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INTROIT: I will speak YOUR laws in-front-of kings, and I will not be-ashamed.  God is our protection and strength, very near with HIS help in trouble.  Now we will not fear, no-matter the earth change, and the mountains become moved into the middle of the sea.  Let the water make-big-waves and the mountains shake.  The Lord reigning over all things is with us; the God of Jacob is our protection.

COLLECT: Almighty God, merciful Lord, pour YOUR Holy Spirit on YOUR faithful people.  Keep them strong in YOUR love and truth, protect and comfort them in all temptations, defend them from all enemies of YOUR Word, and give to them YOUR peace.  We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, YOUR Son, our Lord.  Jesus lives and reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit, eternally one God.  Amen.

JEREMIAH 31:31-34
    31.  The time will happen, says the Lord, that I will make a new agreement with the people of ISRAEL and JUDAH.
    32.  Not the same agreement I made with their fathers before while I led them out-of EGYPT; that agreement they broke, says the Lord.
    33.  But this is the agreement I will make with the people, says the Lord;  I will put MY Law inside them  and write that on their hearts, and I will be their God, and they will be MY people.
    34.  And they will no more teach their neighbor or brother saying, "Learn about the Lord," because they will all know ME both young people and old people, because I will forgive their wrong-doings and forget all their sins.

ROMANS 3:19-28
    19.  The Law commands many things.  We know that those commands are for the people living under the Law.  This stops all people's excuses and brings all the world under God's judgment.
    20.  Why?  Because no person can become righteous in-front-of God by following the Law.  The Law only shows us our sin.
    21.  But now God named another way making HIM a friend with people.  That way is not by the Jewish Law.  The Law and the prophets told about that way.
    22.  People become friends with God by trusting in Jesus Christ.  God will accept people coming that way.
    23.  Indifferent because all people sinned and all people lost the glory of God.
    24.  God became a friend with them because of HIS loving free gift.  Jesus paid with HIS blood and made us free from our sins.
    25.  God gave Jesus to the world so that people trusting in the blood of Jesus will have the forgiveness of their sins.  God did this to show HIS righteousness.  In the past God was patient and forgot the sins people did.
    26.  But now God proves HE is correct in saving people from sin.  God shows HE does NO sins and makes anyone holy if they trust in Jesus.
    27.  Why should we be proud people?  We have nothing to boast about.  Why not?  Because we have obeyed the Law?  No!  We are saved because we trusted in Jesus.
    28.  We all learned that a person becomes a friend of God by believing in Christ.  We don't become friends of God by obeying the Laws.

GRADUAL: The Lord is wonderful and we must praise HIM, in the city of our God and in HIS holy mountain.  Walk around the holy city and count the TOWERS.  See the strong building and the beautiful houses, then you can tell your future children about that.

JOHN 8:31-36
    31.  Jesus spoke to the Jewish believers, "If you continue to obey MY teaching, then you are truly MY followers.
    32.  Then you will know the truth.  And the truth will make you free."
    33.  The Jews answered, "We are children from ABRAHAM, and we never were-slaves.  Why do you say that we will be-free?"
    34.  Jesus said, "I tell you truly.  Every person that sins becomes a slave to that sin.
    35.  A slave doesn't stay with a family always, but a son stays with the family forever.
    36.  Now if the Son makes you free, then you will be truly free.

INTROIT: I will sing to the Lord while I live; I will sing praise to my God while I have my life.  O Lord, YOUR works are many, and with wisdom YOU made all things;  the earth is full with the things YOU made.  All these things  wait for YOU to give them food at the correct time.  YOU send YOUR Spirit and they begin to live; YOU make new  the face of the earth.

COLLECT: Almighty God, YOUR mercies come new to us every morning and YOUR goodness gives much for all our needs of body and soul, we ask YOU to give us YOUR Holy Spirit that we will notice all YOUR mercies to us and give thanks to YOU and serve you obediently.  We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, YOUR Son, our Lord.  Jesus lives and reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit, eternally one God.  Amen.

     1.  Be-careful to do everything I command you today,  that you will live and have many children and live in the land the Lord promised to your fathers.
     2.  And remember that the Lord your God led you all the way through the dry country for 40 years to make you humble and test you to see into your hearts if you obey or not.
     3.  God made you suffer and hunger, and then fed you  with bread that you and your fathers didn't make to show that people don't live by eating bread but they live by the words the Lord speaks.
     4.  Your clothes stayed new all during the years and  your feet didn't swell.
     5.  In your hearts learn this, that the Lord your God  is teaching you same-as a father teaches his son.
     6.  Obey the things the Lord commands, follow HIS way,  and honor HIM.
     7.  The Lord your God brings you into a good land with  many rivers from the mountains flowing through the valleys.
     9.  The land has enough food for all the people and you will need nothing more;  the mountains have plenty of IRON and COPPER.
    10.  You will eat anything you want and praise the Lord  your God for all the good land HE gave you.

     1.  First, I tell you to pray and give thanks for all  people,
     2.  Pray for kings and for all government leaders that  we can have quiet and peaceful lives with full worship and respect for God.
     3.  This is good and pleases God our Savior.
     4.  God wants all people to be saved, and HE wants all  people to know the truth.

GRADUAL: The eyes of all people look to YOU to give them food at the correct time.  YOU open YOUR hands and satisfy every living thing.  Praise the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all HIS blessings.

LUKE 17:11-19
    11.  Jesus travelled from the country named GALILEE,  through the country named SAMARIA, on HIS way to the city named JERUSALEM.
    12.  Jesus came to a small city and met ten men.  Those  men didn't come near to Jesus, because they had the sickness named LEPROSY.
    13.  But the men called to Jesus, "Lord, please help  us!"
    14.  Jesus saw the men and said, "Go and show your  bodies to the priests."  While the ten men walked to the priest's house, their bodies became healed.
    15.  One man saw that his body was-healed, ran again to  Jesus, and thanked God with a loud voice.
    16.  The man knelt in-front-of Jesus and thanked Jesus. That man lived in the country named SAMARIA.
    17.  Jesus said, "Ten men became healed.  Where are the  other nine men?
    18.  This man from the country named SAMARIA is the only one to thank God."
    19.  Then Jesus spoke to the man and said, "Stand-up!  You can leave.  You became healed because you believed."

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