ILDAInternational Lutheran Deaf Association

Article XII
The Executive Council

Section A – Powers

1.      The Executive Council shall not fill any vacancies on the Board of Directors or commit the ILDA to any expenditures in excess of the approved budget.

2.      The Executive Council may poll the Board of Directors in writing between the ILDA meetings for the Board’s directions.

3.      The chairman of the Executive Council shall report all its business and actions to the ILDA Board of Directors.

4.      The Executive Council shall prepare the agenda with resolutions for the Board of Directors meetings.

Section B – Meetings

1.      Meetings of the Executive Council shall be called by the ILDA president or may be called at the request of no less than three members of the Executive Council writing to the president.

2.      Notice of all Executive Council meetings shall be mailed to each member on the Council at least sixty (60) days prior to the date of the meeting by the ILDA secretary.

3.      The president or the president-elect and three (3) members of the Executive Council shall constitute a quorum, and an affirmative vote of the majority of those present at the meeting shall be required for action by the Council.


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