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INTROIT: Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of the faithful people, and begin in them YOUR exciting love.  Praise God!  O Lord, how-many are YOUR works; with wisdom YOU made everything; the earth is full of YOUR things.  All these wait for YOU to give them food at the correct time.  Happens YOU give to them, then they eat.  Happens YOU send YOUR Spirit, then they begin to live, and YOU make new all-over the earth.

COLLECT: O God, on this day YOU taught the hearts of YOUR faithful people by sending the light of YOUR Holy Spirit to them.  Give to us today the same Spirit that we will have a correct understanding in all things and always enjoy the Holy Spirit's comfort.  We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, YOUR Son, our Lord.  Jesus lives and reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit, eternally one God.  Amen.

EZEKIEL 37:1-14
     1.  The Lord touched me with HIS hand and by the Spirit HE-carried-me-away and set-me-down in the middle-of a valley, that place was-full with BONES.
     2.  HE led me up-and-down among those BONES.  Many were-lying on the floor of the valley and they were very dry.
     3.  HE asked me, "Son of man. Can these BONES become alive?"  I answered, "Lord God, YOU know."
     4.  HE told me, "Speak prophecy about these BONES and say, 'You dry BONES, you listen to the Word of the Lord, listen!
     5.  The Lord God says this to these BONES: I will make breath enter you and you will live.
     6.  I will join YOUR MUSCLES and meat will grow on you, and I will cover you with skin and give-you breath and you will live and know I am the Lord."
     7.  I spoke the prophesy same-as God commanded me.  While I spoke the prophesy, I heard a noise, the BONES joining together.
     8.  I saw MUSCLES growing on them and meat and skin covering them, but no breath came to them. Not-yet.
     9.  God said to me, "Speak prophesy to the breath.  Son of man, say to the breath, 'The Lord God says this: Come from the east, west, north and south.  O wind, come and breaths on these dead people and they will live.''
    10.  Then I spoke the prophesy same-as God commanded and breath entered them and they stood-up - a very large army group.
    11.  Then HE said to me, "Son of man, these BONES are all the people of ISRAEL.  They say: Our BONES are dry and our hope is all-gone, we are cut-off from our God.
    12.  Now, speak prophesy and tell them, 'The Lord says this: I will open your graves and you will arise out-of your graves, you MY people, and I will lead you to the land of ISRAEL.
    13.  Then you will know I am the Lord happens your garves open and you arise, O MY people.
    14.  And I will give MY Spirit in you, and you will live.  And you will make your home in your-own land.  And you will know that I the Lord your God said this and did this -- The Lord finished spoke.'"

ACTS 2:22-36
    22.  My Jewish friends, listen to my words: Jesus from the city NAZARETH was a very special man.  God clearly showed this to you.  God proved this by the powerful and surprising things HE did through Jesus.  You all saw these things.  Now you know this is true.
    23.  God gave Jesus to you, and you killed him.  With the help of bad men, you nailed Jesus to the cross.  But God knew all this would happen.  This was God's plan that HE made long ago.
    24.  Jesus suffered the pains of death, but God made HIM free.  God made Jesus arise from death, because death can't hold Jesus.
    25.  DAVID spoke about Jesus: "I saw the Lord always in-front-of me; because HE is near my right side to protect me.
    26.  Now my heart is happy, and my mouth spoke words of happiness.  Yes, also my body will live in hope;
    27.  Because YOU will not leave me in the grave.  YOU will not let the body of YOUR Holy Son become destroyed and melt-away.
    28.  YOU taught me the way to live.  YOU came near to me, and I felt happy."
    29.  My friends, I can truly tell you about DAVID, our father.   DAVID died and buried.  His grave is still here with us today.
    30.  DAVID was a prophet and knew something God said.  God promised DAVID that HE would make a person from DAVID'S family to be a king same-as DAVID.
    31.  DAVID knew that before it happened.  That is the reason DAVID said these words: 'HE didn't stay dead.  HIS body didn't stay in the grave."  DAVID spoke about Christ arising from death.
    32.  Now Jesus is the One God arose from death, not DAVID!  We are all WITNESSES.  We saw HIM!
    33.  Jesus ascended to heaven.  Now Jesus is with God, near God's right side.  The Father now gives the Holy Spirit to Jesus.  The Holy Spirit is God's promise, and now Jesus gave the Spirit to us.  This you see and hear.
    34.  DAVID was-not the one ascended to heaven.  Jesus ascended to heaven.  DAVID himself said: 'The Lord God said to my Lord: Sit near MY right side.
    35.  I will put your enemies under your reign.'
    36.  Now all the people in ISRAEL know this truly: God made Jesus our Lord and Christ.  Jesus is the man you nailed to the cross!"

GRADUAL: I will give MY Spirit to all people.  Your sons and daughters will speak prophesy.  With the heart a person believes and becomes holy, and with the mouth the person confesses and is saved.

JOHN 7:37-39
    37.  The last day of the celebration was the most important day.  On that day Jesus stood-up and spoke loudly, "If you are thirsty, come to ME and drink.
    38.  The Holy Writings say, 'If you believe in ME, then from your heart will flow living water.'"
    39.  Jesus meant that those believing in HIM would receive the Holy Spirit.

INTROIT: Praise to the Holy Trinity.  Let us give glory to God, because HE shows mercy to us.  Give to the Lord, you strong people, give glory and power.  Give to the Lord the glory for HIS name; worship the holy Lord.  The Lord's voice is powerful; HIS voice is beautiful.  The Lord reigns over the waters; the Lord reigns our King forever.  The Lord gives strength to HIS people, the Lord blesses HIS people with peace.

COLLECT: Almighty God our Father, YOU reign with honor and wisdom.  YOU give new life to YOUR people through YOUR eternal Spirit.  And YOU show YOUR glory through YOUR Son, Jesus Christ.  Take-away our doubt.  Take-away our fear.  Help us worship YOU, with YOUR Son and Spirit, One God, living and reigning forever.  Amen.

     4.  ISRAEL remember!  The Lord - only the Lord - is our God.
     5.  Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength.
     6   Never forget these commands that I give you today.
     7.  Teach them to your children.  Talk about them while you  are at home, or away from home.  Talk about them while you rest and work.
     8.  Tie them on your finger.  Put them on your foreheads for reminding people.
     9.  Write them on the doors of your houses!

ROMANS 8:14-17
    14.  The true children of God are those people letting God's Spirit lead them.
    15.  The Spirit that we received is not a spirit making us fear again.  The Spirit that we received makes us children of God, and with that Spirit we say, "Father, dear Father."
    16.  And the Holy Spirit joins with our spirit to name us God's children.
    17.  If we are God's children, then we will get the blessings God gives to HIS people.  We will get these things from God.  We will receive those blessings together with Christ.  But we must suffer the same-as Christ suffered. Then we will have glory the same-as Christ has glory.

GRADUAL: The Lord is great and deserves all praise; no one can understand HIS greatness.  I will think about YOUR wonderful works, and I will announce YOUR great deeds.

JOHN 3:1-17
     1.  NICODEMUS was a Law teacher and a leader of the Jews.
     2.  He came to Jesus during the night and said, "Lord, we know YOU are a teacher and God sent YOU.  No man can do these wonderful things except God is with that man."
     3.  Jesus answered him, "Honestly, I tell you; except a man be-born again, he cannot enter the kingdom of God."
     4.  NICODEMUS said, "How can a man be-born again after he is old?  Can he enter his mother's WOMB a second time and be-born?"
     5.  Jesus answered, "Honestly, I tell you; except a man be-born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God.
     6.  Body gives-birth to body.  And spirit gives-birth to spirit.
     7.  Don't worry because I said to you, "You must be-born again."
     8.  The wind blows anyplace it wants;  and you hear the noise, but you don't-know the place the wind began or the place the wind stops.  Everyone in the new birth of the Spirit is the same."
     9.  NICODEMUS answered, "How can these things happen?"
    10.  Jesus said, "You are a teacher in ISRAEL and you don't-know these things?"
    11.  Honestly, I tell you; we now speak the things we know, and we now WITNESS about the things we see.  And you don't accept our WITNESS.
    12.  If I spoke about earthly things to you, and you don't believe; how will you heavenly things I tell you?
    13.  And no one ascended to heaven except the Son of Man, and HE came-down from heaven.
    14.  And the same-as MOSES lifted-up the snake in the dry country; also people must lift-up the Son of Man;
    15.  Then all believing in HIM will have eternal life.
    16.  Because God loved the world so much that God gave HIS only Son so-that everyone believing in HIM will not die, but have eternal life.
    17.  Because God didn't send HIS Son into the world to judge the world, but to save the world."

INTROIT: Become for me strong rock, a hiding place for me, O Lord.  O YOUR goodness is great, that goodness YOU prepared for those people honoring YOU, that YOU give to those people trusting in YOU in-front-of all people.  O, love the Lord, all you HIS holy people, the Lord protects HIS faithful people; but the Lord gives the correct payment to the proud people.  Become brave and let your heart become strong, all you people hoping in the Lord.

COLLECT: O God, YOUR wisdom reigns all things in heaven and earth, we ask YOU to take-away all things that hurt us and give us those things profitable to us.  We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, YOUR Son, our Lord.  Jesus lives and reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit, eternally one God.  Amen.

    12.  Remember the rest day and keep that day holy, same-as the Lord commanded you must.
    13.  You have six days for doing all your work;
    14.  But the seventh day is a special rest day for the Lord, your God.  Don't do any work - not you, not your son, not your daughter, not your man-or-woman servant, not your cow, not your donkey, not any of your animals, not the visitor living in your city.  Your slaves must have rest the same-as you.
    15.  You must remember, in the past you were slaves in the country EGYPT and I, the Lord your God, brought you out from that place with MY great power and strength; that is the reason I, the Lord your God, command you must keep MY rest day.

     5.  You see, we don't preach about ourselves, but we preach Jesus Christ is Lord, and we are your servants because of Jesus.
     6.  God said, "Let light shine in the dark," and God shined HIS light in our hearts to let us know HIS glory same-as we see the face of Jesus.
     7.  We have this good story, and we are the same-as JARS - weak - to show that great power comes from God and not from us.
     8.  We are often troubled, but don't give-up; sometimes we doubt, but never stop believing; we have many enemies, but we always have friends; sometimes people hurt us, but we are not killed.
     9.  All the time we are crucified with Jesus so-that you can see Jesus alive in us.
    10.  Through all our lives we are always near to death because of Jesus.
    11.  So-that in our dying bodies you can see the living Jesus.
    12.  Now death is working in us, but life is working in you.

GRADUAL: The Lord is great and deserves all praise; no one can understand HIS greatness.  I will think about YOUR wonderful works, and I will announce YOUR great deeds.

MARK 2:23-28
    23.  Jesus walked through WHEAT fields on the worship day.  While HIS friends walked, they picked some WHEAT.
    24.  The Jewish Law Teachers told Jesus, "See YOUR friends are breaking the law about the worship day."
    25.  Jesus answered, "Did you ever read about DAVID and his soldiers, that time happened they needed something to eat?
    26.  DAVID went into God's house and ate the bread from the altar.  That happened while ABIATHAR was high priest.  And DAVID gave some bread to his soldiers."
    27.  And Jesus said, "God made the worship day for man; God didn't make the man for the worship day.
    28.  The Son of Man reigns over the worship day."

INTROIT: Anyone giving a thank-offering honors ME, and prepares the way that I can show God's salvation.  Our mighty God and Lord speaks to the earth from sunrise to sunset.  "Listen, MY people, and I will speak; O ISRAEL, I will speak against you.  I am God, your God.  I accept you no-matter your gifts and offerings put in-front-of ME.  I don't need your cow or your goats, because every animal in the forest is MINE, and the cows on a thousand hills are MINE.  Bring thank-offerings to God and remember your promises to HIM, and pray to ME in the day of trouble; I will help you, and you will honor ME."

COLLECT: O God, all good things come from YOU, help YOUR humble servants to think the things correct and with YOUR holy guidance help us to do those things.  We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, YOUR Son, our Lord.  Jesus lives and reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit, eternally one God.  Amen.

