[C] PENTECOST INTROIT: Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of the faithful people, and begin in them YOUR exciting love. Praise God! O Lord, how-many are YOUR works; with wisdom YOU made everything; the earth is full of YOUR things. All these wait for YOU to give them food at the correct time. Happens YOU give to them, then they eat. Happens YOU send YOUR Spirit, then they begin to live, and YOU make new all-over the earth. COLLECT: O God, on this day YOU taught the hearts of YOUR faithful people by sending the light of YOUR Holy Spirit to them. Give to us today the same Spirit that we will have a correct understanding in all things and always enjoy the Holy Spirit's comfort. We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, YOUR Son, our Lord. Jesus lives and reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit, eternally one God. Amen. GENESIS 11:1-9 1. All over the earth the people spoke the same language with the same words. 2. Now the people moved east and decided to live on the flat land in the country named SHINAR. 3. The people said to one-another, "Come, let us make BRICKS and bake them in fire." (Instead-of stone they used BRICKS, and instead of MORTAR, they used BITUMEN.) 4. "Come, let us build a town for ourselves and let us build a tower touching heaven. Let us make our name important, then we will not be-scattered oover the earth." 5. Now God came-down to see the town and the tower the people built. 6. God said, "They are all one people group with one language. This is the beginning of their activities. Shortly, they will try to do other things that seem impossible. 7. Come, let us go-down and confuse their language, then they can't understand each-other." 8. Now, God scattered the people over the whole earth, and they stopped building the town. 9. That place is named BABEL, because God confused the language of all the people on earth, and God scattered the people all over the earth. ACTS 2:37-47 37. The people heard that story, and they felt very sad. They asked PETER and the other friends, "What must we do?" 38. PETER said to them, "Change your hearts and lives! And every one must be-baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. 39. This promise is for you and your children and for people living far-away. The promise is for every person that the Lord our God chooses. 40. PETER warned them with many other words and begged them, "Become saved from the evil people living now!" 41. Then those people believing PETER became baptized. On that day about 3,000 people became believers. 42. And the believers continued to have meetings together, and they learned from Jesus' friends. And they shared with each-other, and ate together, and prayed together. 43. Jesus friends did many powerful and surprising things, and every person felt great respect for God. 44. All the believers stayed together and shared everything. 45. They sold their land and the things they had, and they shared their money and gave it to those people needing help. 46. The believers went to the temple every-day. They all went for the same reason. They ate together in their homes, and they happily shared their food and ate with happy hearts. 47. The believers praised God, and all the people liked them. More and more people became saved every-day; the Lord brought more people into the family of believers. GRADUAL: I will give MY Spirit to all people. Your sons and daughters will speak prophesy. With the heart a person believes and becomes holy, and with the mouth the person confesses and is saved. JOHN 15:26-27; 16:4-11 26. Jesus taught: "The Helper will come, the same Spirit of Truth coming from the Father. I will send the Helper from the Father, and HE wull speak about ME. 27. And you also will speak about ME, because you were with ME from the beginning. 16:4. I didn't tell you these things in the beginning, because I was with you. 5. But now I go to HIM that sent ME, and not one of you asks ME, 'Where are you going?' 6. But because I said these things to you, now sadness fills your hearts. 7. But I tell you the truth. I leave and that is better for you. Because if I don't go, then the Helper will not come to you. But if I go, then I will send the Helper to you, 8. And after HE comes, HE will prove to the world that they are wrong about sin, they are wrong about becoming alright with God, and they are wrong about God's judgment. 9. They are wrong about sin, because they don't believe in ME. 10. They are wrong about becoming alright with God, because I go to the Father, and you will not see ME again. 11. They are wrong about God's judgment, because God finished judged the Devil reigning in this world." [C] THE HOLY TRINITY INTROIT: Praise to the Holy Trinity. Let us give glory to God, because HE shows mercy to us. Give to the Lord, you strong people, give glory and power. Give to the Lord the glory for HIS name; worship the holy Lord. The Lord's voice is powerful; HIS voice is beautiful. The Lord reigns over the waters; the Lord reigns our King forever. The Lord gives strength to HIS people, the Lord blesses HIS people with peace. COLLECT: Almighty God our Father, YOU reign with honor and wisdom. YOU give new life to YOUR people through YOUR eternal Spirit. And YOU show YOUR glory through YOUR Son, Jesus Christ. Take-away our doubt. Take-away our fear. Help us worship YOU, with YOUR Son and Spirit, One God, living and reigning forever. Amen. PROVERBS 8:22-31 22. The Lord made ME in the beginning, long-ago before making anything else. 23. Since eternity the Lord gave ME my duty, before HE made the earth. 24. Before God made the oceans, I was-born; before water springs began I was-born. 25. Before mountains were-established, and before hills began, I was-born. 26. Not-yet God made the earth or fields or dirt, still I lived. 27. Happened God made the skies, I finished there; happened God made the earth round, I finished there. 28. Happened God established the sun, moon, and stars; and happened God made all the mighty seas, I finished there. 29. Happened God limited the seas and ordered the waters to stop; and happened God established all the rules for the earth, 30. I was with God same-as a workman; every day I was-pleased and happy. 31. I was happy with the world God made, and I enjoyed the people God made. ROMANS 5:1-5 1. Now we believers are righteous, and we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, 2. HE gave us the blessing of God's love that we enjoy now. And we are very happy while we hope for God's glory to happen. 3. And we are happy with our troubles, because we know these troubles make us more patient. 4. And this patience shows proof that we are strong. And this proof gives us hope. 5. And this hope will never disappoint us, because the Holy Spirit comes to us and fills our hearts with God's love. GRADUAL: The Lord is great and deserves all praise; no one can understand HIS greatness. I will think about YOUR wonderful works, and I will announce YOUR great deeds. JOHN 16:12-15 12. I have much more to tell you, but that is too-much for you now. 13. Happens the Spirit of Truth comes, HE will teach you all the true things. Everything HE tells you is not from HIMSELF, but HE speaks the things HE hears and tells you the things of the future. 14. HE will praise ME, because HE receives from ME and tells that to you. 15. Everything the Father has is MINE. That is the reason I said, "HE receives from ME and tells that to you." [C] SECOND SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST INTROIT: Become for me a strong rock, a hiding place for me, O Lord. O YOUR goodness is great, that goodness YOU prepared for those people honoring YOU, that YOU give to those people trusting in YOU in-front-of all people. O, love the Lord, all you HIS holy people, the Lord protects HIS faithful people; but the Lord gives the correct payment to the proud people. Become brave and let your heart become strong, all you people hoping in the Lord. COLLECT: O God, YOUR wisdom reigns all things in heaven and earth, we ask YOU to take-away all things that hurt us and give us those things profitable to us. We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, YOUR Son, our Lord. Jesus lives and reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit, eternally one God. Amen. I KINGS 8:41-43 41. This reading is from the prayer of SOLOMON in the new temple he built: "Lord God of ISRAEL...I think also about FOREIGN people. They hear about YOUR wonderful name. 42. They hear about the great things you did for YOUR people, ISRAEL. Maybe they will come to worship YOU and to pray here in this temple. I ask you, listen to their prayers. 