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INTROIT: The person standing strong in faith to the end will be saved.  Lord, YOU found pleasure in YOUR land; YOU give success again to JACOB.  YOU forgave all the wrong doings of YOUR people, and covered all their sins.  YOU took-away all YOUR anger and you changed from YOUR hot anger.  Change us, O God of our salvation; stop YOUR anger to us.  Show us YOUR mercy, O Lord, and give us YOUR salvation.

COLLECT: O Lord, forgive YOUR people for all their sins that happened in weakness, then save us with YOUR great goodness.  We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, YOUR Son, our Lord.  Jesus lives and reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit, eternally one God.  Amen.

MALACHI 2:1-2, 4-10
     1.  The Lord says to the priests, "This command is for you:
     2.  You must honor ME in all your doings.  If you will not attend to the things I say, then I will punish you.  I will curse your earnings.  Truly I finished cursed your earnings, because you don't honor MY commands.
     4.  Then you will know that I gave you this command, so that MY agreement with your father LEVI will not get broken.
     5.  In MY agreement I promised to your fathers life and health, and I gave to them these things, so that your fathers could respect ME.  In the past your fathers truly respected and loved ME.
     6.  Your fathers taught correct things, not wrong things.  They lived in peace with God.  They did correct themselves, and helped many people stop doing bad.
     7.  The priests should teach the correct knowledge of God.  People should go to the priests for learning MY wishes, because the priests are the announcers for the Lord Almighty.
     8.  But now you priests turn-away from the correct way.  Your teaching leads many people to do wrong.  You broke the agreement I made with you.
     9.  Now, I will make the people of God hate you, because you don't obey MY wishes; and happens you teach MY people, you don't act equally to all people.
    10.  Do we all have the same Father?  Did the same God make all of us?  Then why do we break our promises to one-another, and why do we hate the agreement that God made with our fathers in the past?"

     8.  Because we loved you, we were ready to share with you both the Good Story from God and share our own lives.
     9.  You remember, Christian friends, we worked day and night for our food and clothes, while we preached the Good Story to you, so that you would not be burdened with us.
    10.  You know, and God knows, that our behavior was always pure and correct without blame.
    11.  Same-as a father helps his children, you know that we wanted to help you and comfort you.
    12.  We urged you to live pleasing God, because God wants you to share in HIS kingdom and glory.
    13.  We always thank God, because you believed after you heard the word of God from us.  That was not man's words, but it was truly God's word.  And this word is working in the hearts of you believers.

GRADUAL: These people came out of the great troubles in the world, and washed their clothes in the blood of the Lamb and made them white.  Happy are people trusting in YOU, and attending their life to YOUR heaven.

MATTHEW 23:1-12
     1.  Then Jesus spoke to the many people and to HIS friends.
     2.  "The Law teachers and the proud religious people have authority to explain the Law of MOSES.
     3.  You obey the things they tell you to do, but don't copy the things they do, because they do differently from the things they say.
     4.  They burden the people with very great demands, but they themselves don't try to obey.
     5.  Everything they do, they want people to notice them.  They have words from the Holy Writings written in large words on paper and tie that on their left arms or tie that around their heads, and they have very fancy trimmings on their robes.
     6.  They like to sit in the important seat at big suppers, and they like to sit in-front-of the Jewish church.
     7.  They like to have people show respect to them while they stand in the center of town, and they like to be named 'Teacher.'
     8.  But you must not name anyone chief teacher, because you all have only one teacher, and each one of you are the same-as brothers.
     9.  You must not name any man here on earth your "heavenly Father," because you have only one heavenly Father, and that is God.
    10.  You must not name anyone "leader," because Christ is your only true Leader.
    11.  The greatest person among you is the person that serves you.
    12.  The person thinking himself important, will find himself truly worthless.  The person showing himself humble, will find himself truly important."

INTROIT: Forgiveness comes from YOU, O God, now we can honor YOU.  O Lord, hear my prayer, attend to my prayer for mercy; because YOU are faithful and righteous answer my prayer.  My hands I stretch-out to YOU; my soul is thirsty for YOU same-as dry ground.  Hurry to answer me, Lord; my spirit eagerly waits; don't hide YOUR face from me, or I will become same-as people in the grave.  Save me from my enemies, Lord; I trust in YOU.  Because of YOUR name, Lord, make me strong again; in YOUR righteousness become happy to lead my soul from trouble.