GENESIS 3:9-15
     9.  The Lord God called the man, "ADAM, where are you?"
    10.  Man answered, "I heard YOU walking among the trees; I was-afraid and I hid, because I was-naked."
    11.  And God asked, ""Who explained you were-naked?  You finished ate from the tree that I told you don't eat?"
    12.  ADAM said, "The woman YOU gave to stay with me, she gave me from the tree and, Yes, I ate."
    13.  The Lord God said to the woman, "What you do?"  The woman answered, "The snake cheated me and I ate."
    14.  Then the Lord God said to the devil-snake, "Because you did this, you will become the most hated animal at home or out in the fields.  You must slither and eat dirt same-as long you live.
    15.  I will make you and the woman hate one-another; and your children will hate her Son; HE will crush your head, and you will hurt HIS foot.

    13.  The Holy Writings says, "I spoke because I believed."  We have the same spiritual faith, and now we speak because we believe.
    14.  We know that God arose Jesus from death, and God will arise us also with Jesus and bring us all together in-front-of HIS throne.
    15.  All this will help you that God's love will spread to more and more people, and then the people will be filled with thanks to the glory of God.
    16.  That is the reason we aren't discouraged.  No, no-matter our bodies are slowly dying, still our soul is made new every-day.
    17.  This small and short time trouble we suffer now is preparing us for a wonderful and eternal glory in heaven, yes also much greater than all our troubles.
    18.  We don't look at the things that are seen, but we look at the things that aren't seen.  The things we see with our eyes stop only a short time, but the things we see with our faith stays forever.

GRADUAL: The Lord is great and deserves all praise; no one can understand HIS greatness.  I will think about YOUR wonderful works, and I will announce YOUR great deeds.

MARK 3:20-35
    20.  Then Jesus went home. Again a large group came and Jesus and HIS friends had no time to eat.
    21.  Happened that HIS family heard about that, the family went to get Jesus to come home, because some people began to say that Jesus was-crazy.
    22.  Some teachers of the law came from the city JERUSALEM and said, "Jesus has BEELZEBUB the devil in HIM."  Other people said, "The king of the devils helps Jesus to chase the bad spirits out-of people."
    23.  Now Jesus called the people together and told a story, "How can the king devil chase out bad spirits?
    24.  If a nation divides into two groups and fights one-another, that nation will collapse.
    25.  If a family divides into two groups and fight one-another, that family will collapse.
    26.  And now if the king devil fights against the bad spirits, the devil's kingdom will not stay, but will be destroyed.
    27.  No one can go into a strong man's house and steal his things except first he goes and ties-up the strong man.  Then he can steal from his house.
    28.  I tell you honestly, I will forgive anyone all his sins and all the bad things he maybe says.
    29.  But anyone that speaks bad things against the Holy Spirit will never get forgiveness, because he did an eternal sin."
    30.  Jesus said this because some people said Jesus had a bad spirit in HIM.
    31.  Jesus' mother and brothers came.  They stood outside the house and sent someone to ask Jesus to come-out.
    32.  The group of people sitting around Jesus told Jesus that HIS mother and brothers were-outside and wanted to see HIM.
    33.  Jesus answered, "Who is MY mother?  Who is MY brother?"
    34.  Jesus looked-around at the people sitting in the house and said, "Here is MY mother and brothers.
    35.  Anyone that obeys God's commands, that is MY brother, sister, and mother."

INTROIT: Serve the Lord with happiness; come in-front-of HIM with singing.  Shout with happiness to the Lord, all things on earth.  Serve the Lord with happiness; come in-front-of HIM with singing.  Know that the Lord is God; HE made us and we didn't make ourselves.  We are HIS people and HIS holy sheep.  Enter HIS gates with thanksgiving, and enter HIS house with praise.  Give thanks to HIM and praise HIS name.  Because the Lord is good; HIS mercy stays forever, and HIS faithfulness continues forever.

COLLECT: Almighty and eternal God, give us an increase of faith, hope, and love, that we can receive the things YOU promised; and make us to love YOUR commands.  We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, YOUR Son, our Lord.  Jesus lives and reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit, eternally one God.  Amen.

EZEKIEL 17:22-24
    22.  God says, "I will take the highest branch from the tall CEDAR tree; and I will cut the newest TWIG from the end of that branch; and I will put that on a high and large mountain.
    23.  I will put that on the highest mountain in ISRAEL.  And that TWIG will grow and grow and give FRUIT.  It will truly become a tall CEDAR tree.  Among that new tree's branches will live many different birds.  The birds will live around that tree.
    24.  And all trees in the field will know that I, the Lord, pushed-over the high tree.  I made the small tree become high.  I made the green tree become dry, and I made the dry tree grow-expand.  I, the Lord, spoke and did that."

     1.  We know that our body - that we use here on earth - will be destroyed.  Happens our body is destroyed, then God will have a home for us.  Not a home made by people.  Our home will be in heaven and that will continue forever.
     2.  But now we are tired of this body.  We want God to give us our heavenly home.
     3.  HE will clothe us and we will not be-naked.
     4.  While we live in this body, we have burdens and we complain.  We don't-want to be-naked.  We want to be-clothed in our heavenly home.  Then happens this body dies, then we will be fully clothed for eternal life.
     5.  God made that for us, and HE gave us the Holy Spirit same-as a promise - a proof that HE will give us a new life.
     6.  And now we are full of courage.  We know that since we are living in this body, we are separate from the Lord.
     7.  We live by trusting Jesus without seeing HIM.
     8.  We are full of courage and prefer to depart from this body and go live with the Lord.
     9.  Now whether we live here or in heaven we want to please God.
    10.  We must all stand in-front-of the judgment throne of Christ.  Each person will get paid according to the things he did - good or bad.

GRADUAL: The Lord is great and deserves all praise; no one can understand HIS greatness.  I will think about YOUR wonderful works, and I will announce YOUR great deeds.

MARK 4:26-34
    26.  Jesus said, "God's kingdom is the same-as a man throwing seeds on the ground.
    27.  The man sleeps at night and wakes-up in the morning.  At the same time the seed grows, but the man doesn't understand how.
    28.  The ground makes the seed grow and blossom; first the green leaf, then the small food, and finally the full grown WHEAT.
    29.  Happens the WHEAT is ready, the man starts to work to pick the good WHEAT."
    30.  Jesus said, "What can we say about God's kingdom?  What comparison story can we tell?
    31.  God's kingdom is the same-as a tiny MUSTARD seed.  That is the smallest of all seeds in the world.
    32.  A man takes that seed and puts that in the ground, and it grows to become a large tree.  It grows large that birds come and make homes in the branches."
    33.  Jesus told many comparison stories to teach the people God's word.  Jesus told them only the things they could understand.
    34.  Jesus always spoke to the people with comparison stories.  But happened that Jesus was alone with HIS friends, Jesus explained everything to them.

INTROIT: The Lord is my light and my Savior; I will fear nothing.  One thing I asked the Lord, and I searched; that I can live in the house of the lord all the days of my life; and to see the beauty of the Lord, and enter HIS temple.  Because in the day of trouble HE will hide me in HIS room; HE will hide me in HIS secret house; HE will put me high on a rock.  Then I will be above all my enemies; I will shout with happiness in HIS house; I will sing praises to the Lord.

COLLECT: O Lord, YOU always guide and reign over those people that love and worship YOU, make us always honor and worship YOUR holy name.  We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, YOUR Son, our Lord.  Jesus lives and reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit, eternally one God.  Amen.

JOB 38:1-11
     1.  Then the wind came and the Lord spoke to the man JOB from the wind.
     2.  "Why do you talk ignorant words and doubt MY counsel?
     3.  Now stand-up same-as a man, because I will ask and you must answer.
     4.  Where were-you living happen I established the earth?  Tell me, if you are smart enough?
     5.  Who decided the measurements of the earth?  Who checked the measurements?  Truly you know!
     6.  What supports the foundation of the earth?
     7.  Who put the corner-stone while the morning stars sang together and all the angels shouted with happiness? Who?
     8.  Who decided the limits of the seas, then the water overflowed from the deep places.
     9.  Who gave the clouds and darkness,
    10.  And decided to stop the sea; and who said,
    11.  'You will come to here and no more, and your proud waves will stop here.'  Who decided? Who?"

    14.  Christ's love reigns us because we believe that Jesus died for all people, and now all people died with Jesus.
    15.  Jesus died for all people that those living should no more live to please themselves, but to please Jesus, because Jesus died and arose again for them.
    16.  No more can we think about anyone only same-as a sinner.  Maybe once before we thought about Christ same-as a man, but not anymore.
    17.  If anyone believes in Christ, that person becomes new.  The old life is finished.  That person lives anew.
    18.  All this is from God.  Through Christ God made peace between us and himself.  And God gave us the work of bringing people into peace with HIM.
    19.  I mean that God was in Christ making peace between the world and HIMSELF.  God didn't blame the people with their sins.  And HE gave us the words of peace to tell people.
    20.  Now we are sent to speak for Christ.  God is calling people through us.  We speak for Christ while we ask you to make peace with God.
    21.  Christ had no sin.  But God made Jesus suffer for all sins.  God did that for us, then in Christ we can become correct with God.

GRADUAL: The Lord is great and deserves all praise; no one can understand HIS greatness.  I will think about YOUR wonderful works, and I will announce YOUR great deeds.

MARK 4:35-41
    35.  In the evening Jesus told HIS friends, "Let go-across the lake."
    36.  They left the group of people and entered the boat.  Other boats also went with them.
    37.  A very strong wind pushed the waves into the boat, and the boat began to fill with water.
    38.  Jesus slept in the boat with HIS head on a pillow.  The   friends woke-up Jesus and said, "Teacher, we will die.  YOU take-care us?"
    39.  Jesus stood-up and ordered  the wind and waves to stop, "Be-calm!" and immediately it was calm.
    40.  Then Jesus said to HIS friends, "Why are you afraid?  You not-yet learn to trust ME?"
    41.  His friends were-surprised and said to one-another, "Who is Jesus?  The wind and waves obey HIM."

INTROIT: Lord, hear my prayers; show mercy to me and answer me.  The Lord is my light and my Savior; I will fear nothing.  The Lord gives strength to my life; I will not be-afraid.  Don't hide YOUR face from me; don't push-away YOUR servant in anger. You always helped me; don't throw-away me, O God my Savior.

COLLECT: O God, YOU prepared for YOUR people good things above our understanding, pour into our hearts much love that we can receive YOUR promises.  We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, YOUR Son, our Lord.  Jesus lives and reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit, eternally one God.  Amen.

    22.  The Lord shows kindness; we are not-yet destroyed, because HIS mercies are not-yet finished.
    23.  HIS mercies are new every morning.  HE always keeps HIS promises.
    24.  My soul says, "The Lord is my share, and now I hope in HIM."
    25.  The Lord is good to those that trust HIM;  the Lord is good to anyone that seeks HIM.
    26.  It is good to wait quietly for the Lord to save us.
    27.  It is good for a young man to be under strict control,
    28.  Because it makes him sit separately in silence under the Lord's demands.
    29.  He humbles himself laying with his face in the dirt, because he still maybe will find hope.
    30.  Let him offer his cheek to him striking him, and patiently accept their awful insults.
    31.  Because the Lord will not throw-out him forver.
    32.  No-matter the Lord permits grief, HE will show mercy - HE is full-of kindness.
    33.  HE doesn't enjoy hurting anyone or making people suffer.