43. YOU live in heaven, but YOU hear them and do anything they ask YOU to do. Then all the people of the world will know YOU and obey YOU same-as YOUR people, ISRAEL, know YOU and obey YOU. Then all people will know that this temple is the place to worship YOU..." GALATIANS 1:1-10 1. PAUL, sent not by any man, but sent by Jesus Christ and by God the Father. God raised Jesus from the dead, 2. And from all the Christian people with me, to the churches in the country GALATIA... 3. Love and peace to you from God the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ, 4. Jesus gave HIMSELF for our sins to save us from this wicked world agreeing with the wishes of our God and Father. 5. To God give glory forever! Amen. 6. I am surprised, you are so fast in leaving the God that called you by the love of Christ and are following another kind of good announcement, that is truly not different. 7. But there are some men that are troubling you and want to change the good announcement of Christ. 8. But if we or an angel from heaven bring you any other good announcement different from the words we gave you, then curse on him. 9. I say again the things we said before: If anyone brings you any other good announcement instead-of the announcement you received, curse on him! 10. Do I say this now to get the approval of men or of God? Or am I trying to please men? If I were still trying to please men, I would not be the servant of Christ. GRADUAL: The Lord is great and deserves all praise; no one can understand HIS greatness. I will think about YOUR wonderful works, and I will announce YOUR great deeds. LUKE 7:1-10 1. Happened Jesus finished speaking to the people, Jesus went to the city named CAPERNAUM. 2. At that city the slave of a Roman official was sick. The official loved the slave, and now the slave was-dying. 3. The official heard about Jesus and sent some Jewish leaders to ask Jesus to come and save the slave's life. 4. The leaders came to Jesus and zealously begged Jesus, 5. "The official deserves to have YOU do this for him, because he loves our people and built the Jewish church for us." 6. Jesus went with them. Jesus came near the house and the official sent his friends to tell Jesus, "Lord, don't bother. I am not good enough for YOU to come into my house. 7. Also, I don't think it correct for YOU. But say a word and my slave will become healed. 8. I am only a man, and I must obey other, but I have soldiers under me. I tell one soldier, "Go!", and he goes. And another I say, "Come!", and he comes. And to my slave I say, "Do this!", and he obeys me." 9. Surprised to hear the official say that, Jesus turned to the people following and said, "I tell you, I haven't found among the Jewish people the same strong faith." 10. Happened the friends went into the officials house, the slave was-finished healed. [C] THIRD SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST INTROIT: Anyone giving a thank-offering honors ME, and prepares the way that I can show God's salvation. Our mighty God and Lord speaks to the earth from sunrise to sunset. "Listen, MY people, and I will speak; O ISRAEL, I will speak against you. I am God, your God. I accept you indifferent your gifts and offerings put in-front-of ME. I don't need your cow or your goats, because every animal in the forest is MINE, and the cows on a thousand hills are MINE. Bring thank-offerings to God and remember your promises to HIM, and pray to ME in the day of trouble; I will help you, and you will honor ME." COLLECT: O God, all good things come from YOU, help YOUR humble servants to think the things correct and with YOUR holy guidance help us to do those things. We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, YOUR Son, our Lord. Jesus lives and reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit, eternally one God. Amen. I KINGS 17:17-24 17. (During the hunger time ELIJAH lived in the house of the WIDOW from the city ZAREPHATH.) Later the son of the WIDOW became sick. His sickness became worse and worse and finally died. 18. The woman told ELIJAH, "Man of God, why did-you do this against me? Why? You came here and God remembered my sins and killed my son." 19. ELIJAH said, "Give-me your boy." He took-the-boy-from-her and carried-him to his room and laid-him on the bed. 20. Then he prayed, saying, "O Lord, my God, why do-YOU do this terrible thing to this woman. She was kind to me and now YOU kill her son." 21. Then ELIJAH laid on-top-of the boy three times and prayed, "O Lord, my God, please make this boy live again." 22. The Lord answered his prayer and the boy began to breathe and awoke. 23. ELIJAH brought the boy to his mother and said, "See, your son lives!" 24. The woman answered, "Now I know that you are a man of God, and the word of the Lord you speak is truth." GALATIANS 1:11-24 11. I tell you, my Christian friends, the good announcement I speak is not a man's idea. 12. Because no man gave it or taught it to me, but Jesus Christ showed it to me. 13. You heard the things I did in the past while I still lived following the Jewish religion, and that I persecuted God's church and tried to destroy that. 14. And that in this Jewish religion I was better than many young men same-as my age, because I was very zealous to follow the traditions of my fathers. 15. But God chose me before I was-born, and in HIS love HE called me. 16. And happened God kindly decided to show me HIS Son, so-that I would tell the good announcement of Jesus among the non-Jewish people, 17. I didn't talk about it with people or go to JERUSALEM to see those that were sent before me, but I went quickly to ARABIA and then came back to the city DAMASCUS. 18. After three years I went to JERUSALEM to meet PETER, and I stayed with him fifteen days. 19. But I didn't see any of the other friends, except JAMES, the brother of our Lord. 20. And I confess in-front-of God that I am-writing no lie. 21. Then I went to the countries of SYRIA and CILICIA. In the country JUDEA the churches of Christ didn't-know me personally. 22. They only heard people say, 23. "The man in the past persecuting us is now preaching the faith that he before tried to destroy." 24. And they praised God for the things they saw in me. GRADUAL: The Lord is great and deserves all praise; no one can understand HIS greatness. I will think about YOUR wonderful works, and I will announce YOUR great deeds. LUKE 7:11-17 11. A short time later Jesus went to a town named NAIN, and Jesus' friends and a large group of people went with Jesus. 12. Happened Jesus came near to the entrance of the city, a dead man was-carried. He was the mother's only son, and his father was finished dead. A large group of people from the city came with her. 13. Happened Jesus saw the mother, Jesus felt sorry for her and said, "Don't cry." 14. Jesus went to the COFFIN and touched it, and the men carrying it stopped walking. Jesus said, "Young man, I tell you, wake-up." 15. The dead man sat-up and started to speak. And Jesus brought the boy to the mother. 16. All the people were- surprised and praised God and said, "A great prophet lives among us, and God came to help HIS people." 