regional conference from a list of candidates submitted by the congregations and fields of that region.

3.      The regional presidents are to be installed at their regional meetings. They will be recognized during the closing worship service at the following ILDA convention.



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