II CORINTHIANS 8:1-9, 13-14
     1.  We want you, friends, to know the spiritual blessings of God showing in the church groups in the country MACEDONIA.
     2.  No-matter hard troubles happened to them, their much happiness made those people give with kindness, no-matter they were very poor.
     3.  I myself saw, they gave all they can, yes, more than they could.
     4.  With eagerness they wanted to share in giving help to God's people.
     5.  They did much more than we hoped, first in obedience to God's wishes they gave themselves to the Lord and to us.
     6.  Now we urged TITUS, he began this work among you to continue it and help you finish this special deed of love.
     7.  You people are above in many ways - you have much faith, word, knowledge, much eagerness to help, and much love for us.  You must succeed in this work of kindness, too.
     8.  We don't order you, but by showing other people eager to help, we want to prove your love is honest, too.
     9.  You know the love of our Lord Jesus Christ - no-matter HE was rich, HE became poor for you that because HE became poor, you can become rich.
    13.  We aren't trying to make others free and give you heavy responsibility, but to be equal.
    14.  Because you have plenty at this time, it is only equal that you should help those people in need.  Later the things they don't need will help you.  That will make all things equal.

GRADUAL: The Lord is great and deserves all praise; no one can understand HIS greatness.  I will think about YOUR wonderful works, and I will announce YOUR great deeds.

MARK 5:21-24, 35-43
    21.  Happened Jesus went across to the west side of the lake, a group of people came around HIM.  Jesus stood near the water.
    22.  One of the Jewish church leaders came to Jesus.  His name was JAIRUS.  He saw Jesus and knelt in-front-of HIM.
    23.  JAIRUS asked Jesus eagerly, "My daughter is near death.  Come and put YOUR hand on her and make her alive and healthy."
    24.  Then Jesus went with him.
    35.  Some people from JAIRUS' house met them and said, "Your daughter is dead.  Don't bother the Teacher any more."
    36.  But happened that Jesus heard that, He said to JAIRUS, "Fear not; only believe."
    37.  And Jesus let only PETER, JAMES, and JOHN go with HIM.
    38.  They entered JAIRUS' house and HE saw much confusion - people crying loudly.
    39.  Jesus entered and asked, "Why all this confusion and crying?  The child didn't die but is sleeping."
    40.  The people laughed at HIM.  HE sent-out the people, lead the father and mother and three friends, and went into the girl's room.
    41.  And Jesus took the girl's hand and said, "Little girl, I tell you stand-up."
    42.  And immediately the little girl stood-up and walked.  She was twelve years-old.  The people were all surprised.
    43.  Jesus gave them strict orders that no one should know about this.  HE said to give her something to eat.

INTROIT: Because-of YOUR name, Lord, make me strong again; in YOUR righteousness happily lead my soul from trouble.  Lord, hear my prayer, attend to my words; because YOU are faithful, answer me in YOUR righteousness. Don't judge YOUR servant, because in YOUR sight no person is holy.  Happen morning begins, show mercy to me; because I trust YOU.

COLLECT: Lord, YOU reign over everything that happens in the world, let us in YOUR Church serve YOU in peace and quietness.  We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, YOUR Son, our Lord.  Jesus lives and reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit, eternally one God.  Amen.

     1.  God told me, "Son of man, stand-up and I will talk to you."
     2.  While the Lord spoke to me, the Holy Spirit entered me and made me stand-up, and I heard HIM speak to me,
     3.  "Son of man, I send you to the people ISRAEL.  That nation rebels against ME.  They and their fathers continue sinning against ME until today.
     4.  They are stubborn and brave to oppose ME.  I send you to them.  Tell them, 'The Lord God says this.'
     5.  No-matter they listen or don't listen; this group of rebels will know I sent a prophet among them."

     7.  To stop me from feeling proud because I experienced such wonderful things, God permitted me bitter bodily pain, the devil's angel to bother me and stop me from becoming proud.
     8.  Three times I prayed the Lord to take-away my pain;
     9.  But HE told me, "MY love is enough for you.  MY power is strongest while you are weak."  I will find happiness and pride in my weaknesses that Christ's power will come and stay on me.
    10.  Now I am eager to boast about my weaknesses, insults, hard times, persecutions, and difficulties for Christ.  Because while I am weak, then I am truly strong.

GRADUAL:  The Lord is great and deserves all praise; no one can understand HIS greatness.  I will think about YOUR wonderful works, and I will announce YOUR great deeds.

MARK 6:1-6
     1.  Departing from that area Jesus went to HIS home-town; and HIS friends went with HIM.
     2.  On Saturday Jesus taught in the Jewish church; and many listening to HIM were- surprised. "Where did this Man get all this knowledge?  What wonderful works HE does?
     3.  Truly HE is the carpenter's son; Son of MARY and brother of JAMES, JOSEPH, JUDAS, and SIMON?  His sisters live here with us?"  They refused to believe in HIM.
     4.  Jesus told them, "A prophet gets no honor in his home-town among his family and friends."
     5.  HE could do no wonderful works there except HE put HIS hands on a few sick people and made them healthy.
     6.  Jesus was-surprised the way they refused to believe HIM.  HE walked through the nearby towns teaching.

INTROIT: O, taste and see that the Lord is good;  happy is the person trusting in HIM.  The Lord chose Mt. ZION; HE wants that for HIS living place.  This is MY resting place forever; here I will live, because I wanted that.  I will truly bless you with much food;  I will satisfy the poor people with bread.  I will give salvation to the priests, and the holy people will sing with happiness.

COLLECT: O almighty and most merciful God, in YOUR great goodness protect us from all things that maybe would hurt us, then we will be ready in body and soul to happily do all the things YOU wish.  We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, YOUR Son, our Lord.  Jesus lives and reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit, eternally one God.  Amen.

AMOS 7:10-15
    10.  Then AMAZIAH, the priest of the city BETHEL, sent someone to tell the king of ISRAEL, named JEROBOAM, "AMOS plans bad things against you among the people of ISRAEL.  The nation is fed-up and can't accept another word of judgment from him."
    11.  "What does he say?" "He says, 'The sword will kill JEROBOAM, and ISRAEL will depart from the land into slavery.'"
    12.  Then AMAZIAH said to AMOS, "You prophet, go escape to JUDAH and eat your bread there, and speak your prophesy words there;
    13.  But never again speak prophesy in the city of BETHEL, because here is the holy place of the king, and here the king lives."
    14.  But AMOS answered AMAZIAH, "I am not a prophet, and I am not involved with the group of prophets.  But I am a shepherd, and I take-care of SYCAMORE trees.
    15.  But the Lord lead me from following the sheep, and the Lord told me, 'Go speak prophesy to MY people Israel.'"

     3.  Let us praise the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.  God blessed us through Jesus with every spiritual blessing from heaven.
     4.  God did the kindness HE planned to do; before God made the world, God loved us.
     5.  God chose us to become HIS children through Jesus Christ.  God chose us to become holy and innocent in-front-of HIM.
     6.  Let us praise God for HIS glorious love and for the free gift of HIS dear Son.
     7.  Through the death of Jesus we are free and our sins are forgiven.
     8.  God poured HIS great love to us and gave us much wisdom and understanding.
     9.  God did the thing HE planned and told us the secret plan God had through Jesus.
    10.  God's plan at the correct time is to bring everything in heaven and earth under the reign of Christ the King.
    11.  All things happen following God's plan; and God chose us to become HIS people through Christ same-as God planned in the past.
    12.  Let us, then, praise God's glory because we were the first to believe in Christ.
    13.  Happen you heard the word of truth, the Good Story of salvation, you believed in Christ, and God chose you, and God gave you the Holy Spirit same-as HE promised.
    14.  The Holy Spirit is the proof that God makes you HIS free people.  Let us praise HIS glory!

GRADUAL:  The Lord is great and deserves all praise; no one can understand HIS greatness.  I will think about YOUR wonderful works, and I will announce YOUR great deeds.

MARK 6:7-13
     7.  Jesus called HIS friends and sent them out by twos.  Jesus gave them power over the bad spirits.
     8.  Jesus ordered them, "Don't take anything with you on the way except a walking stick - no bread, no bag, no money in your pocket.
     9.  Use sandals, but don't bring a second coat."
    10.  Jesus told HIS friends, "If people welcome you into their home, stay in that house until you depart from town.
    11.  If you arrive at a town and no one welcomes you and they will not listen to you, depart from that place and ignore it, same-as a warning to them."
    12.  Now Jesus' friends departed and preached that people should show sorrow for their sins.
    13.  They commanded the bad spirits out-of people and poured perfume on many sick people and made them healthy.

INTROIT: YOUR word is a light for my feet to show the way.  Teach me YOUR way, O lord, and I will walk following YOUR true word; let my heart honor YOUR name.  I will praise YOU, O Lord, with all my heart; and I will give glory to YOUR name forever.  Because YOUR mercy to me is wonderful; and YOU saved my soul from the depths of hell.

COLLECT: O Lord, give us YOUR Holy Spirit to think and do always those things pleasing in YOUR sight that we can live agreeing with YOUR holy wishes.  We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, YOUR Son, our Lord.  Jesus lives and reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit, eternally one God.  Amen.

     1.  The Lord says, "Warning to the shepherds that destroy and scatter MY sheep."
     2.  The Lord God of ISRAEL speaks to the shepherds taking-care of HIS people, "You don't take-care of them. Notice! I will punish you because of your bad deeds.
     3.  I will bring together those MY people left from all nations in the past.  I sent them, and I will bring them again to their-own home and I will bless them and they will increase in larger groups.
     4.  I will choose responsible shepherds to take-care of them.  They will fear no more, and none will be lost." says the Lord God.
     5.  "Notice!" says the Lord God, "the day is coming near that I will put a righteous person on the throne of King DAVID.  HE will reign same-as a true King with wisdom and justice and honestly in the nation.
     6.  In that day JUDAH will be-saved, and ISRAEL will live in peace.  And HIS name will be: The Lord our Righteousness."

    13.  Once you were far-away from God, but now believing in Jesus you are near to God because of Jesus' death.
    14.  Jesus brought us peace, and made the Jew and non-Jew together same-as one group by breaking the enemies that separated them.
    15.  Jesus cancelled the Jewish Law with all the rules, so-that Jesus can make one new group from the Jews and non-Jews.
    16.  By dying on the cross Jesus destroyed the enemy and joined the two groups together into one group of God's people.
    17.  Now Jews came and preached the Good Story of peace  to you non-Jews that before were far-away from God, and to us Jews that before were near God.
    18.  It is through Christ that all of us come by the Holy Spirit in-front-of God the Father.
    19.  Then you are no more foreigners or strangers; you are part of God's nation, members of God's family.
    20.  Your foundation is on Jesus' friends and prophets and on Christ Jesus HIMSELF the chief corner-stone.
    21.  Jesus keeps the nation together and that grows to become a holy temple of the Lord.
    22.  In Jesus you, too, are part of HIS nation with other people to become the home place that God lives through the Holy Spirit.

GRADUAL:  The Lord is great and deserves all praise; no one can understand HIS greatness.  I will think about YOUR wonderful works, and I will announce YOUR great deeds.

MARK 6:30-34
    30.  Jesus' friends sat around HIM, and Jesus told everything they did and taught.
    31.  Jesus said, "Let us depart by ourselves alone and rest for-a-while," because many people came and went and they had no time to eat.
    32.  They all departed in a boat by themselves to a private place.
    33.  But many people saw them depart and knew them and ran from all the towns nearby and arrived before Jesus and HIS friends.
    34.  Happened that Jesus stepped-out-of the boat, Jesus saw the large group of people and felt sorry for them, because the people were the same-as sheep without a shepherd.  Jesus began to teach the people many things.

INTROIT: YOU are righteous, O Lord, and YOUR judgments are correct.  Oh, I love much YOUR teaching; all day I study YOUR word.  YOUR commandments make me wise-most than my enemies, because I always remember the commandments.  Truly YOUR words are sweet, more sweet than the taste of HONEY.  YOUR word shines on my feet and lights my way.  O Lord, accept the praise I offer and teach me YOUR laws.  Your words I love forever, because that brings happiness to my heart.

COLLECT: O God, YOU protect those people trusting in YOU, only YOU are holy and strong, increase YOUR mercy to us that with YOUR leading and reigning over us we will live through our earthly troubles and not lose our eternal gifts.  We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, YOUR Son, our Lord.  Jesus lives and reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit, eternally one God.  Amen.