COLLECT: Almighty and ever-living God, YOU gave great and important promises to people believing in YOU, help us to believe without doubting in YOUR Son Jesus Christ that our faith can grow strong.  We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, YOUR Son, our Lord.  Jesus lives and reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit, eternally one God.  Amen.

     1.  A short time after JEHOIAKIM, son of JOSIAH, became king of the Jewish nation, the Lord said to JEREMIAH,
     2.  "Stand in-front-of the temple and announce everything I, God, command you to say to the people coming from the towns of the Jewish nation to worship at the temple.  Give to the people the full announcement; don't remove one word.
     3.  Maybe the people will listen and stop their ways.  Then I, God, will change MY mind about the destruction I plan for them because of all their bad deeds.
     4.  Tell the people the Lord says, 'I, the Lord. in the past said that you must obey ME by following the teaching I gave to you, and by attending to the words of MY servants, the prophets, that I continually sent to you.
     5.  You never obeyed the words of the prophets.
     6.  If you continue not obeying, then I will destroy this temple the same-as I destroyed the tent church at SHILOH, and I will make JERUSALEM a curse word in every nation of the earth.'"

     7.  So, in all our trouble and suffering we receive courage from your faith.
     8.  Because now we really live if you stay strong in your faith in the Lord.
     9.  Now we can give thanks to God for you.  We thank HIM for the joy we receive from you.
    10.  Day and night we ask HIM with all our heart to let us see you face-to-face and give you strength for your faith.
    11.  May our God and Father HIMSELF, and our Lord Jesus, prepare the way for us to come to you!
    12.  May the Lord make your love for one-another and for all people grow more and more and become as great as our love for you.
    13.  In this way HE will make your hearts strong, and you will be perfect and holy in-front-of our God and Father on the day our Lord Jesus comes with all HIS believers.

GRADUAL: These people came out of the great troubles in the world, and washed their clothes in the blood of the Lamb and made them white.  Happy are people trusting in YOU, and attending their life to YOUR heaven.

MATTHEW 24:1-14
     1.  After Jesus walked out-of the temple, HIS friends came and they looked-at all the temple buildings.
     2.  Jesus said, "Yes, you see all these things?  You can look-at them now, but I tell you honestly; not one stone will stay built here, but all will be collapsed."
     3.  Happened Jesus sat-down on the Mount of OLIVES, HIS friends came to HIm alone and said, "Tell us, when will that happen, and how will we know the day YOU are coming again and the world will end?"
     4.  Jesus answered, "Watch and don't let anyone fool you.
     5.  Because many people will come to you using MY name and saying, 'I am Christ,' and many people will be fooled.
     6.  You will hear the noise of wars near-by and the announcement of wars far-away; but listen, don't be troubled.  These things must happen, but that doesn't mean that the end is here.
     7.  Nations will fight against one-another; kings will fight one-another.  There will be hunger and earthquakes everywhere.
     8.  All these things are the same-as the first pains of childbirth.
     9.  Then you will be given to people that will make you suffer, and they will kill you, and all nations will hate you because you love ME.  Many people will give-up their faith at that time.
    10.  And betray one-another and hate one-another.
    11.  Many false prophets will come and lead many people astray.
    12.  And because bad happenings will grow more and more, love will disappear from most people.
    13.  But you be patient to the end, and you will be saved.
    14.  This Good Story of the kingdom must be preached all over the world, so that all nations hear the truth, and then the end will happen."

INTROIT: We are eagerly watching for the new sky and the new earth, the home for the righteous people.  Show me, O Lord, the end of my life and how-many days; let me know that my life is quick.  YOU made my days on earth a few; all my years pass quickly in-front-of YOU.  Every person's life is quick same-as a breath.  But now, Lord, what is my future?  I trust in YOU.  Save me from all my wrong doings; don't let my enemies laugh at me.  Hear my prayer, O Lord, attend to my prayer for mercy; look-on my tears.

COLLECT: Lord God, heavenly Father, we ask YOU to send YOUR Son to lead home HIS bride, the Church, that all us believers can enter YOUR eternal kingdom.   We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, YOUR Son, our Lord.  Jesus lives and reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit, eternally one God.  Amen.