17. This story about Jesus spread all over the country of the Jews and in all the nearby countries. [C] FOURTH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST INTROIT: Serve the Lord with happiness; come in-front-of HIM with singing. Shout with happiness to the Lord, all things on earth. Serve the Lord with happiness; come in-front-of HIM with singing. Know that the Lord is God; HE made us and we didn't make ourselves. We are HIS people and HIS holy sheep. Enter HIS gates with thanksgiving, and enter HIS house with praise. Give thanks to HIM and praise HIS name. Because the Lord is good; HIS mercy stays forever, and HIS faithfulness continues forever. COLLECT: Almighty and eternal God, give us an increase of faith, hope, and love, that we can receive the things YOU promised; and make us to love YOUR commands. We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, YOUR Son, our Lord. Jesus lives and reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit, eternally one God. Amen. II SAMUEL 11:26 - 12:10, 13-15 26. Happened BATHSHEBA heard that her husband, URIAH, was-dead, she grieved for him. 27. After she finished grieving, DAVID called her to come to his home, and she became his wife, and she gave-birth to a son. But DAVID did wrong in the sight of the Lord. 12:1. And the Lord sent NATHAN to DAVID. Nathan said, "There were two men in one city, the one man rich and the other man poor. 2. The rich man had much cattle and sheep. 3. But the poor man had only one little sheep that he bought. He took-care-of it and fed it, and the little sheep slept with him and his children. 4. One day a visitor came into town. But the rich man didn't-want to kill one of his-own sheep but took the poor man's sheep and fed that to the visitor." 5. Then king DAVID became very angry and said, "Where is that man? 6. I will give the poor man four sheep, but the rich man must die!" 7. NATHAN said to the king, "You are that man. God made you king over ISRAEL and saved your life from king SAUL. 8. God gave you the king's house, his wives, and the kingdoms of ISRAEL and JUDAH. That was plenty, but God would give you much more. 9. Why did you break God's Laws and do this sinful thing? You killed URIAH and stole his wife. 10. Now your family will be-bothered with the sword, because you disobeyed God and took URIAH'S wife for your-own wife." 13. DAVID said to NATHAN, "I sinned against the Lord." NATHAN said, "The Lord forgives your sin. You will not die. 14. But because you didn't respect the Lord, your son must die." 15. Then NATHAN went home. Then the Lord touched the child of BATHSHEBA and DAVID and it became very sick. GALATIANS 2:11-21 11. But after PETER entered the city named ANTIOCH, I disagreed with him, because PETER showed that he was-wrong. 12. PETER ate with non-Jewish people before JAMES' friends arrived. But after they arrived, PETER stayed away from non-Jews, because he was-afraid of the Jews that believed all Christians must be CIRCUMCISED. 13. And the other Jews did the same-as PETER, also BARNABAS did same-as a hypocrite. 14. But after I saw that they weren't doing correct agreeing with the truth of the Good Announcement, I told PETER in-front-of all the people, "If you, a Jewish man, don't live same-as a Jew, but you do same-as a non-Jew, how can you force the non-Jew to live same-as a Jew? 15. We were-born Jews not non-Jewish sinners, still we know a person cannot become righteous by obeying the things the Ten Commandments say, but we become righteous only by believing in Jesus Christ. 16. Also we began to believe in Jesus Christ to become righteous by believing in Christ and not by doing the Ten Commandments, because none will become righteous by obeying the Ten Commandments. 17. Now if we want to become righteous in Christ and we are sinners same-as the non-Jews, does Christ encourage us to do more sin? 18. Never! But if I build the things I destroyed, I make myself a sinner. 19. If to please the Jews, I try again to obey the Law, that same Law condemns me same-as a sinner. The Law condemned Jesus for our sins and killed Jesus and killed us with Jesus. Now the Law can't demand anymore from us than from a dead person. 20. I was-crucified with Christ, and I don't live anymore, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in my body, I live by believing in the God and Christ that loved me and gave HIMSELF for me. 21. I don't reject God's gift of love. You see, if we could become righteous by obeying the Law, then Christ died for nothing. GRADUAL: The Lord is great and deserves all praise; no one can understand HIS greatness. I will think about YOUR wonderful works, and I will announce YOUR great deeds. LUKE 7:36-50 36. One of the Law teachers invited Jesus to eat with him. Jesus went into his home and sat-down to eat. 37. In that town lived a sinful woman. Happened she heard Jesus ate at the Law teachers house, she brought a jar of perfume and stood near Jesus' feet. 38. She cried and beagn to wash Jesus' feet with her tears. Then with her hair she dried Jesus' feet, kissed the feet, and poured perfume on the feet. 39. The Law teacher saw that and thought, "If Jesus was truly a prophet, Jesus would know about that woman. She is a sinner." 40. Jesus said, "SIMON, I have something to tell you." SIMON said, "Tell us, teacher." 41. Jesus said, "Two men owed money to a man; one man owed $75 and the other man owed $7.50. 42. Happened the two men couldn't pay, the man was kind enough to cancel the debt for both of them. Now, which of the two men will love that man more?" 43. SIMON answered, "I guess the man with the biggest debt." 44. Jesus said, "That is correct." Then Jesus looked at the woman and said, "You see this woman? I came to your house, and you gave ME no water for MY feet, but she washed MY feet with her tears and dried MY feet with her hair. 45. You gave ME no kiss, but since I entered here, she kissed MY feet. 46. You poured no perfume on MY head, but she poured perfume on MY feet. 47. That is the reason I tell you, her sins are forgiven, indifferent she has many sins. You see, she loved much. The same anyone that has few sins forgiven, also loves only a little." 48. Then Jesus said to the woman, "Your sins are-forgiven." 49. The other visitors at the table began to ask, "Who is this Man that HE can forgive sins?" 50. Jesus said to the woman, "Your faith saved you. Go in peace." [C] FIFTH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST INTROIT: The Lord is my Light and my Savior; I will fear nothing. One thing I asked the Lord, and I searched; that I can live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life; and to see the beauty of the Lord, and enter HIS temple. Because in the day of trouble HE will hide me in HIS room; HE will hide me in HIS secret house; HE will put me high on a rock. Then I will be above all my enemies; I will shout with happiness in HIS house; I will sing praises to the Lord. COLLECT: O Lord, YOU always guide and reign over those people that love and worship YOU, make us always honor and worship YOUR holy name. We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, YOUR Son, our Lord. Jesus lives and reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit, eternally one God. Amen. ZECHARIAH 12:7-10 7. And the Lord will give victory to the family of JUDAH first, the glory of the house of DAVID, and the glory of the people living in the city named JERUSALEM will not be more than JUDAH'S glory. 8. On that day the Lord will protect the people living in JERUSALEM, and they will be weak same-as DAVID, and DAVID'S family will become same-as God; same-as the angel of the Lord, leading them. 9. On that day God will destroy all nations coming against JERUSALEM. 10. And God will give to the family of DAVID and to JERUSALEM kindness, that happen they look-at HIM that they crucified, they will grieve for HIM, same-as people cry if their only baby dies, and cry much for HIM, same-as people cry if a first born baby dies. GALATIANS 3:23-29 23. Before we had faith. we lived under the Law waiting for God to give-us faith. 24. The Law protected us until Jesus came, then we are judges holy by faith. 25. But now we have faith and don't need that protection. 