EXODUS 24:3-11
     3.  MOSES went and told the people all the Lord spoke and all HIS rules.  And the people ISRAEL answered together, "We promise we will obey every one of those rules."
     4.  Now MOSES wrote everything the Lord commanded.  Then the next morning built an altar near the mountain with twelve PILLARS around the holy table because ISRAEL had twelve groups.
     5.  Then MOSES sent young ISRAELITE men to offer to the Lord burnt animals and to kill cows for peace gifts.
     6.  Half the blood of these animals MOSES saved in bowls; the other half he sprinkled on the altar.
     7.  And MOSES read for the people the book of God's rules and the people listened; and they answered, "All the things the Lord commanded, we will obediently do."
     8.  Then MOSES took the blood and sprinkled that on the people and said, "This is the blood that shows the agreement the Lord made with you while HE gave you all these rules.
     9.  MOSES, AARON, NADAB, ABITHU and seventy leaders of the Jewish people went-up the mountain.
    10.  And they saw the God of ISRAEL and under God's feet was a street of shining diamond stomes, clear same-as the sky.
    11.  No-matter the leaders saw God, they didn't die; and they ate and drank together in-front-of the Lord.

EPHESIANS 4:1-7, 11-16
     1.  Now I myself am in jail because-of the Lord.  And I tell you, walk in the right way, because HIS call wants that and God HIMSELF called you.
     2.  Remain patient with one-another in love, with all humbleness and kindness and with long patience.
     3.  Show eagerness to stay together with the Spirit in peace.
     4.  We have one group and one Spirit, same-as God called you to that one hope of your calling.
     5.  One Lord, one faith, one baptism.
     6.  One God and Father of all.  God is over all and through all and in all things.
     7.  God's gifts are given to each of us in different ways same-as Christ shares the gifts.
    11.  Christ gave HIS gifts to people.  Some became followers; some became prophets; some became preachers; some became teachers and leaders.
    12.  These gifts gave help to Christians in their work for God and to help Jesus' Church become strong.
    13.  All of us have the same belief and knowledge about Jesus.  We are full grown Christians copying the life of Jesus.
    14.  Then we will not do same-as children any more.  Children are the same-as boats-back-and-forth in the waves, following the wind.  People with a weak faith are the same-as children, listening to false teachers trying to make them beleve lies.
    15.  But we must believe the true teachings with love in our hearts.  We must grow-up and become the same-as Jesus.  HE is the leader of the Church.
    16.  Christ put each part of HIS Church in the correct place.  Each part helps other parts.  This is needed to keep all the Church together.  In this way the whole Church grows strong in love.

GRADUAL: The Lord is great and deserves all praise; no one can understand HIS greatness.  I will think about YOUR wonderful works, and I will announce YOUR great deeds.

JOHN 6:1-15
     1.  Then Jesus went across the sea GALILEE, also named TIBERIAS.
     2.  A large group of people followed Jesus, because they saw the wonderful things Jesus did to the sick people.
     3.  Jesus went-up a mountain and sat-down with HIS friends.
     4.  And the Jewish celebration named PASSOVER time was near.
     5.  Then Jesus looked and saw the large group of people coming, and Jesus said to PHILIP, "Where can we buy bread?  Then these people can eat."
     6.  Jesus said that to test PHILIP, because Jesus HIMSELF knew the future happenings.
     7.  PHILIP answered, "Two hundred coins will not buy enough bread to let all of these people eat a little-bit."
     8.  One of Jesus' friends named ANDREW, brother of SIMON PETER, said to Jesus,
     9.  "Here is a boy with five bread cakes and two small fish; but that's not enough for all these people."
    10.  Jesus said, "Tell the people to sit-down."  Now much grass was around that place.  Then about five thousand men sat-down.
    11.  Then Jesus took the bread and gave-thanks and gave to those people sitting there.  Also Jesus gave the fish the same.  The people ate everything they wanted.
    12.  After they ate enough, Jesus said to HIS friends, "Gather-up all the food the people didn't eat.  We will waste nothing."
    13.  Then from the five bread cakes the friends gathered-up twelve baskets of food that the people didn't eat.
    14.  Happened the people saw the wonderful thing Jesus did, they said, "Truly, Jesus is the Prophet from God come into the world."
    15.  Then Jesus knew the people were ready to come and make Jesus a king.  Now Jesus departed and went-up into the mountain alone.

INTROIT: Don't stay far-away from me, O God; come quick to help me, O God.  Listen all you people; listen all you living in the world, both leaders and followers, both rich and poor.  I will speak words of wisdom; from my heart will come words of understanding.  I will listen to the wise saying, and I will sing the words and play- the-harp.

COLLECT: O Lord, let YOUR continual mercy cleanse and defend YOUR Church; and because the Church can't continue without YOUR help, protect and reign over the Church with YOUR goodness.  We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, YOUR Son, our Lord.  Jesus lives and reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit, eternally one God.  Amen.

EXODUS 16:2-15
     2.  In the dry country the whole group complained against MOSES and AARON.
     3.  "We wish the Lord killed us in EGYPT, because there we could sit-down and eat meat and have all the food we wanted.  But you brought us into this dry country to become hungry to death, all of us."
     4.  Then the Lord said to MOSES, "I will send you bread same-as rain from heaven.  And I will test the people to see IF they will do the things I tell them or not.  Every-day the people will go-out and pick-up only enough bread for that day.
     5.  But on the sixth day they will pick-up double bread, and bring home enough for two days."
     6.  MOSES and AARON said to the people of ISRAEL, "This evening you will know the Lord lead you out-of EGYPT,
     7.  And in the morning you will see the glory of the Lord, because HE heard you complain against the Lord.  Understand, your complaining is not against us - Who are we?"
     8.  MOSES said, "This evening the Lord will give you meat to eat and in the morning all the bread you want, because the Lord heard you complain against HIM.  Who are we?  Your complaint is against the Lord, not against us?"
     9.  MOSES said to AARON, "Tell all the people of ISRAEL: 'Come in-front-of the Lord, because HE heard you complain.'"
    10.  But then, while AARON talked to all the people of ISRAEL, they looked to the dry country and saw the Lord's glory coming in a cloud.
    11.  The Lord said to MOSES,
    12.  "I heard ISRAEL complain.  Tell them in the evening you will eat meat and in the morning you will get all the bread you want, and then you will know that I, the Lord, am your God."
    13.  That evening QUAIL birds came and covered the place.  In the morning a DEW, wetness, was all-over the ground.
    14.  And happened the DEW  dryed and became small and FLAKY same-as white FROST.
    15.  The people saw that and asked one-another, "What is that?", because they didn't-know about that.  MOSES told them, "That is the bread the Lord gives you to eat."

    17.  In the Lord's name I say this and warn you; don't live any more same-as people of the world; their minds are on worth-less things.
    18.  Their understanding is darkened.  Their ignorance and closed minds separated them from the life of God.
    19.  They lost all feeling of shame; they give themselves to hungers and do all different bad things.
    20.  You didn't learn that from Christ.
    21.  You heard about Jesus, and in Jesus you learned the truth.
    22.  Take-off your old life that follows the way of hungers and destroys you.
    23.  Let the Spirit make you new in your mind.
    24.  And put-on the new life that is made same-as God, and is righteous and holy in the true life.

GRADUAL: God's riches are very great!  God's wisdom and knowledge have no end!  No person can explain the things God decides.  No person can understand God's ways.  God made all things.  And everything continues through God and for God.  To God give glory forever! Amen.

JOHN 6:24-35
    24.  Happened the people saw that Jesus and HIS friends were not there, the people entered boats and went to the city CAPERNAUM searching-for Jesus.
    25.  The people found Jesus and asked, "Teacher, when did YOU arrive here?"
    26.  Jesus answered, "I tell you honestly, you search-for ME because you ate bread and had enough, not because you understood MY works of power.
    27.  Don't work for food that becomes bad; but work for food that stays for eternal life.  The Son of Man will give you this food because God the Father gave ME the power to give this food."
    28.  The people asked Jesus, "What works does God want us to do?"
    29.  Jesus answered, "God wants you to believe the Savior God sent."
    30.  The people asked, "What show of power will YOU do that we can see and believe in YOU?  What will YOU do?
    31.  Our fathers ate the bread in the dry country, as the Holy Writings say, 'God gave them bread from heaven to eat.'"
    32.  Jesus said to them, "I tell you honestly, MOSES didn't give you the bread from heaven, but MY Father gives you the true bread from heaven.
    33.  God's bread comes-down from heaven and gives life to the world."
    34.  The people asked, "Lord, give us this bread."
    35.  Jesus told them, "I am the Bread of Life.  Come to ME, and you will never be-hungry.  Believe in ME, and you will never be-thirsty."

INTROIT: YOU open-YOUR-hands and satisfy everything that lives.  I will praise the Lord always; I will speak words of praise forever.  I searched-for the Lord and HE answered me and saved me from all my fears.  The people looked at HIM and became shining, and their faces didn't become ashamed.  This humble person shouted, and the Lord heard, and saved him from all trouble.  The angel of the Lord stands near the people honoring HIM and saves them.  O taste see that the Lord is good;  happy is the person trusting in HIM.

COLLECT: Almighty and eternal God, YOU are always more ready to hear than we are to pray, and YOU are always ready to give more than we want or earn, now pour-down on us YOUR great mercy, forgiving us all things bothering us and giving us all the good things for our life.  We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, YOUR Son, our Lord.  Jesus lives and reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit, eternally one God.  Amen.

I KINGS 19:4-8
     4.  Alone ELIJAH walked one full day through a lonesome country.  He saw a tree and sat-down and wished himself dead.  He said, "I'm finished, Lord.  Take-away my life.  I want to die same-as my fathers."
     5.  Then he lay-down under the tree and slept.  And angel came and touched him.  "Arise and eat," the angel said to ELIJAH.
     6.  Then ELIJAH looked and saw some bread baking on hot stones and a jar of water. He ate and drank and lay-down again.
     7.  The angel came again and touched him. "Arise and eat more or your travels will be-hard on you."
     8.  He arose and ate and drank.  With strength from that food he continued forty days and nights until he arrived at God's mountain named HOREB.

EPHESIANS 4:30 - 5:2
    30.  And don't make God's Spirit sad; the Spirit is the proof that you are-joined to God, and that day will come and God will free you.
    31.  Take-away all bad feeling, temper, anger, yelling, mockery and every way of hurting other people.
    32.  Instead, show kindness to one-another, loving and forgiving one-another same-as God forgives you in Christ.
   5:1.  Because you are God's dear children, try to become the same-as God.
     2.  Your life must be reigned by love, the same-as Christ loved us and gave HIS life for us same-as a sweet smelling offering and gift to God.

GRADUAL: God's riches are very great!  God's wisdom and knowledge have no end!  No person can explain the things God decides.  No person can understand God's ways.  God made all things.  And everything continues through God and for God.  To God give glory forever! Amen.

JOHN 6:41-51
    41.  The Jews complained because Jesus said, "I am the bread that came-down from heaven."
    42.  The people said, "This man is Jesus, the son of JOSEPH, correct?  We know HIS mother and father.  How can Jesus say that HE came-down from heaven?"
    43.  Jesus answered, "Stop complaining among yourselves.
    44.  A person can come to ME only if the Father HIMSELF brings him.  Then I will bring him to heaven on the last day.
    45.  The prophets wrote, 'God will teach everyone.  And everyone that listens to the Father and learns from God will come to ME.'
    46.  This doesn't mean that anyone finished saw the Father; only I finished saw the Father because I came from God.
    47.  I tell you honestly, if you believe, you will have eternal life.
    48.  I am the Bread of Life.
    49.  Your fathers ate the bread in the dry country, and they died.
    50.  But I am the Bread that came-down from heaven that nayone eating MY bread will not die.
    51.  I am the living Bread coming-down from heaven.  If anyone eats this bread, he will live forever.  The bread that I will give is MY body, and I give it that the world will have eternal life.

