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INTROIT: The person standing strong in faith to the end will be saved.  Lord, YOU found pleasure in YOUR land; YOU give success again to JACOB.  YOU forgave all the wrong doings of YOUR people, and covered all their sins.  YOU took-away all YOUR anger and you changed from YOUR hot anger.  Change us, O God of our salvation; stop YOUR anger to us.  Show us YOUR mercy, O Lord, and give us YOUR salvation.

COLLECT: O Lord, forgive YOUR people for all their sins that happened in weakness, then save us with YOUR great goodness.  We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, YOUR Son, our Lord.  Jesus lives and reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit, eternally one God.  Amen.

     1.  The Lord of heaven says, "Watch!  The day of judgment is coming, burning same-as on oven.  All the proud and bad people will be burned same-as STRAW, without roots or branches on them.
     2.  But those people that respect MY name, the righteous sun will shine to give healing to MY people."

     6.  Now I command you, Christian friends, in the name of the Lord Jesus to refuse one-another with anyone that doesn't live and work agreeing with our teaching you.
     7.  You know you must copy us.  We weren't lazy while we were with you.
     8.  We didn't accept free meals, but we worked hard day-and-night that we wouldn't burden you.
     9.  We had the alright to receive support, but instead we wanted to be good examples for you.
    10.  While we were with you, we told you that if anyone doesn't work, then he shouldn't eat.
    11.  We heard that some people are lazy, not working, but wasting their time gossiping.
    12.  Those people we urge and command in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ that they work quietly and eat their own food.
    13.  Christian friends, don't become tired in doing good things.

GRADUAL: These people came out of the great troubles in the world, and washed their clothes in the blood of the Lamb and made them white.  Happy are people trusting in YOU, and attending their life to YOUR heaven.

LUKE 21:5-19
     5.  Some of Jesus' friends began talking about the beautiful temple with all its decorations.
     6.  Jesus said, "The day will happen that all these things you see will be-destroyed and every stone taken-down."
     7.  HIS friends asked, "Lord, when will that happen?  How will we know that is happening?"
     8.  Jesus answered, "Don't let anyone fool you.  Many people will come using MY name saying, 'I am Christ.  The time is ready.'  Don't listen to them.
     9.  But happens you hear about wars and rebellions, don't be-afraid becausee these things must happen, but the end of the world is not-yet."
    10.  Then Jesus said, "Nations will war against nations.  And one kingdom against another kingdom.
    11.  You will see great earthquakes, hungers and sicknesses, terrible sights and things happening in the sky.
    12.  Before that happens people will arrest you, persecute you, bring you in-front-of church judges, throw you in prison.  Because you speak MY name you will stand in-front-of kings and governors."
    13.  You will speak the truth.
    14.  Don't worry about the words you will speak.
    15.  Because I will give you the right words and wisdom to speak, so-that your enemies can't quarrel with you.
    16.  Also, your parents, brothers, family, and friends will betray you, and because of that some of you will be-killed.
    17.  And people will hate you, because you love ME.
    18.  But not one hair on your head will die.
    19.  Remain patient in your faith, and your soul will live."

INTROIT: Forgiveness comes from YOU, O God, now we can honor YOU.  O Lord, hear my prayer, attend to my prayer for mercy; because YOU are faithful and righteous answer my prayer.  My hands I stretch-out to YOU; my soul is thirsty for YOU same-as dry ground.  Hurry to answer me, Lord; my spirit eagerly waits; don't hide YOUR face from me, or I will become same-as people in the grave.  Save me from my enemies, Lord; I trust in YOU.  Because of YOUR name, Lord, make me strong again; in YOUR righteousness become happy to lead my soul from trouble.

COLLECT: Almighty and ever-living God, YOU gave great and important promises to people believing in YOU, help us to believe without doubting in YOUR Son Jesus Christ that our faith can grow strong.  We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, YOUR Son, our Lord.  Jesus lives and reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit, eternally one God.  Amen.

ISAIAH 52:1-6
     1.  Awake, awake, ZION, dress with strength.  Dress with beautiful clothing.  JERUSALEM is the holy city, now not believers and not clean people can't enter.
     2.  You aren't slaves any more.  You are free.
     3.  The Lord says, "You were-forced to become slaves.  Now through mercy you will become free people.
     4.  MY people went to visit EGYPT and became forced slaves.
     5.  I saw MY people become slaves.  The kings spoke against MY people and against ME.
     6.  Now, MY people will know MY name.  On that day MY people will know that I speak; I am here."

    54.  My body can get destroyed.  My body can die.  Happen my body can't be-destroyed, and happen my body can't die, then the words will become true: "Life defeats death." (Isaiah 25:8)
    55.  Death, your power is finished.  Death, your pains are ended.
    56.  Death's pain happens from sin.  Sin's power comes from the Law.
    57.  But thank God for giving us victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
    58.  Now, my dear friends, stand strong.  Don't let other people change your minds.  Always do your work without limit.  Your work for God can't disappear.

GRADUAL: These people came out of the great troubles in the world, and washed their clothes in the blood of the Lamb and made them white.  Happy are people trusting in YOU, and attending their life to YOUR heaven.