26. You are all God's children by believing in Christ Jesus, 27. Because all of you baptized in Christ's name, finished Jesus holy life clothed you. 28. There is no Jew or Greek, no slave or free person, no man or woman - you are all one the same in Christ Jesus. 29. If you join to Christ, then you are ABRAHAM'S children, and you will receive the blessing God promised. GRADUAL: The Lord is great and deserves all praise; no one can understand HIS greatness. I will think about YOUR wonderful works, and I will announce YOUR great deeds. LUKE 9:18-24 18. Once happened Jesus prayed, and only HIS friends were with HIM, Jesus asked, "Who do people say I am?" 19. The friends answered, "JOHN the Baptist, others say ELIJAH, and others say that YOU are one of the old prophets come again to life." 20. Jesus asked, "And you say I am who?" PETER answered, "The Savior, God sent." 21. Jesus commanded the friends not to tell anyone about this. 22. Jesus said, "The Son of Man must suffer much, be-rejected by the Jewish leaders, the reigning priest, and Law teachers, be-killed, and then arise on the third day." 23. And Jesus told all of HIS friends, "If you want to follow ME, give-up your life, accept your suffering everyday, and come with ME. 24. If you want to save your life yourself, you will lose it. But if you will give-up your life for ME, you will save it." [C] SIXTH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST INTROIT: Lord, hear my prayers; show mercy to me and answer me. The Lord is my Light and my Savior; I will fear nothing. The Lord gives strength to my life; I will not be-afraid. Don't hide YOUR face from me; don't push-away YOUR servant in anger. YOU always helped me; don't throw-away me, O God my Savior. COLLECT: O God, YOU prepared for YOUR people good things above our understanding, pour into our hearts much love that we can receive YOUR promises. We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, YOUR Son, our Lord. Jesus lives and reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit, eternally one God. Amen. I KINGS 19:14-21 14. ELIJAH answered, "Lord God Almighty, before I always served YOU - only YOU. But the people of ISRAEL broke their agreement with YOU, destroyed YOUR places of worship, and killed all YOUR prophets. I am the only true prophet still here, and they are trying to kill me." 15. The Lord said, "Go again to the city named DAMASCUS on the road through the dry country. Enter the city and pour OIL on the man HAZAEL to become king of SYRIA. 16. Pour OIL on JEHU, son of NIMSHI, to become king of the Jewish nation, and pour OIL on ELISHA, son of SHAPAT from the city ABEL MEHOLAH, to become prophet instead-of you. 17. Any person that escapes getting killed by HAZAEL will get killed by JEHU, and anyone that escapes JEHU will get killed by ELISHA. 18. But I will let seven thousand people stay alive in the Jewish nation -- all those people that are faithful to God and refused to worship the false god BAAL and refused to kiss the idol." 19. ELIJAH went and found ELISHA plowing a field with twelve OXEN. ELISHA followed the last OXEN. ELIJAH came and put his coat around ELISHA. 20. Then he began leaving the OXEN and ran following ELIJAH and asked, "Please let me say 'Goodbye' to my father and mother, then I will follow you." ELIJAH said, "Go, see them. I will not stop you." 21. ELISHA went and took some OXEN and killed them and cooked the meat and had a big feast with his family. Then ELISHA went and followed ELIJAH. GALATIANS 5:1, 13-25 1. Christ freed us, then we will be free. Stand strong, and don't become a slave to your sins. 13. You are called to be free, my Christian friends. Only don't use your freedom to go out and sin, but in love serve one-another. 14. You obey the whole Law if you do one thing - love your neighbor same-as you love yourself. 15. But if you fight with one-another, be-careful that you aren't to blame for your own destruction. 16. But I say, follow the Holy Spirit, and you will not follow the wishes of your sinful body. 17. The things the sinful body wants is against is against the wants of the Spirit, and the things the Spirit wants is against the wants of the sinful body, because the two are enemies to each-other and stop you from doing the things you want to do. 18. But if the Spirit leads you, then you are not under the Law. 19. Now you know the work of the sinful body; SEX sins, not clean living, pleasure living all the time, 20. Worshipping idols, using devil's power, hating, fighting, jealousy, anger, selfishness, quarrelling, making enemies with one-another, 21. Wanting things that belong to another person, drunkenness, sinful eating, and things same-as that. I warn you, same-as I warned you before, people doing those things will not be in God's kingdom. 22. But the Holy Spirit gives us love, happiness, and peace. 23. The Holy Spirit makes us patient, kind, good, faithful, nice behavior, and controlling our desires. There is no law against doing these things. 24. Those people belonging to Christ Jesus, finished killed those sinful hungers and wants in our life. 25. If the Holy Spirit is living in us, then let the Holy Spirit guide our life. GRADUAL: The Lord is great and deserves all praise; no one can understand HIS greatness. I will think about YOUR wonderful works, and I will announce YOUR great deeds. LUKE 9:51-62 51. And it happened before Jesus ascended into heaven that Jesus decided to go to JERUSALEM. 52. Jesus sent some friends to a town in the country named SAMARIA to prepare a place for HIM to stay. 53. But the people refused to welcome Jesus, because HE was-going to JERUSALEM. 54. Happened JAMES and JOHN saw that, they asked Jesus, "Lord, can we send fire from heaven to kill those people?" 55. Jesus looked at the friends and criticized them. 56. They all went to another city. 57. While walking on the road, a man came and said to Jesus, "I will follow YOU any place YOU go." 58. Jesus said, "Foxes have homes and birds have resting places, but the Son of Man has no place to rest HIS head. 59. Jesus spoke to another man, "Follow ME." The man said, "Lord, first let me go and bury my father." 60. But Jesus said, "Let others bury the dead, but you go and tell others about God's kingdom." 61. Another man said, "I will follow YOU, Lord, but first let me say 'Goodbye' to my family at home." 62. Jesus answered, "Anyone wanting to follow ME and still look-back to his past life is not worthy for God's kingdom. [C] SEVENTH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST INTROIT: Because-of YOUR name, Lord, make me strong again; in YOUR righteousness happily lead my soul from trouble. Lord, hear my prayer, attend to my words; because YOU are faithful, answer me in YOUR righteousness. Don't judge YOUR servant, because in YOUR sight no person is holy. Happen morning begins, show mercy to me; because I trust YOU. COLLECT: Lord, YOU reign over everything that happens in the world, let us in YOUR Church serve YOU in peace and quietness. We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, YOUR Son, our Lord. Jesus lives and reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit, eternally one God. Amen. ISAIAH 66:10-14 10. Rejoice with JERUSALEM and be happy all you people loving JERUSALEM. Rejoice all you grieving for JERUSALEM. 11. Then you will drink milk same-as a baby, getting milk from its mother's breast and is comforted. 12. The Lord says, "I will give riches to JERUSALEM same-as a river, and riches from other nations will flow to JERUSALEM. You will be-happy same-as a baby on its mother's lap. 13. Same-as a mother comforts her son, same I, God, will comfort you people in JERUSALEM. 14. After this happens, your heart will be-pleased. And the people will know the Lord helps them, but the enemies will be punished." GALATIANS 6:1-10, 14-16 1. My Christian friends, if you find anyone doing wrong, you have the Holy Spirit, and you must teach that person the correct spirit of love, being-careful yourself, so-that you aren't tempted to do wrong. 2. Help one-another to carry this responsibility and do everything the Law of Christ demands. 3. If a man thinks himself very important, happens truly he is not important, then he fools himself. 