INTROIT: The eyes of all things wait for YOU, and YOU give them food at the correct time.  O honor the Lord, you HIS holy people; because the people honoring HIM have everything they want.  Lions maybe become weak and hungry, but people searching-for the Lord will not become weak and hungry.  Come, you children, listen to me; I will teach you to honor the Lord.  Drop sin and do good; seek and follow peace.  The eyes of the Lord watch-over the righteous people, and HIS ears listen to their prayers.

COLLECT: Merciful Father, because YOU gave YOUR only Son to die for our sin, also give us thankful hearts for that forgiving work and then to follow Jesus' way.  We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, YOUR Son, our Lord.  Jesus lives and reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit, eternally one God.  Amen.

     1.  Wisdom built a house and set-up seven PILLARS.
     2.  Wisdom prepared meat and wine and made ready the table.
     3.  Wisdom sent-away the servants and announced from the highest place in the city:
     4.  "Who is ignorant?  Come, come." If you don't understand, wisdom says,
     5.  "Come, eat my bread, and drink the wine I prepared.
     6.  Depart ignorant people and begin to live; walk the road that leads to understanding."

    15.  Then you walk carefully.  Don't walk same-as ignorant people, but same-as wise people.
    16.  Use time wisely, because the days are bad.
    17.  Now, don't stay foolish, but correctly understand the wishes of the Lord.
    18.  Don't get-drunk with wine, because that destroys you, but become full with the Spirit.
    19.  Speak to one-another with PSALMS and songs and spiritual songs.  Now sing and give praise to the Lord in your hearts.
    20.  Always give thanks to HIM for all things in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.  HE is God and Father.

GRADUAL: God's riches are very great!  God's wisdom and knowledge have no end!  No person can explain the things God decides.  No person can understand God's ways.  God made all things.  And everything continues through God and for God.  To God give glory forever! Amen.

JOHN 6:51-58
    51.  Jesus said, "I am the living bread.  I came-down from heaven.  If anyone eats this bread, that person will live forever.  And more than that.  The bread that I give is MY body that I will give for the life of the world."
    52.  Then the Jewish people quarreled with one-another.  "How can Jesus give us HIS body for food?"
    53.  Jesus answered, "I tell you honestly, if you don't eat the body and drink the blood of the Son of Man, you will not have eternal life.
    54.  If you truly eat MY body and drink MY blood you will have eternal life, and I will arise you to heaven on the last day.
    55.  MY body is the true food and MY blood is the true drink.
    56.  If you eat MY body and drink MY blood, you live with ME and I live with you.
    57.  The living Father sent ME.  Now the Father gave ME eternal life;  the same, if you eat MY body and drink MY blood, I will give you eternal life.
    58.  This, then, is the bread that came-down from heaven.  Not the same bread your fathers ate, MANNA, while your fathers travelled, that bread didn't give eternal life.  You come eat this body and blood and you will live forever."

INTROIT: Honor and glorious strength are HIS.  But we will praise the Lord from now to forever.  Praise the Lord!  Praise the Lord, all you nations; praise HIM, all you people.  Because HIS love is great, and HIS faithfulness stays forever.  Praise the Lord!

COLLECT: O almighty God, with YOU we have eternal life, help us to know Jesus, the Way, the Truth, and the Life.  Then following Jesus we will walk the way that leads to eternal life.  We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, YOUR Son, our Lord.  Jesus lives and reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit, eternally one God.  Amen.

JOSHUA 24:1-2, 14-18
     1.  JOSHUA called together all the twelve groups of ISRAEL at the place named SHECHEM, then he called the leader, the judges, and the officials of Israel, and they stood in-front-of the Lord.
     2.  Then JOSHUA said to all the people,
    14.  "The Lord God of ISRAEL says this: 'Now honor and Lord and serve HIM honestly and perfect.  Your fathers served idols in EGYPT and across the river.  Put-away those idols and serve the Lord.'
    15.  But if you don't-want to serve the Lord, then choose today which-one you will serve: choose the idols your fathers served across the river, or choose the idols of the AMORITE people living here before.  But I and my family will serve the Lord."
    16.  The people answered, "We don't-want to give-up the Lord and then go to serve other idols,
    17.  Because the Lord our God brought our fathers and us out-of EGYPT, that place of slavery.  HE did those wonderful works in-front-of our eyes, and HE kept us safe all during our travels, especially while we travelled through all the nations.
    18.  The Lord defeated our enemies same-as HE defeated the AMORITE people living in the land before.  We, too, will serve the Lord, because HE is our God."

    21.  Put yourselves under the reign of one-another, because of your respect for Christ.
    22.  Wives, put yourselves under the reign of your husbands, same-as under the reign of the Lord.
    23.  The husband reigns over the wife, the same-as Christ reigns over the Church, and Jesus is the Savior of the Church.
    24.  Now, the same-as the Church attends to Christ, also wives must attend to their husbands in every way.
    25.  Husbands, love your wives, the same-as Christ also loved the Church and gave HIMSELF for the Church,
    26.  that HE could make the Church holy and clean through the washing of water through the Word of God.
    27.  Now Christ can show the Church to HIMSELF same-as a perfect Church, without sin or trouble or any bad things, but HE can show the Church same-as holy and without any wrongs.
    28.  Now husbands should love their wives the same-as they love their own bodies.  The man that loves his wife, loves himself.
    29.  No person ever hates his own body, but feeds and takes-care of it, same-as Christ takes-care of HIS body, the Church,
    30.  And we are part of HIS Church.
    31.  Remember the Holy Writings say, "For this reason, a man will leave his father and mother, to join with his wife, and the two will become one together."

GRADUAL: God's riches are very great!  God's wisdom and knowledge have no end!  No person can explain the things God decides.  No person can understand God's ways.  God made all things.  And everything continues through God and for God.  To God give glory forever! Amen.

JOHN 6:60-69
    60.  Many people following Jesus heard HIS words and said, "Jesus' teaching is very difficult.  Who can listen to Jesus and understand?"
    61.  Without hearing HIS followers, Jesus knew their complaints and Jesus asked them, "Does MY teaching make you want to give-up?
    62.  What happens if you saw the Son of Man go again to heaven?
    63.  The Holy Spirit gives you life; your bodies are worth-less.  The words I spoke to you are from the Holy Spirit and give you life.
    64.  But some of you don't believe."  Because Jesus knew from the beginning some people will not believe, and that one person will betray HIM.
    65.  And Jesus also said, "This is the true reason, I told you no one can believe in ME without the Father permitting you to believe."
    66.  Many people stopped following Jesus, because they couldn't understand HIS teachings.
    67.  Then Jesus asked the twelve friends, "Will you also depart from ME?"
    68.  SIMON PETER answered, "Lord, where will we go?  YOU have the only true words that give eternal life.
    69.  Now we believe and know YOU are truly the Holy One from God."

INTROIT: Lord, I love YOUR house and the place that YOUR glory lives.  Judge me, O Lord, because I live without blame; I trust the Lord; I will not doubt.  Study me, O Lord, and test me; Test my mind and heart.  I will wash my hands and be clean; I will walk around YOUR altar, Lord, announcing YOUR praise and telling about all YOUR wonderful works.

COLLECT: Lord Almighty, YOU are the Creator and Giver of all good things, write on our hearts YOUR name, increase in us true religion, feed us with YOUR goodness, and help grow in us good works.  We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, YOUR Son, our Lord.  Jesus lives and reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit, eternally one God.  Amen.

DEUTERONOMY 4:1-2, 6-8
     1.  ISRAEL, now listen to the laws and commandments I teach you today.  Obey the laws then you will live, and enter and defeat the land the Lord God of your fathers gives to you.
     2.  Don't add anything to my commandments.  Don't take-away anything, but obey the commandments of the Lord your God that I order you to obey.
     6.  Obey and do these things, then that will show people your wisdom and understanding.  Happens those people hear about all these laws, then they will say, "Truly that is a great nation of wise and understanding people!"
     7.  Does any other great nation have a god that is near?  There is none same-as our God, HE is near while we pray to HIM.
     8.  Or what great nation has laws and commandments that compare with al the laws I give you today?  - None!

    10.  To end my letter I tell you, stay strong in the Lord and in HIS great power.
    11.  Put-on the full protection of God.  Use God's protection then you can fight against the devil's bad ways.
    12.  Our fight is not against people on earth.  We are fighting against those reigning and those with power of the dark world.  We are fighting against the spiritual powers of the devil in the skies.
    13.  That is the reason you need to get God's full protection.  Then on the day the devil comes you will be-able to stand strong.  And after finishing the fight, you will still be-standing.
    14.  Now stand strong, the belt named truth around you; your body protection is Jesus perfect life.
    15.  On your feet use the Good Story of peace to help you stand strong.
    16.  Use the shield named faith.  With that you can stop all the burning arrows from the devil.
    17.  Put-on your hat named God's salvation.  And take the sword of the Spirit, that sword is the teaching of God's Word.
    18.  Pray with the Spirit always.  Pray all different-kinds of prayers and ask for everything you need.  To do this you must be-ready.  Never give-up.  Always pray for all of God's people.
    19.  Also pray for me.  Pray that while I speak, God will give-me words that I can tell the secret truth of God's Word without fear.
    20.  I have the work of preaching that Good Story.  I am doing that now, here in jail.  Pray that while I preach that Good Story I will speak without fear.

GRADUAL: God's riches are very great!  God's wisdom and knowledge have no end!  No person can explain the things God decides.  No person can understand God's ways.  God made all things.  And everything continues through God and for God.  To God give glory forever! Amen.

MARK 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23
     1.  Some Jewish religious leaders and some Jewish Law teachers came from the city JERUSALEM and stood near Jesus.
     2.  They saw some of Jesus' friends eating and not washing their hands.
     3.  This is against the law received from our past fathers; they wash their hands in a special way and then go eat,
     4.  They don't eat anything from the store, but wash it first.  The same our fathers obeyed other laws about washing cups, POTS, and beds.
     5.  Jewish religious leaders asked Jesus, "Why don't YOUR twelve friends obey the old law, but instead they eat with dirty hands?"
     6.  Jesus answered, "ISAIAH correctly wrote about you! You are a bad people same-as ISAIAH wrote: 'God says, these people honor ME with their words, but their hearts are truly far from ME.
     7.  Foolishly they worship God, because they teach man's laws mean the same-as God's Laws.'"
     8.  Jesus said, "You put-aside God's Laws, instead you obey man's laws."
    14.  Then Jesus said to the group of people, "All you hear ME and understand.
    15.  Nothing you eat makes you not-clean.  Instead, the things you do and say makes you not-clean.
    21.  Because from your hearts comes bad ideas that make you do bad things, steal, kill,
    22.  Do sex sins, want other people's things, and all other bad things; searching-for sin, speaking against God, thinking you are better than you are, and doing foolish things.
    23.  All these bad things come from inside you and make you not-clean."

INTROIT: It-is good to give-thanks to the Lord, to sing to YOU, O Most High God.  Trust in the Lord and do good; live in the country and enjoy safety.  Be-happy with the Lord and HE will give-you all your heart wishes.  Follow the Lord, trust in HIM and HE will do all this.  The Lord saves HIS righteous people; HE supports them in the time of trouble.

COLLECT: Merciful Lord, give to YOUR faithful people forgiveness and peace that we will be cleansed from all our sins and serve YOU with a quiet mind.  We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, YOUR Son, our Lord.  Jesus lives and reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit, eternally one God.  Amen.

ISAIAH 35:4-7
     4.  With this announcement cheer all those discouraged people.  Encourage those people afraid.  Tell them, "Stay strong, don't fear, see, your God now comes to destroy your enemies.  HE now comes to save you."
     5.  And after HE comes HE will open the eyes of the blind and open the ears of the deaf;
     6.  The lame man will jump same-as a deer, and the MUTE will sing with happiness.  Then water will spring-forth in the dry country, and rivers will give water in the dry country.
     7.  The hot, dry earth will become a pool of water with springs-of-water for the thirsty land.