EZEKIEL 34:11-16, 23-24
    11.  The Lord God says: "I will search and find MY sheep.
    12.  I will be the same-as a shepherd searching for his sheep group.  I will find MY sheep and save them from all places they scattered in that dark and sad day.
    13.  I will lead them from far-away countries and lead them to their own place.  I will lead them again to the mountains and streams in ISRAEL and will feed them in pleasant places.
    14.  Yes, I will give MY sheep good food on the hills of ISRAEL.  They will rest in peace and eat sweet food.
    15.  I MYSELF will be the Shepherd for MY sheep, and I will find them a place to rest in peace," says the Lord God.
    16.  "I will seek MY lost sheep, those sheep straying-away, and carry them home again.  I will comfort those hurting and heal the sick sheep.  I will destroy the powerful, fat shepherds; because I am a Shepherd doing correct.
    23.  I will give them a Shepherd the same-as MY servant DAVID.  HE will feed them and be their one Shepherd.
    24.  I, the Lord, will be their God, and a Shepherd the same-as MY servant DAVID will be their leader.  I, the Lord, promise this."

    20.  This is true: Christ arose from death, and that is the proof that those now sleeping in death will also arise to life.
    21.  Death happened because of one man - ADAM.  In the same way arising from death happens because of one man - Jesus.
    22.  Now all people die because we are joined-to ADAM.  In the same way people joined-to Christ will  arise to life.
    23.  This happens first, second, third...Christ arose first.  Then happens Christ comes again, all people joined-to Christ will live again.  Then the end will happen.
    24.  Christ will defeat all kings and every power and every spiritual authority, and then HE will give the kingdom to God the Father.
    25.  Because Christ must reign until God defeats all enemies and puts them under the reign of Christ.
    26.  The last enemy to be destroyed is death.
    27.  For the Holy Writings says:  "God put all things under HIS reign."  This is clear... the words 'all things' doesn't mean God HIMSELF.  HE puts all things under Christ.
    28.  But after all things finished given under the reign of Christ, then the Son will give HIMSELF under the reign of God the Father.  And God will be King over everyone.

GRADUAL: These people came out of the great troubles in the world, and washed their clothes in the blood of the Lamb and made them white.  Happy are people trusting in YOU, and attending their life to YOUR heaven.

MATTHEW 25:31-46
    31.  Jesus said, "Happens the Son of Man comes same-as King with all the angels, HE will sit on HIS throne of glory.
    32.  All people of every nation will meet in-front-of HIM.  Then HE will divide them into two groups, the same-as a shepherd divides the sheep from the goats.
    33.  The sheep on the right; the goats on the left.
    34.  Then the King will say to the people on the right: 'You are blessed by MY Father!  Come and receive the kingdom HE prepared for you, since the beginning of the world.
    35.  I was hungry and you fed ME; thirsty and you gave ME drink.
    36.  I was a stranger and you welcomed ME into your homes; naked and you gave ME clothes.  I was sick and you take-care-of ME; in prison and you visited ME.'
    37.  The righteous people will then answer HIM: 'Lord, when did we see YOU hungry and feed YOU, or thirsty and give YOU drink?
    38.  When did we see YOU a stranger and welcome YOU into our homes, or naked and give YOU clothes?
    39.  When did we see YOU sick or in prison and visit YOU?  Truly we don't remember!'
    40.  The King will answer: 'I tell you honestly, these people may seem not important to you, but you did these good things to them.  And therefore, you did those good things to ME.'
    41.  Then the King will say to those people on the left: 'Leave ME, because you are cursed.  Away to the eternal fire prepared for the Devil and his angels!
    42.  I was hungry and you refused to feed ME.  I was thirsty and you never gve ME a drink.
    43.  I was a stranger and you didn't welcome ME.  I was naked and you never gave ME clothes.  I was sick and in prison, but you refused to take-care-of ME.'
    44.  Then they will answer HIM: 'Lord, when did we see YOU hungry, or thirsty, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and when did we refuse to help YOU?  Truly that never happened!"
    45.  The King will answer them: 'I tell you honestly, some of these people didn't seem important to you, and you refused to help them.  The same you refused to help ME.'
    46.  These will leave to eternal punishment, and the righteous people will go to eternal life."

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