4. Everyone must search his-own work, then he will find something to praise himself without comparing himself with another man. 5. Everyone is responsilble for his-own work. 6. If someone teaches you the Word of God, share all your good things with your teacher. 7. Don't make a mistake; you can't fool God. Because the SEED you plant, that kind of food only will grow. 8. If you want to only please your sinful body, then you will receive the gift of death from your body. If you want to please the Holy Spirit, then you will receive the gift of eternal life from the Spirit. 9. Let us not become tired of doing good things. At the correct time we will receive our gift, if we don't give-up. 10. So, any time you can do something good, let us do good to everyone, especially to those people that are in our family of believers. 14. I will never boast about anything in my life, but I will boast about the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, because the sinful world put me on the cross, and I am-leaving the sinful world. 15. Following the old Jewish customs or not following them isn't important. The important thing is the new life begun in me. 16. Peace and mercy be on all following this rule and on all of God's people. GRADUAL: The Lord is great and deserves all praise; no one can understand HIS greatness. I will think about YOUR wonderful works, and I will announce YOUR great deeds. LUKE 10:1-12, 16 1. After that the Lord chose seventy-two other men and sent the men out, two men together, to go to every town and place that Jesus planned to visit. 2. Jesus said, "There is much work to do, but only a few workers. Now pray to the Lord to help send workers out to the world. 3. Go now. I am-sending you same-as a lamb among wolves. 4. Don't bring any money or food or shoes, and don't stop to speak to anyone. 5. Happens you enter a house, first say, 'Let peace be in this house.' 6. If a man of peace lives there, your peace will stay with him; but if not, you will know that quickly. 7. Stay in that house and eat and drink the things they give you, because the worker earns his pay. Don't go from house to another house. 8. Happens you go into a town and people welcome you, eat the things they serve. 9. Heal the sick people, and tell the people 'God's kingdom is near to you.' 10. But happens you go into a town and the people don't welcome you, then go to the streets of that city and say, 11. 'The dirt from your town on our feet we wipe-off against you. But remember that the kingdom of God is coming soon.' 12. I tell you, on the judgment day will happen worse for the people of that town, than for the people of the city named SODOM. 16. Anyone listening to you, also listens to ME, and anyone refusing to listen to you, also they refuse to listen to ME, and anyone refusing to listen to ME, also refuses to listen to God the Father; HE sent ME. [C] EIGHTH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST INTROIT: O, taste and see that the Lord is good; happy is the person trusting in HIM. The Lord chose Mt. ZION; HE wants that for HIS living place. This is MY resting place forever; here I will live, because I wanted that. I will truly bless you with much food; I will satisfy the poor people with bread. I will give salvation to the priests, and the holy people will sing with happiness. COLLECT: O almighty and most merciful God, in YOUR great goodness protect us from all things that maybe would hurt us, then we will be ready in body and soul to happily do all the things YOU wish. We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, YOUR Son, our Lord. Jesus lives and reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit, eternally one God. Amen. DEUTERONOMY 30:9-14 9. The Lord your God will give you success in everything you do. You will have many children and many cows, and you fields will grow many foods. The Lord will feel happy to give you success, same-as HE felt happy before giving success to your fathers. 10. But you must obey HIM, and you must do all HE says in HIS commandments same-as HE wrote in HIS book of Laws. You must come again to the Lord your God with all your mind and heart. 11. This command I give now isn't too-hard. No, this command isn't far-away. 12. This command isn't in heaven. Then don't say, "Who will go-up and bring HIS Law to us, and then we can hear and obey it?" No! 13. This command isn't across the sea. Then don't say, "Who will go-across the sea and bring HIS Law to us, and then we can hear and obey it?" No! 14. This word, this command, is close to you. Yes, you know this word, and you can say it with your mouth. Now, you obey HIS word. COLOSSIANS 1:1-14 1. PAUL, sent by Christ Jesus agreeing with God's wish, and our friend worker, TIMOTHY, 2. To the holy and faithful friend believers in Christ at the city named COLOSSAE: May God our Father love you and give you peace. 3. In our prayers for you we are always thanking God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, 4. Because we finished heard the way you believe in Christ Jesus and love all the holy people. 5. And the things you hope is kept for you in heaven. You heard about that before after we told you the truth of the Good Announcement. 6. That finished come to you, and that Good Announcement is spreading all over the world, same-as the Good Announcement spread among your people same-as you learned the meaning to have God love you. 7. That Good Announcement you learned from EPAPHRAS, our good and loved helper, he is truly serving Christ instead-of us. 8. And he is the one that told us about your love in the Holy Spirit. 9. That is the reason, since the day he heard about it, we haven't stopped praying for you and asking God to fill you with a clear knowledge of HIS wish by giving you every different-kind of spiritual wisdom and understanding. 10. Now that you live worthy of the Lord, trying to please God in every way same-as you do every different-kind of good work and grow by knowing your God better. 11. We ask God agreeing with HIS wonderful power to give you strength you need to patiently burden anything that happens to you. 12. Now you can happily thank God the Father, HE gave us a share with the holy people in heaven. 13. God made us free from the power of the devil and gave us a place in the kingdom of the Son loving us, 14. Jesus paid for our sins, now we are forgiven and made free. GRADUAL: The Lord is great and deserves all praise; no one can understand HIS greatness. I will think about YOUR wonderful works, and I will announce YOUR great deeds. LUKE 10:25-37 25. Then a man skilled in the Jewish Laws came to test Jesus and asked, "Teacher, what must I do to get eternal life?" 26. Jesus asked the man, "What is-written in the Law? What do you read?" 27. The man answered, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your life and with all your strength and with all your mind, and love your neighbor the same-as you love yourself." 28. Jesus told the man, "You are correct. Do that and you will live forever." 29. But the man wanted to prove himself correct. The man asked Jesus, "And who is my neighbor?" 30. And Jesus told a story to the man, "A man travelled from JERUSALEM to JERICHO, and some robbers came and tore-off his clothes, punched the man, and began leaving. The man was-almost dead. 31. And it happened the same time that a Jewish priest travelled on that road, but happened the priest saw the man, the priest went across the road and passed-by. 32. Also on that road came a temple servant, and he saw the man lying on the road, and also he passed-by. 33. Then came a man from the country named SAMARIA, and he saw the man and felt sorry for him. That man came and wrapped-his-body and poured OIL and gave-him some wine and put the man on his donkey and lead the man to a house and took-care of that man. 34. The next day the man from SAMARIA took-out some money and gave the money to the house keeper. 35. 'Please take-care-of my friend, and any more money you need I will pay you after I come again.' 