JAMES 1:17-22, 26-27
    17.  Everything good comes from God.  And every perfect gift comes from God.  These good gifts come-down from the Father, the Maker of all lights.  God doesn't change.  HE is always the same.
    18.  God decided to give us life through the word of truth.  HE wanted us to be the most important of all the things HE made.
    19.  My dear friends, always be more eager to listen than to speak.  Don't become angry easily.
    20.  A person's anger doesn't help him live correctly same-as God wants.
    21.  Now put-away from your life every bad thing and every different-kind of wrong thing you do.  Be-humble and accept God's teaching that is put in your heart.  That teaching can save your soul.
    22.  Obey God's teaching; don't only listen and do nothing.  Why?  Because if you only sit and listen, you are fooling yourselves.
    26.  Some person maybe think he is good.  But if that person speaks things that he should not say, then he is fooling himself.  His religion is worth nothing.
    27.  This is the worship that God accepts: taking-care of children without parents, women without husbands needing help, and keeping yourself free from the world's evil influence.  This is the worship that God accepts same-as pure and good.

GRADUAL: God's riches are very great!  God's wisdom and knowledge have no end!  No person can explain the things God decides.  No person can understand God's ways.  God made all things.  And everything continues through God and for God.  To God give glory forever! Amen.

MARK 7:31-37
    31.  Again Jesus came from the place around the city TYRE, and HE came through the city SIDON to the sea GALILEE.  And HE came through a place named DECAPOLIS.
    32.  And the people brought one man to Jesus.  That man was deaf and mute.  And the people asked Jesus; HIS hand to put-on the man.
    33.  And Jesus led the deaf man alone from the group of people.  And HIS fingers Jesus put-into-his-ears.  And Jesus spit and touched the man's tongue.
    34.  Then Jesus looked-up to heaven and breathed and said to the man, "EPHPHATHA."  This means "Open."
    35.  And his ears opened and quickly his tongue became free and he spoke clearly.
    36.  And Jesus ordered the people, "Tell no one."  But no-matter often Jesus ordered them not to tell, the people announced that wonderful work more and more.
    37.  And all the people were-surprised.  And they said, "HE does all things good.  HE makes the deaf hear and the mute speak."

INTROIT: The Lord is merciful and righteous; our God is full of love.  I love the Lord because HE hears my voice and my prays for mercy.  Because HE listened to me, I will pray to HIM while I am alive.  The sadness of death is around me;  the grief of the grave found me; I became full of trouble and sadness.  Then I prayed to the name of the Lord, "O Lord, save me."  The Lord is merciful and righteous; our God is full of love.  Rest again, O my soul, because the Lord is good to you.  Because HE saved my soul from death, my eyes from tears, and my feet from falling.  I will walk in-front-of the Lord in the country of living people.

COLLECT: O God, without YOUR blessings we can't please YOU, in mercy let YOUR Holy Spirit lead and reign over our hearts in all things.  We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, YOUR Son, our Lord.  Jesus lives and reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit, eternally one God.  Amen.

ISAIAH 50:4-10
     4.  The Lord gave me HIS words of wisdom that I can know the things to say to all these tired people.  Every morning HE awakes me and helps me understand HIS wishes.
     5.  The Lord God spoke to me and I listened; I don't rebel.
     6.  I let them whip my back and pull my beard.  I don't hide from shame.  They spit in my face.
     7.  Because the Lord God helps me, I will not give-up; now I decided to obey HIS wishes, and I will not change that decision.  And I know that I will get the victory.
     8.  God judges correctly; HE is near.  Who will fight against me now?  Where are my enemies?  Let them appear!
     9.  See, the Lord is supporting me! Who will blame me?  All my enemies will be-destroyed.  They will be-destroyed same-as old clothes that MOTHS eat!
    10.  Who among you fears the Lord and obeys HIS servant and walks in darkness and has no light?  Let that person trust the Lord; let that person depend on his God.

JAMES 2:1-5, 8-10, 14-18
     1.  Dear Christian friends, because you have faith in our Lord of Glory, Jesus Christ, no-matter between people.
     2.  If a man with gold rings and fine clothes, and a man with poor clothes enters our church,
     3.  And you attend to the man with gold rings and fine clothes saying, "Sit here please," but you tell the poor man, "Stand there" or "Sit in the back",
     4.  You are showing a difference among people and becoming judges with bad thoughts.
     5.  Listen, dear friends, truly God chose people that are poor in the world for having much in faith.  People loving God will enter heaven, same-as God promised.
     8.  One law reigns over all other laws.  This holy Law is found in the Holy Writings, "Love other people same-as you love yourself."  If you obey this law, then you are doing correct.
     9.  But if you are making one person more important than another person, then you are sinning.  That holy Law proves that you are guilty of breaking God's law.
    10.  A person maybe will obey all God's laws.  But if that person fails to obey only one command, then that person is guilty of breaking all the laws.
    14.  Dear Christian friends, what happens if we say we have faith, but don't show faith with doing things?  Can our faith save us?
    15.  If brother or sister is without enough clothes or without enough food,
    16.  And we tell him, "Go with peace, be-warm and full," but we don't give clothes or food, what good is that?
    17.  True, faith alone, without doing things to show that faith, that is dead.
    18.  Someone will say, "You have faith and I do good things."  But you show your faith separate from your good doings, and I will show you my faith with my good doings.

GRADUAL: God's riches are very great!  God's wisdom and knowledge have no end!  No person can explain the things God decides.  No person can understand God's ways.  God made all things.  And everything continues through God and for God.  To God give glory forever! Amen.

MARK 8:27-35
    27.  Jesus and HIS twelve friends walked from town to town. Jesus asked HIS friends, "Who do people think I am?"
    28.  Some answered, "Some people name YOU JOHN the Baptizer.  Other people name YOU ELIJAH.  Other people name YOU one of the Old Preachers."
    29.  Jesus asked HIS friends, "But, who do you think I am?"  Peter answered, "YOU are the Christ."
    30.  Jesus then told HIS friends they must not tell anyone about HIM.
    31.  Then Jesus began to teach HIS twelve friends that the Son of Man must suffer many things.  Jesus told them that the Jewish government leaders and Jewish religious leaders and the Jewish Law teachers will refuse to believe in HIM.  Jesus told HIS twelve friends that HE will be-killed and three days later arise from the dead.
    32.  Jesus spoke using easy words.  PETER lead Jesus away alone and began to criticize Jesus.
    33.  Jesus turned-around and looked-at HIS friends and told PETER, "Get behind ME, devil!  Your thoughts are not from God, but from people."
    34.  Then Jesus called together all the people and HIS friends and said, "If any of you want to be MY follower, you must forget yourself and forget your wishes.  You must take-up your cross and follow ME.
    35.  If you want to keep your life safe, you will lose your life.  If you forget your life because of ME and because of the Good Story, you will save your life for heaven."

INTROIT: Look, God is my helper; the Lord supports my soul.  Save me, O God, by YOUR name; use YOUR power to free me.  O God, hear my prayer; attend to the words I speak.  I will give my offering to YOU; I will give-thanks to YOUR name, Lord, because YOU are good.  YOU save me from all my troubles; and my eyes see YOU defeat my enemies.

COLLECT: O Lord, we ask you to continue showing mercy to YOUR Church; and because without YOU we will fall, always help us and protect us from hurtful things, and lead us to things that will help in our salvation.  We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, YOUR Son, our Lord.  Jesus lives and reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit, eternally one God.  Amen.

JEREMIAH 11:18-20
    18.  I learned about this after the Lord told-me.  HE showed me the bad things they planned.
    19.  I was same-as a PET lamb led to be-killed.  I didn't-know they planned bad against me.  They said, "Let us destroy the tree with its fruit.  Let us take-away his life, and no one will remember his name no more."
    20.  But you, Lord of armies, YOU judge correctly, and YOU test the heart and mind.  Let me see YOUR judgment against them, because I give my troubles into YOUR hands.

JAMES 3:16 - 4:6
    16.  Any place you find jealously and selfishness, you will also find confusion and various bad things.
    17.  But the wisdom that comes from heaven, first is pure, then peaceful, sweet and kindness.  That wisdom has much mercy and leads to good deeds, no feeling against people and no hypocrisy.
    18.  Happen that peace-makers work for peace, then they throw-out seeds that grow fruit for a holy life.
   4:1.  Fighting and quarreling happen why?  That comes from selfish wishes war inside you.
     2.  You want things, but you don't get them.  Now you kill and are-jealous of people.  But you still can't get the things you want.  You don't get because you don't ask God.
     3.  You ask, you don't get. Why?  Because the reason for asking is wrong.  You only want things for your own pleasure.
     4.  You people are not faithful to God!  You know that loving the world is the same-as hating God.  If a person wants to join the world, that makes the person an enemy of God.
     5.  Do you think the Holy Writing means nothing?  The Writing says, "The Spirit God made to live in our hearts wants us only for HIMSELF."
     6.  But the kindness that God gives is greater.  The Holy Writing says, "God is against proud people. but HE gives kindness to humble people."

GRADUAL: God's riches are very great!  God's wisdom and knowledge have no end!  No person can explain the things God decides.  No person can understand God's ways.  God made all things.  And everything continues through God and for God.  To God give glory forever! Amen.

MARK 9:30-37
    30.  Jesus and HIS friends departed from that place and went through the area GALILEE.  HE didn't-want anyone to know HIS plans, because HE taught HIS friends saying,
    31.  "Someone will betray the Son of Man, and give-HIM to other people, and they will kill HIM; but on the third day HE will arise."
    32.  But the friends didn't understand, and they felt afraid to ask HIM.
    33.  Then they arrived in the city CAPERNAUM and entered a house.  Jesus asked HIS friends, "What did you discuss and quarrel about on the road?"
    34.  But the friends quietly said nothing, because they quarreled about who was the most important friend of Jesus.
    35.  Jesus sat-down, called the twelve friends, and said, "If anyone wants to be-best, then he must make himself humble and become the servant of all."
    36.  Jesus brought a young child to stand in-front-of them all.  Then HE put-HIS-arm-around-him and said,
    37.  "If you welcome a child same-as this in MY name, then you same welcome ME.  And if you welcome ME, then you welcome the Father that sent ME."

INTROIT: YOUR name, O Lord, stays forever; YOU are famous through all the years.  Praise the Lord!  Praise HIS name; praise HIM all you servants of the Lord, you people serving in the house of the Lord, you worshipping in HIS temple.  Praise the Lord, because HE is good; sing praise to HIS name, because that is pleasing to HIM.  YOUR name, O Lord, stays forever; YOU are famous through all the years.  Because the Lord will judge righteous HIS people and show mercy to HIS servants.

COLLECT: O God, our strong Supporter, in mercy accept our prayer, and because we are weak people and can do nothing good without YOU, give us YOUR help that we can obey YOUR commandments and please YOU in everything.  We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, YOUR Son, our Lord.  Jesus lives and reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit, eternally one God.  Amen.

NUMBERS 11:4-6, 10-16, 24-29
     4.  God's people began to hunger for food, and they shouted, "Who will give us meat to eat?
     5.  We think about all the fish we ate in EGYPT, the CUCUMBERS, WATERMELONS, LEEKS, ONIONS, and GARLIC,
     6.  But now we have nothing except this MANNA, bread, to see.
    10.  MOSES heard the people complaining while he stood at the door of his tent; and the Lord became very angry, and MOSES was-worried.
    11.  MOSES asked the Lord, "Why are YOU mean to YOUR servant?  Why do YOU burden me with these people?
    12.  Did I give life or birth to these people that YOU make me take-care of them same-as a young baby to bring them to the land YOU promised to their fathers?
    13.  Where can I get meat for these people to give them every time they complain, 'Give us meat to eat?'
    14.  I can't take-care of these people myself.  They are too-much trouble for me.
    15.  If YOU will do this to me, then please show kindness and kill me and don't let me suffer more."
    16.  The Lord told MOSES, "Bring me seventy leaders of ISRAEL, good men that you know, and bring them into the meeting tent to stand there with you."
    24.  MOSES went out of the meeting tent and told the words of the Lord to the people.  MOSES chose the seventy leaders and they entered the tent.
    25.  Then the Lord came-down in the cloud and spoke to MOSES.  The Lord took some of the Holy Spirit in MOSES, and the Lord gave that Spirit to the seventy leaders.  After the Spirit touched the seventy leaders, then they began preaching and teaching the people.
    26.  Two of the leaders, named ELDAD and MEDAD, stayed with the people and didn't enter the meeting tent.  The Spirit also touched them and they began preaching and teaching.
    27.  A few young men ran and told MOSES the things ELDAD and MEDAD were-doing.
    28.  Then JOSHUA, the son of NUN, MOSES' helper, said to MOSES, "Please make them stop!"
    29.  MOSES answered, "Are you worried for me?  I wish that the Lord would touch HIS Spirit to all HIS people and make all HIS people preach and teach!"