LUKE 19:11-27
    11.  While the people listened, Jesus told them a story.  Because Jesus was near JERUSALEM, the people thought the holy nation of God was to appear now.
    12.  Jesus told a story, "A leader went to another country to become crowned king and then came home.
    13.  The man called ten of his special workers and gave them money equal to ten days pay.  And he said to them, 'Use the money until I come again.'
    14.  But the other people in his country hated him.  They sent a group informing them saying, 'We don't-want this man to become our king.'
    15.  But now the man came home again crowned king.  The king called the special workers with that money.  The king wanted to know how-much profit they earned.
    16.  The first worker came and said, "King, you gave-me one coin worth one days pay.  I earned for you ten more coins.'
    17.  The king said, 'You are a good worker.  You took-care-of a little thing.  Now you will reign over ten cities.
    18.  And the second worker came saying, 'King, your one coin increased to five.'
    19.  And the king said to him, 'You will be-responsible for five cities.'
    20.  Another worker came, 'King, see.  Here is your money.  I kept your money hidden in a CLOTH.
    21.  You scare me.  You are a strict man.'
    22.  The king said to him, 'I condemn you with your words.  You know I am a strict man.  I grab and keep things that aren't mine.
    23.  Why didn't you put my money in the BANK?  Then after I arrived home, I would receive my money plus interest.'
    24.  Then the king said, 'Take his money and give the money to the man that earned ten coins.'
    25.  And the workers said to the king, 'But he finished has ten coins.'
    26.  'I tell you, the person that has, he will receive more.  But the person that has nothing, his nothing will be-taken-away.
    27.  My enemies don't-want me to become their king.  Bring my enemies here and kill them here.'"

INTROIT: We are eagerly watching for the new sky and the new earth, the home for the righteous people.  Show me, O Lord, the end of my life and how-many days; let me know that my life is quick.  YOU made my days on earth a few; all my years pass quickly in-front-of YOU.  Every person's life is quick same-as a breath.  But now, Lord, what is my future?  I trust in YOU.  Save me from all my wrong doings; don't let my enemies laugh at me.  Hear my prayer, O Lord, attend to my prayer for mercy; look-on my tears.

COLLECT: Lord God, heavenly Father, we ask YOU to send YOUR Son to lead home HIS bride, the Church, that all us believers can enter YOUR eternal kingdom.   We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, YOUR Son, our Lord.  Jesus lives and reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit, eternally one God.  Amen.

     2.  The Lord God of ISRAEL says this about the shepherds that take-care-of HIS people, "You didn't take-care-of them.  Notice! I will punish you for your bad deeds.
     3.  I will bring together those MY people from all the nations at the places I sent them.  And I will bring them again to their own home, and I will bless them, and they will increase in larger groups.
     4.  I will choose responsible shepherds to take-care-of them.  They will fear no more, and no one will become lost," says the Lord God.
     5.  "Notice!  The day is coming near that I will put a RIGHTEOUS BRANCH on the throne of King DAVID.  HE will reign the true king with wisdom and justice and honesty in the land.
     6.  In that day JUDAH will be-saved, and ISRAEL will live in peace.  And this is the name HE will have: 'The Lord our righteousness.'"

    13.  God the Father saved us from the power of sin and the devil, and HE brought us to the kingdom of HIS dear Son.
    14.  In Jesus we are-saved, and our sins are-forgiven.
    15.  Happen you see Christ, you are-looking-at God.  Christ is God and above all things that God made.
    16.  God made all things through Christ, all things in heaven and on earth, things we see and can't see, all spiritual kings and powers.  God made all things through Jesus and for Jesus.
    17.  Jesus lived before the world began.  And Jesus takes-care-of the world now.
    18.  Christ reigns HIS Church.  Jesus arose from the dead first;  now HE is the Chief King,
    19.  Because God the Father is fully in the Son.
    20.  God made peace with the world by HIS Son's death on the cross.  God made peace with all things in heaven and on earth.

GRADUAL: These people came out of the great troubles in the world, and washed their clothes in the blood of the Lamb and made them white.  Happy are people trusting in YOU, and attending their life to YOUR heaven.

LUKE 23:35-43
    35.  (This is the time Jesus got crucified.)  The people stood there watching Jesus.  But the Jewish leaders laughed-at Jesus.  The leaders said, "YOU saved other people.  Now save YOURSELF if YOU are Christ, the Savior from God!"
    36.  The soldiers also laughed-at Jesus.  The soldiers offered some wine to Jesus.
    37.  And they said, "If YOU are really the King of the Jews, save YOURSELF!"
    38.  Some words were-written and put above Jesus on the cross: "This is the King of the Jews."
    39.  One of the robbers crucified with Jesus cursed Jesus: "Are YOU really Christ?  Save YOURSELF and us!"
    40.  But the other robber scolded him saying, "You don't honor God?  All three of us got condemned with the same-same-same punishment.
    41.  You and I deserve to be-punished because we did wrong.  But Jesus did nothing wrong."
    42.  Then the sorry robber said to Jesus, "Lord, please remember me in YOUR Kingdom."
    43.  Jesus answered, "I tell you, today you will be with ME in heaven."

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