36. Jesus asked the man, "Which of the three men do you think was a good neighbor to the man beaten-up by the robbers?" 37. The man said, "The one man that was kind enough to help." Jesus said, "You go now and do the same thing." [C] NINTH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST INTROIT: YOUR word is a light for my feet to show the way. Teach me YOUR way, O Lord, and I will walk following YOUR true word; let my heart honor YOUR name. I will praise YOU, O Lord, with all my heart; and I will give glory to YOUR name forever. Because YOUR mercy to me is wonderful; and YOU saved my soul from the depths of hell. COLLECT: O Lord, give us YOUR Holy Spirit to think and do always those things pleasing in YOUR sight that we can live agreeing with YOUR holy wishes. We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, YOUR Son, our Lord. Jesus lives and reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit, eternally one God. Amen. GENESIS 18:1-10 1. The Lord came to ABRAHAM while he was-sitting in-front-of his tent near the trees at the place named MAMRE about 12 noon. 2. ABRAHAM looked and saw three men coming near. ABRAHAM ran to meet them, and he bowed in-front-of them. 3. ABRAHAM said, "My Lord, please show kindness to me and stay here with me. 4. We will get some water and wash your feet, and you can rest under the tree. 5. I will get some food for you, and then you can leave; because that is the reason you passed this place." The three men answered, "We will stay." 6. Now ABRAHAM hurried into the tent to his wife SARAH. ABRAHAM said, "Quick, get some flour and make three cakes." 7. Then ABRAHAM ran to the fields and found a baby cow and gave that to his servant to cook it. 8. Then ABRAHAM took some cheese and milk and meat finished prepared and served the visitors sitting under the tree. 9. The three men asked, "Where is your wife, SARAH?" ABRAHAM answered, "In the tent." 10. One man said, "I will come again to you here in the Spring, and your wife will have a son." SARAH was-listening in the tent behind the door. COLOSSIANS 1:21-28 21. Once before you were-separated from God in your heart, doing bad things, 22. But now by the death of Jesus God became your friend, so that you can stand in-front-of God without sin or mistake or blame, 23. If you continue in your faith to stay and remember the Good Announcement that you heard. This is the same Good Announcement preached to every person on earth, and I, PAUL, am a servant of the Good Announcement. 24. I am happy for you, indifferent I suffer pain and I must burden the sorrow for the Church of Jesus Christ. 25. God made me a servant happened God gave-me this work among you to preach HIS Word to you. 26. The secret of God's Word was-hidden from the people for many years, but that secret is now shown to God's holy people. 27. God wanted to tell them about HIS wonderful glory among the non-Jewish peoples: That glorious word is that Christ lives in you. 28. We preach Christ, warning everyone and teaching everyone, using every different-kind of wisdom to show that we can be holy and perfect through Christ. GRADUAL: The Lord is great and deserves all praise; no one can understand HIS greatness. I will think about YOUR wonderful works, and I will announce YOUR great deeds. LUKE 10:38-42 38. While the group was-walking, Jesus arrived at the city, and a woman named MARTHA invited Jesus into her home. 39. MARTHA had a sister named MARY, and she sat near Jesus' feet and listened to Jesus speak. 40. But MARTHA was-worried about all the house work to prepare for the visitor. MARTHA came and asked, "Lord, please tell my sister to come and help me with all the work." 41. Jesus answered, "MARTHA, MARTHA, you worry about many things. 42. But there is only one thing that you really need. MARY made the correct decision, and you must not take-away that from her." [C] TENTH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST INTROIT: YOU are righteous, O Lord, and YOUR judgments are correct. Oh, I love much YOUR teaching; all day I study YOUR word. YOUR commandments make me wise-most than my enemies, because I always remember the commandments. Truly YOUR words are sweet, more sweet than the taste of HONEY. YOUR word shines on my feet and lights my way. O Lord, accept the praise I offer and teach me YOUR laws. Your words I love forever, because that brings happiness to my heart. COLLECT: O God, YOU protect those people trusting in YOU, only YOU are holy and strong, increase YOUR mercy to us that with YOUR leading and reigning over us we will live through our earthly troubles and not lose our eternal gifts. We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, YOUR Son, our Lord. Jesus lives and reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit, eternally one God. Amen. GENESIS 18:20-32 20. Then the Lord said, "Because I hear complaints about the cities named SODOM and GOMORRAH, and their sin is awful, 21. I will go and see the things they did." 22. Then the Lord started to leave, but ABRAHAM stayed. 23. ABRAHAM asked, "Will YOU destroy good people with bad people? 24. Maybe fifty good people live in that city. Will YOU destroy the city? 25. You can never do that thing; destroy the good people with the bad people. The judge of the world must do correct." 26. And the Lord answered, "If I find fifty good people, I will not destroy the city." 27. ABRAHAM said, "I am a sinful man, and I am-talking to the Lord." 28. Then ABRAHAM asked, "Maybe forty-five good people live in the city. Will YOU destroy the city?" And the Lord answered, "No. If I find forty-five good people there." 29. Then ABRAHAM asked, "What about forty?" And the Lord answered, "No." 30. Then ABRAHAM asked, "Please don't be-angry against me. What about thirty good people living there?" The Lord answered, "I will not destroy it, if I find thirty there." 31. ABRAHAM asked, "Maybe twenty good people live there." God answered, "For twenty I will not destroy it." 32. Then ABRAHAM again asked, "Oh, let not the Lord be-angry, and I will speak only once more. Maybe ten are found there." The Lord answered, "Because of ten, I will not destroy it." COLOSSIANS 2:6-15 6. The same-as you accepted Christ Jesus for your Lord, so now also live with Jesus. 7. Let Jesus begin, and grow, and make you strong in your faith, the same-as you learned, and you overflow with thanksgiving. 8. Be-careful or someone will trap you with his philosophy and teach you not-important words and teach you to follow habits of men and of the world and not to listen to Christ. 9. God lives in the body of Christ. 10. And in Jesus, the Lord of all reigning over the nations, you will have a full life. 11. In Jesus you become God's children, not by following the rules of the Jews, but by taking-away the sinful body through Jesus. 12. Because in baptism you became buried with Jesus, and you were-raised from death with Jesus by believing in the power of God, because God raised Jesus from death. 13. Yes, you before were-dead in your sins and in your not clean body, but now God made you alive happen God forgives all our sins. 14. God took-away the demands of the Law against us, and God did that by putting those sins on the cross. 15. God took-away the protection of the leaders and nations and made the world ashamed happened Jesus triumphed over them. GRADUAL: The Lord is great and deserves all praise; no one can understand HIS greatness. I will think about YOUR wonderful works, and I will announce YOUR great deeds. LUKE 11:1-13 1. Once Jesus was-praying in a place. Happened Jesus finished, one of HIS friends asked, "Lord, teach us to pray the same-as JOHN taught his friends." 2. Jesus said, "Happen you pray, say the words: Father in heaven, YOUR name is holy, YOUR kingdom come, 3. YOUR wish happen on earth same-as in heaven, give-us every-day our daily blessings, 4. Forgive our sins, same-as we forgive people sinning against us. And don't bring us to temptation." 5. Jesus said to HIS friends, "If you have a friend, and you go to your friend at midnight and ask, 'Friend, may I borrow three loaves-of-bread. 