JAMES 4:7-12
     7.  Now give yourselves to God.  Stand strong against the devil, and the devil will depart from you.
     8.  Come near to God, and God will come near to you.  You are sinners.  Now you must clean sin out of your life.  You can't follow God and the world at the same time.  Make your thinking pure.
     9.  Become sad, sorry, and cry!  Change your laughter into crying.  Change your happiness into sadness.
    10.  Humble yourself in-front-of the Lord, and HE will honor you.
    11.  Brothers and sisters, don't speak against one-another.  If you criticize your brother in Christ or judge him, then you are criticizing the Law, and you are not obeying the Law.  You make yourself a judge!
    12.  God is the only Law giver.  God is the only judge.  God is the one that saves and destroys.  Now it is wrong for you to judge another person.

GRADUAL: God's riches are very great!  God's wisdom and knowledge have no end!  No person can explain the things God decides.  No person can understand God's ways.  God made all things.  And everything continues through God and for God.  To God give glory forever! Amen.

MARK 9:38-50
    38.  One of Jesus' twelve friends, named JOHN, said to Jesus, "We saw someone taking-out devils from people and using YOUR name, and we told that man to stop because that man is not one of us."
    39.  Jesus answered, "Don't stop that man.  No one doing powerful work using MY name can say anything bad about Jesus.
    40.  The person not against ME is for ME.
    41.  Truly, I tell you, who anyone gives you a cup of water to drink in MY name because you are-joined to Christ will receive correct pay from God.
    42.  Who anyone makes a child believing in ME do sin, will be better to have a large stone tied around the neck and thrown into the sea.
    43.  If your hand makes you sin, cut-it-off.  Better to live with one hand and go to heaven, than live with two hands and go to hell.
    44.  In hell worms eating you will never die, and fires hurting you can't be-stopped.
    45.  If your foot makes you sin, cut-it-off.  Better to live with one foot and go to heaven, than live with two feet and go to hell.
    46.  In hell worms eating you will never die, and fires hurting you can't be-stopped.
    47.  If your eye makes you sin, take-it-out.  Better to enter the holy nation of God with one eye, than to have two eyes and be-thrown into hell.
    48.  In hell worms eating you will never die, and fires hurting you can't be-stopped.
    49.  Everyone will become more clean and more strong through testing on earth.
    50.  Salt is good.  But if salt loses taste, how can you use salt to make food taste good again?  You become same-as salt to help other people and make peace with one-another.

INTROIT: The Lord bless you from HIS holy mountain all the days of your life.  Happy are those people honoring the Lord and walking in HIS ways.  You will get praised for your work; blessings and riches will become yours.  Your wife will give-birth to many children in your house;  you will have many sons around your table.  The person honoring the Lord will be-blessed.  You will see the city JERUSALEM grow; and you will live to see your grand-children.

COLLECT: O God, YOUR power is shown by YOUR mercy and love, give to us YOUR full love, then we will have all the riches of heaven.  We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, YOUR Son, our Lord.  Jesus lives and reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit, eternally one God.  Amen.

GENESIS 2:18-24
    18.  Then the Lord God said, "It-is not good for the man to live alone.  I will make a helper for him."
    19.  Then from the ground the Lord God made every animal in the field and every bird in the sky.  God brought the animals and birds to the man to see the names he will give to them, and the name ADAM gave, that became their names.
    20.  ADAM gave names to all the animals and the birds.  But for the man  God not-yet had-found a helper for him.
    21.  Then the Lord God made the man sleep hard.  And while he slept, God took-out one RIB and closed-up his body.
    22.  With that RIB God took-out of the man God made a woman and brought her to ADAM.
    23.  ADAM said, "Now this is BONE from my BONE, and a body from my body.  She will be named WOMAN, because she was-taken from man."
    24.  That is the reason a man departs from his father and mother and lives with his wife, and they become one body.

HEBREWS 2:9-11
     9.  But we do see Jesus.  For a short time Jesus became a person under the angels.  Then because God showed HIS love for all, Jesus died for all people.  Now we see Jesus blessed with glory and honor, because HE accepted that suffering and death.
    10.  God makes and takes-care of all things.  Now, it was correct for God to make Jesus perfect through suffering.  Then Jesus can share HIS glory with many children, because Jesus is the One that leads them to salvation.
    11.  God makes them clean from their sins, and both Jesus and the people have the same Father.  That is the reason Jesus is not ashamed to name them HIS brothers and sisters.

GRADUAL: These people came out of the great troubles in the world, and washed their clothes in the blood of the Lamb and made them white.  Happy are people trusting in YOU, and attending their life to YOUR heaven.

MARK 10:2-16
     2.  Some Law teachers came to Jesus intending to test HIM, "Does our Law permit a man to divorce his wife?"
     3.  Jesus answered, "What did MOSES command you?"
     4.  They answered, "MOSES let a man write-out a divorce paper and send-away his wife."
     5.  Jesus said to them, "MOSES wrote this Law for you because of your closed minds.
     6.  But God made the world in the beginning, and God made the man and woman.
     7.  That is the reason a man will depart from his father and mother,
     8.  And the two become one body.
     9.  Now, the things God joined together, man must not separate."
    10.  Later Jesus and HIS friends entered the house, the friends asked about that.
    11.  Jesus said, "If anyone divorces his wife and marries another, then he is breaking the marriage Law with her.
    12.  And if a wife divorces her husband and marries another man, she is breaking the marriage Law."
    13.  Some people brought children to Jesus for HIM to touch them, but Jesus' friends scolded them.
    14.  But Jesus saw that and HE wasn't pleased.  "Let the children come to me.  Don't stop them, because people same-as children are in the kingdom of God.
    15.  Remember this.  If anyone doesn't welcome the kingdom of God same-as a child, he will never enter it."
    16.  Jesus took the children in-his-arms, touched them with HIS hands, and blessed them.

INTROIT: Wonderful is the Lord, and we must praise HIM in the city of our God and on HIS holy mountain.  I will praise the Lord always; my mouth will always speak words of praise.  My soul will boast about the Lord; let the humble people hear and become happy.  Give glory to the Lord with me, and let us praise HIS name together.  I searched-for the Lord, and HE answered me; and HE saved me from all my fears.  The righteous people pray, and the Lord listens and saves them from all their troubles.

COLLECT: O God, we ask YOU to open our minds with YOUR Holy Spirit that we can receive the promises from Jesus and  that we will learn YOUR truth.  We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, YOUR Son, our Lord.  Jesus lives and reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit, eternally one God.  Amen.

AMOS 5:6-7, 10-15
     6.  Search-for the Lord and live.  Or God will begin a fire among you to destroy you, and no one living in the city of BETHEL can the fire put-out.
     7.  You are changing the judgment and making that a bitter experience and throwing-out equality.
    10.  You hate people that criticize other people, and you hate people that speak the truth.
    11.  You take-advantage of the poor people, and you steal part of his WHEAT.  You build houses with stones, but you won't live in them.  You grow sweet tasting grapes, but you won't drink the wine made from them.
    12.  I know your wrongs are many and your sins are large; you push-over the righteous people, you accept bribe money, you take-away civil-rights from the poor people.
    13.  That is the reason the wise people stay silent; because the days are bad.
    14.  Try to do good and not bad things, then you will live, and the Lord God of heaven will stay with you.
    15.  Hate bad things and love good things, and judge correctly all people.  Then the Lord God of heaven will show kindness to the people of the family of JOSEPH.

     1.  Now all of you think about Jesus.  God sent Jesus to us, and Jesus is the High Priest for our faith.  I tell this to you, my holy brothers and sisters, because you are called by God.
     2.  God sent Jesus to us, and made Jesus our High Priest.  And Jesus was-faithful to us same-as MOSES.  Jesus did everything God wanted.
     3.  Happens that a man builds a house, the people will honor the man more than the house.  The same with Jesus, people must honor Jesus more than MOSES.
     4.  Every house is built by some person, but God built  everything.
     5.  MOSES was-faithful same-as a servant in God's house.  MOSES told the people the things that God would speak in the future.
     6.  But Christ is faithful is reigning over God's house same-as a Son.  We believers are God's house, and we must continue to remember and be-proud of our great hope.

GRADUAL: These people came out of the great troubles in the world, and washed their clothes in the blood of the Lamb and made them white.  Happy are people trusting in YOU, and attending their life to YOUR heaven.

MARK 10:17-27
    17.  While Jesus walked on the road, one man ran to HIM, knelt in-front-of HIM, and asked, "Good Teacher, I want to get eternal life.  What must I do?"
    18.  Jesus asked him, "Why do you name me good?  No one is good except God.
    19.  You know the commandments: Don't kill, don't break the marriage Law, don't steal, don't lie, don't cheat, honor your mother and father."
    20.  The man told Jesus, "Teacher, I finished obeyed all the commandments since I was a child."
    21.  Jesus looked at him and loving him said, "You need do only one thing: Go and sell all your things and give the money to the poor people and you will have riches in heaven.  Then come and follow ME."
    22.  The man heard that and his face showed disappointment and he departed with sadness, because he was very rich.
    23.  Jesus looked-around and said to HIS friends, "Truly it is hard for rich people to enter the kingdom of God."
    24.  HIS friends were-surprised, but Jesus said again, "MY children, it is truly hard to enter the kingdom of God.
    25.  It is more easy for a CAMEL to go through the eye of a NEEDLE than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God."
    26.  His friends were fully surprised and asked one-another, "Who can be-saved?"
    27.  Jesus answered, "People can't do this, but God can, because God can do anything."

INTROIT: The Lord watches over you; the Lord is your protector near your right hand.  I will look to the mountains; where is my helper?  The Lord is my helper; HE made the sky and the earth.  HE will not let you fall-down; HE will not sleep while watching over you.  Truly, while God watches over HIS people, HE never sleeps or rests.  The Lord will protect you from all trouble; HE will protect your life; the Lord will watch over your coming and going from now-on forever.

COLLECT: Lord, we ask that YOUR love will always  be around us and we can continually do good works.  We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, YOUR Son, our Lord.  Jesus lives and reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit, eternally one God.  Amen.

ISAIAH 53:10-12
    10.  The Lord says, "I decided that Jesus must suffer; HIS death was an offering for bringing forgiveness.  HE will see HIS future family; HE will have a long life, and through HIM MY plan will succeed.
    11.  After a life of suffering, HE will again have happiness; HE will know that HE didn't suffer for nothing.  MY faithful servant, I am pleased with HIM.  HE will suffer the punishment for many people.  Because of HIM I will forgive those many people.
    12.  I will give to HIM a place of honor, a place among the great and powerful people.  HE offered HIS life, and HE shared the punishment of bad people.  HE substituted for many sinners, and HE prayed that I would forgive them."