6. A visitor came to my house, and I have nothing to serve him.' 7. Will your friend answer, 'Don't bother me. The door is-locked, and the family is all in bed. I can't get-up and give you anything.' 8. I tell you, indifferent he won't get-up and give you anything because you are his friend, still if you bother more he will get-up and give you anything you need. 9. Now I tell you, ask and it will be-given to you. Search and you will find. Knock and the door will be-opened for you. 10. Anyone asking will receive and anyone searching will find and anyone knocking will have the door opened for him. 11. If your son asks you for a fish, will any of you give a snake instead-of a fish? 12. Or if your son asks for an egg, will you give your son a spider? 13. Now if you sinful people know enough to give your children good gifts, then think much more your Father in heaven will give the Holy Spirit to those asking HIM!" [C] ELEVENTH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST INTROIT: Don't stay far-away from me, O God; come quick to help me, O God. Listen all you people; listen all you living in the world, both leaders and followers, both rich and poor. I will speak words of wisdom; from my heart will come words of understanding. I will listen to the wise saying, and I will sing the words and play- the-harp. COLLECT: O Lord, let YOUR continual mercy cleanse and defend YOUR Church; and because the Church can't continue without YOUR help, protect and reign over the Church with YOUR goodness. We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, YOUR Son, our Lord. Jesus lives and reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit, eternally one God. Amen. ECCLESIASTES 1:2; 2:18-26 1:2. These are words from the wise king, the son of DAVID: Life is empty; nothing has value; everything is worthless! 2:18. I feel disgusted about this. Everything I worked for and earned I must give that to the person living after I die. 19. Maybe he will be wise or maybe foolish -- who knows? He will take-up reigning everything I worked for. He will OWN everything my wisdom earned for me. That discourages me! 20. Then I began to wish I didn't work so-hard. 21. A person works for something with all his knowledge and wisdom and skill, and then he must give that to someone that didn't work for it. Life is worthless and not equal! 22. A person works and worries his way through life, but what does-he get? 23. All his life is full with sorrow and heart-ache. At night his mind can't rest. Life is all worthless! 24. The best thing a man can do is eat, drink and enjoy the things he earned. But then I noticed that pleasure also comes from God. 25. Without God, can anyone eat and enjoy himself? No! 26. God gives wisdom and knowledge and happiness to those that please HIM. But happen sinners work, earn, and save, then God takes that and gives that to those that please HIM. This life is worthless! Life is same-as chasing the wind! COLOSSIANS 3:1-11 1. Now if you were-raised from the dead with Christ, be-eager for the things in heaven, the place Christ reigns. 2. Keep your mind on heavenly things and not on earthly things. 3. You understand, you finished died, and now your life is hidden with Christ in God. 4. Happens Christ, your Savior, comes in glory, then you, also, will appear with Christ in glory. 5. Destroy all the earthly sins in your heart; SEX sins, not clean living, hungers, jealousy, selfishness; all these things are idol worshipping. 6. These things make God angry with us. Once in your past life you did these bad sins. 7. But now throw these things out of your life; 8. Anger, madness, cheating, lies, and dirty talk. 9. Don't tell lies to one-another, because you destroyed that old life and old ways, and you begin to live a new way. 10. Your new way is continually strengthened with the knowledge that we are made same-as our God. 11. With us all are equal; Greek, Jew, men with circumcision or without, slave, free man.....Christ is everything to us and lives in all of us. GRADUAL: God's riches are very great! God's wisdom and knowledge have no end! No person can explain the things God decides. No person can understand God's ways. God made all things. And everything continues through God and for God. To God give glory forever! Amen. LUKE 12:13-21 13. Someone in a group of people said to Jesus, "Teacher, tell my brother to give-me my share of the things our father left-over for us." 14. Jesus asked the man, "Man, who chose me to be your judge or divide your things? 15. Be-careful. Guard against every different-kind of selfishness. Also if you have more than enough for yourself, be-careful because earthly things can't give you life." 16. Then Jesus told a story: 17. "A rich man had a good growth on his land. 'What will I do?' The man said to himself. 'I have no place to put my food.' 18. Finally the man decided, 'I know what I will do. I will tear-down my storage houses and build larger houses for all the food. 19. Then I will say, "See, you have many things saved through the years. Now begin an easy life, eat, drink and enjoy yourself."' 20. But God said, 'You fool, tonight you will die. And all that you prepared, who will get it?' 21. That is how it happens if you save earthly things for yourself, and you prepared nothing for heaven with God." [C] TWELFTH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST INTROIT: YOU open-YOUR-hands and satisfy everything that lives. I will praise the Lord always; I will speak words of praise forever. I searched-for the Lord and HE answered me and saved me from all my fears. The people looked at HIM and became shining, and their faces didn't become ashamed. This humble person shouted, and the Lord heard, and saved him from all trouble. The angel of the Lord stands near the people honoring HIM and saves them. O taste see that the Lord is good; happy is the person trusting in HIM. COLLECT: Almighty and eternal God, YOU are always more ready to hear than we are to pray, and YOU are always ready to give more than we want or earn, now pour-down on us YOUR great mercy, forgiving us all things bothering us and giving us all the good things for our life. We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, YOUR Son, our Lord. Jesus lives and reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit, eternally one God. Amen. GENESIS 15:1-6 1. After this, ABRAHAM heard the Lord speak to him in a VISION. "Don't be-afraid, ABRAHAM. I will protect you from danger, and I will give you a great gift." 2. But ABRAHAM answered, "O Lord God, YOUR gift will not be-good for me, because I have no children. My only HEIR is ELIEZER from DAMASCUS. 3. YOU gave me no children, and one of my slaves will get my good things." 4. Then he heard the Lord speak to him again. "This slave ELIEZER will not get your good things. No. Your own son will be your HEIR." 5. The Lord led ABRAM outside and said, "Look-at the sky and try to count the stars. Your family will be many -- same-as that!" 6. ABRAM believed the Lord, and because he believed, then the Lord was-pleased with him and accepted him same-as righteous. HEBREWS 11:1-3, 8-16 1. Faith is knowing sure about the things we hope, and believing the things we can't see. 2. The people a long time ago received approval for their faith. 3. By faith we know God made the world by HIS Word, so-that the things we now see was-made from things not seen. 8. By faith ABRAHAM obeyed happened God asked him to leave his home and move to a land that God gave to him, and ABRAHAM was-leaving without knowing the place to go. 9. By faith ABRAHAM lives same-as a stranger in the Promised Land, same-as if that land belonged to someone else, and he lived in a tent with ISAAC and JACOB; God gave the promise to them also. 10. ABRAHAM searched for the city with foundations strong that God built. 11. By faith SARAH, indifferent she was old, received the strength to have a baby, because she believed she could trust in God's promise. 