HEBREWS 4:9-16
     9.  This shows that the worship rest day for God's people is still coming.
    10.  God rested after finishing HIS work.  The person entering heaven and resting is the person that finished working same-as God did.
    11.  Now let us try to enter God's heaven.  We must try hard, then no one will lost because they followed the example of people refusing to obey God.
    12.  The Word of God lives and is busy.  That Word is more sharp than any double edged sword.  That enters to divide the soul and spirit, through the JOINTS and MARROW.  That judges the wishes and thoughts of people's hearts.
    13.  All earthly things can't hide from HIM.  Everything is naked and open in-front-of HIS eyes, and we must all give answer about ourselves to HIM.
    14.  We have a great High Priest now living with God in heaven.  That is Jesus, the Son of God.  Now let us continue strongly in our faith.
    15.  Jesus, our High Priest can understand our weakness.  While Jesus lived on earth, HE got-tempted in every way same-as us, but Jesus never sinned.
    16.  With Jesus our High Priest we can feel free to stand in-front-of God's throne forgiven.  We will receive mercy and kindness to help us in our need.

GRADUAL: These people came out of the great troubles in the world, and washed their clothes in the blood of the Lamb and made them white.  Happy are people trusting in YOU, and attending their life to YOUR heaven.

MARK 10:35-45
    35.  JAMES and JOHN, sons of ZEBEDEE, came to Jesus and said, "Teacher, we want YOU to do something for us."
    36.  Jesus asked, "What do you want ME to do for you?"
    37.  They answered, "Happens YOU sit on YOUR throne in the glorious kingdom, let us sit with YOU, one on YOUR right and one on YOUR left."
    38.  Jesus answered, "You don't-know the thing you ask.  Can you drink the cup that I must drink?  Can you get baptized in the way I must be-baptized?"
    39.  They told-him, :"We can!"  Jesus said, "You will drink the cup I must drink, and you will be-baptized in the way I must be-baptized.
    40.  But I don't have the power to choose those sitting on MY right or left.  These seats are prepared for someone God will choose."
    41.  After the other ten friends heard about that, they became angry with JAMES and JOHN.
    42.  Then Jesus called HIS friends together and said, "You know that among the nations those reigning have power over people and the leaders reign over the people.
    43.  But your life together is different.  If one of you wants to become the leader, then he must be the servant of the other people.
    44.  And if one of you wants to be first, then he must become the slave for all.
    45.  Because the Son of Man didn't come for other people to serve HIM, No HE came to serve and give HIS life same-as a payment to free many people."

INTROIT: The Lord watches over the righteous people, but the sinful people will die.  Happy is the person not following the advice of sinful people, and not standing among the sinners, and not sitting with the mocking people.  But the righteous person finds happiness obeying the Law of the Lord, and that person studies God's Law day and night.  That person is same-as a tree standing near the rivers and growing good food at the correct time;  the leaf on the tree will not fall and die; and everything that person does will succeed.

COLLECT: Almighty God, we ask YOU to show mercy to YOUR servants that we will not trust our own good works, and that YOU will judge us with YOUR mercy.  We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, YOUR Son, our Lord.  Jesus lives and reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit, eternally one God.  Amen.

     7.  The Lord says, "Sing with happiness for everything I will do for ISRAEL, the best nation!  Shout with praise and happiness; the Lord truly saves HIS people; HE saves the people of God.
     8.  I will bring the people from the north and from the far places of the earth.  I will not forget their blind and lame people, the young mothers with babies and the pregnant women ready to-give-birth.  A large group of people will come.
     9.  Tears of happiness will be on their faces, and I will lead them home with kindness taking-care.  MY people will walk near the quiet rivers.  They will not fall-down, because I am a Father to ISRAEL, and EPHRAIM is my oldest son."

HEBREWS 5:1-10
     1.  Every high priest is-chosen from among the people.  He is-chosen to serve God for the people, and he offers gifts and offerings for sins.
     2.  Notice!  He himself is weak in many ways.  Then he can show kindness to ignorant people or with people making mistakes.
     3.  And because he is weak himself, he must offer gifts for his own sins and for the sins of the people.
     4.  No one takes the honor of this office; but God calls a man to become high priest same-as God called AARON.
     5.  In the same way Christ didn't take the glory of becoming high priest, but instead God said to HIM, "YOU are MY Son, today I have become YOUR Father."
     6.  And in another lesson God said, "YOU are same-as MELCHIZEDEK, a priest forever."
     7.  During HIS life on earth Jesus offered prayers to God with a loud voice and tears.  HE knew God could save HIM from death.  HE prayed with humility, and God heard HIM.
     8.  But no-matter Jesus was God's Son, HE learned to obey through suffering.
     9.  But after HE arose, HE HIMSELF gave eternal salvation to all people obeying HIM.
    10.  Because God announced HIM High Priest same-as MELCHIZEDEK.

GRADUAL: These people came out of the great troubles in the world, and washed their clothes in the blood of the Lamb and made them white.  Happy are people trusting in YOU, and attending their life to YOUR heaven.

MARK 10:46-52
    46.  Next Jesus and HIS twelve friends went to the city JERICHO.  Jesus began to depart from that city, and many people followed, and a blind man, named BARTIMAEUS, son of TIMAEUS, sat near the road.
    47.  Happened the blind man heard that Jesus from the city NAZARETH passed-by, he began to shout, "Jesus, Son of David, show mercy to me."
    48.  Many people told the blind man to be-quiet.  But he shouted more, "Son of David, show mercy to me."
    49.  Jesus stopped and said, "Let him come."  The people called the blind man and said, "Be-happy.  Jesus is calling for you."
    50.  The blind man took-off his coat, stood-up, and went to Jesus.
    51.  Jesus asked, "What do you want ME to do for you?"  The blind man said, "Lord, I want to see again."
    52.  Jesus said, "Go, your faith heals you."  Immediately the blind man could see, and he followed Jesus on the road.

INTROIT: I bow-down my face to the ground; make me live agreeing with YOUR word.  Happy are people that live without blame obeying the Laws of the Lord.  Happy are people following God's wishes and searching for God with all their heart.  With all my heart I searched for YOU; don't let me wander-away from YOUR commandments.  I put YOUR word in my heart, then I will not sin against YOU.  Praise I give to YOU, O Lord; teach me YOUR Laws.  I am happy with YOUR commands, and I will not forget YOUR words.

COLLECT: O Lord, we ask YOU to send YOUR love into our hearts to cleanse our thoughts and minds. Then happens Jesus, YOUR Son, comes, HE will find a pleasant home inside our hearts.  We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, YOUR Son, our Lord.  Jesus lives and reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit, eternally one God.  Amen.

     1.  MOSES said, "The Lord your God told-me to give you all these commandments.  Obey these laws in the country you will shortly enter; the place you will live.
     2.  Since you live, you, your children, and your grandchildren must honor the Lord your God by obeying all HIS commandments.  If you do that, you will live in that country a long time.
     3.  Listen to HIS Laws, people of ISRAEL, and obey HIS Laws!  Then all things will happen good for you.  You will become a strong nation and live in a country full of milk and good things, same-as the God of your fathers promised.
     4.  ISRAEL, remember!  The Lord - only the Lord - is our God.
     5.  Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength.
     6.  Never forget these commands that I give you today.
     7.  Teach them to your children.  Talk about them while you are at home, or away from home.  Talk about them while you rest and while you work.
     8.  Tie them on your finger.  Put them on your foreheads for reminding people.
     9.  Write them on the doors of your houses!

HEBREWS 7:23-28
    23.  Under the old plan you must have many priests, because they died and couldn't continue.
    24.  But Jesus lives forever.  HE will never stop working same-as a priest.
    25.  HE can, now and always, save fully all people coming to God through HIM.  Because HE lives forever, HE will always remind God that HE finished paying for their sins with HIS blood.
    26.  Jesus is exactly the Chief Priest we need.  Jesus is holy; HE has no wrong sin in HIM.  Jesus is separated from sinners, and HE has the place of honor in heaven.
    27.  Jesus is not the same-as an earthly high priest; Jesus doesn't need to offer gifts daily for HIS own sins first and then for the sins of the people.  Jesus finished all the offerings by giving HIMSELF on the cross.
    28.  In the old plan the high priests were weak and sinful people that did wrong.  Later, with HIS promise, God chose HIS Son.  HIS Son is perfect forever.

GRADUAL: These people came out of the great troubles in the world, and washed their clothes in the blood of the Lamb and made them white.  Happy are people trusting in YOU, and attending their life to YOUR heaven.

MARK 12:28-34
    28.  A Law teacher stood there listening to the discussion.  The teacher knew that Jesus gave a good answer.  The teacher asked Jesus, "What commandment is the most important commandment?"
    29.  Jesus answered, "The most important commandment is: 'Listen, ISRAEL!  The Lord our God is the only God.
    30.  Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.'
    31.  The second most important commandment is: 'Love your neighbor the same-as you love yourself.'  Happens no other commandment more important than these two commandments."
    32.  The Law teacher said, "Lord, YOU speak truly saying we have only one God and no other gods.
    33.  And a person must love God with all that person's heart, and with all that person's mind, and with all that person's strength; and also that person must love his neighbor same-as he loves himself.  Truly more important for a person to obey these two commandments than to offer gifts and animals to God on the altar."
    34.  Jesus saw that this man understood.  Jesus said to him, "You are near the kingdom of God."  After that, no person brave enough asked Jesus any more questions.

INTROIT: Let us give thanks to the Lord for HIS great love and HIS wonderful works for people.  Give thanks to the Lord, because HE is good; HIS love stays forever.  Let the people of the Lord, those HE saved from the enemies, say this: HE helped HIS people out-of trouble and let their family grow large same-as sheep.  The righteous people see and are-happy, but all the bad people keep their mouths shut.

COLLECT: O God, reign over and lead our hearts and mind by YOUR Holy Spirit that remembering the end of all things and your judgment day we can live a holy here and live with YOU forever in heaven.  We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, YOUR Son, our Lord.  Jesus lives and reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit, eternally one God.  Amen.

I KINGS 17:8-16
     8.  Then the Lord spoke to ELIJAH,
     9.  "Depart and go to the town named ZAREPHATH near the city SIDON and stay there.  I ordered a WIDOW woman living there to feed you."
    10.  ELIJAH went to ZAREPHATH.  Then he arrived at the entrance to the town, he saw a woman picking-up wooden sticks.  ELIJAH said, "Please bring me a drink of water."
    11.  While the woman went for the water, ELIJAH called to her, "Please bring me some bread also."
    12.  The woman answered, "I promise by the living Lord God that I don't have any bread.  I have only a little-bit of FLOUR and OIL.  I am picking-up these wooden sticks to go home and prepare the last food for my son and myself.  Then we will die."
    13.  ELIJAH said, "Don't be afraid.  Go and do that but  bring some of the bread to me, and then go make some bread for yourself and your son.
    14.  The Lord your God says, 'The jar of FLOUR will never be-empty and the jar of oil will always have OIL until the Lord sends rain on the land.'"
    15.  The woman left and obeyed ELIJAH.  She and her family ate for a long time.
    16.  The jar of FLOUR never became empty and the other jar always had OIL in it, the same-as the Lord promised to ELIJAH.

HEBREWS 9:24-28
    24.  Christ didn't go into a Holy Place made by people, but Christ went into the true Holy Place, heaven, to stand in-front-of God for us.
    25.  The Jewish high priest goes into the Most Holy Place every year with the blood of an animal.  But Christ didn't go into the Holy Place to offer HIMSELF many times;
    26.  No; HE didn't have-to suffer many times since the world was first made.  But HE entered only once to offer HIMSELF for the sins of all people.
    27.  Everyone must die once and then happens the judgment day.
    28.  Christ offered HIMSELF once to take-away the sins of many people,  HE will come the second time to save those people waiting for HIM.  Their sins are fully forgiven.

GRADUAL: These people came out of the great troubles in the world, and washed their clothes in the blood of the Lamb and made them white.  Happy are people trusting in YOU, and attending their life to YOUR heaven.

MARK 12:41-44
    41.  Jesus sat in church near the money box and watched the people give their gifts.  Many rich people gave large money gifts.
    42.  A poor WIDOW woman came and gave two small COINS.
    43.  Jesus told HIS friends, "I tell you this woman gave more than all the other people.
    44.  The other people gave a little-bit of money from their large riches, but this woman gave all the money she had to use for living."

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