12. Indifferent ABRAHAM was old and near to death, still from ABRAHAM came many children same-as the stars in the sky and the SAND on the ocean that no one can count. 13. All these children died in their faith without receiving the thing that God promised. But they saw the future promise and was-happy about that, and they confessed that they were strangers on earth and their home was in heaven. 14. Those that speak that way show that they are searching for their home country. 15. If their hearts still hungered for the country they before leave, they would find some way to go again to that country. 16. Instead they searched for a better country; I mean heaven. That is the reason God is not ashamed to be-named their God, because God prepared a home for them. GRADUAL: God's riches are very great! God's wisdom and knowledge have no end! No person can explain the things God decides. No person can understand God's ways. God made all things. And everything continues through God and for God. To God give glory forever! Amen. LUKE 12:32-40 32. Don't be-afraid my children. Your Father decided to give you HIS Kingdom. 33. Sell the things you have and give the money to the poor people. Save for yourselves riches in heaven, so-that no robber can take-it-away and no worms can destroy it. 34. Because the place you keep your riches, your heart will be in that place also. 35. Be-ready, dressed for a trip with your lamps shining. 36. And become same-as people watching for their boss to come again from a wedding, so they can open-the-door for him the minute he arrives. 37. Happy are those workers watching happens the boss arrives. I tell you, the boss will make them sit-down to eat, and the boss will serve them food. 38. And if the boss comes home at midnight or early in the morning and finds the workers waiting, happy will those servants become. 39. You know if the father of the house knew the time the robber will come, the father would not let anyone break into his house. 40. You, also, get-ready, because the Son of Man is coming at a time that you will not be-looking for HIM. [C] THIRTEENTH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST INTROIT: The eyes of all things wait for YOU, and YOU give them food at the correct time. O honor the Lord, you HIS holy people; because the people honoring HIM have everything they want. Lions maybe become weak and hungry, but people searching-for the Lord will not become weak and hungry. Come, you children, listen to me; I will teach you to honor the Lord. Drop sin and do good; seek and follow peace. The eyes of the Lord watch-over the righteous people, and HIS ears listen to their prayers. COLLECT: Merciful Father, because YOU gave YOUR only Son to die for our sin, also give us thankful hearts for that forgiving work and then to follow Jesus' way. We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, YOUR Son, our Lord. Jesus lives and reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit, eternally one God. Amen. JEREMIAH 23:23-29 23. The Lord says, "Am I God near, but not a God far-away? 24. Can anyone hide himself in a secret place, so-that I can't see him?" "No," says the Lord, "I fill heaven and earth, correct?" The Lord speaks. 25. "I heard the things the prophets say. They speak lies in MY name and say, 'I ago dreamed, I finished dreaming.' 26. How long will they keep this idea in their hearts? When will the lying prophets stop lying? 27. They think with lies to make MY people forget MY name. They tell one-another their dreams to make people forget MY name same-as their fathers forgot MY name and worshipped BAAL. 28. Let them tell their dreams same-as their own words. But let him that has MY word speak MY word exactly. STRAW and WHEAT are not the same, correct?" The Lord speaks. 29. "MY word is same-as fire." The Lord speaks, "MY word is same-as a hammer that breaks rocks into pieces." HEBREWS 12:1-13 1. We have this large group of witnesses around us. Now, let us throw-away every burden and sin we easily do, and let us continue to run the race we have now. 2. Let us continue to attend to Jesus. Our faith depends on Jesus from beginning to end. Jesus didn't give-up because of the cross. No! The shame of dying on the cross was indifferent to Jesus. And now Jesus reigns in heaven with God the Father. 3. Think about how-much Jesus suffered. Jesus patiently burdened the hatred from sinners. Now, don't give-up and quit. 4. In your fight against sin you not-yet fight to death. 5. You forget the encouraging words God speaks to you, naming you HIS children? "MY children, attend the Lord's punishment, and don't become discouraged if the Lord scolds you. 6. Because the Lord spanks every person HE loves, and whips every person HE accepts same-as HIS son." 7. Accept your suffering same-as a spanking from a father. You are sons of God, and God is doing same-as a good father to his sons. All sons get spanked by their fathers. Correct? 8. If you don't get spanked, same-as all HIS sons, then you aren't true sons, but bastards. 9. Our own fathers spanked us, and we respect them. How-much more we should obey the Father of spirits and live! 10. Our own fathers spanked us for our own good, so we can share in his holy life. 11. Spanking always hurts and makes us sad. But later, people that before got spanked get the peaceful blessing of a righteous life. 12. Now, lift your tired hands. Stand and make your weak knees strong.. 13. Continue walking on straight paths, so the weak will not fall and get hurt, but gets stronger. GRADUAL: God's riches are very great! God's wisdom and knowledge have no end! No person can explain the things God decides. No person can understand God's ways. God made all things. And everything continues through God and for God. To God give glory forever! Amen. LUKE 12:49-53 49. I come to bring fire on earth. I really wish that fire were-already started! 50. I must get a special baptism. And I am really filled with worry until that baptism is-finished. 51. Do you think I come to bring peace to the world? Wrong! I don't bring peace, but I bring separation. 52. From now-on, a family with five people will be separated; three against two, and two against three. 53. A father will be against the son, and the son against the father. A mother will be against the daughter, and the daughter against the mother. A mother-in-law will be against her daughter-in-law, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. [C] FOURTEENTH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST INTROIT: Honor and glorious strength are HIS. But we will praise the Lord from now to forever. Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord, all you nations; praise HIM, all you people. Because HIS love is great, and HIS faithfulness stays forever. Praise the Lord! COLLECT: O almighty God, with YOU we have eternal life, help us to know Jesus, the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Then following Jesus we will walk the way that leads to eternal life. We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, YOUR Son, our Lord. Jesus lives and reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit, eternally one God. Amen. ISAIAH 66:18-23 18. The Lord says, "I am coming to gather the nations of every language. They will come to see MY glory. 19. I will give them a proof, and they will send some of their people to the nations named TARSHISH, PUT, LUD, MOSHECH, ROSH, TUBAL, and JAVAN, to the far islands. They will announce MY glory to the nations. 20. They will bring all your brothers same-as an offering to the Lord -- bring them on horses, in CHARIOTS, on beds, on mules, on fast CAMELS from all nations to MY holy mountain in JERUSALEM," says the Lord. "Same happened MY people ISRAEL bring their CEREAL offering in clean bowls to the temple of the Lord, 21. And I will accept some of them for priests and LEVITES," says the Lord. 22. "I will make a new heaven and a new earth to continue in-front-of ME," says the Lord, "and your family and your name will continue. 23. From new moon to new moon and from worship day to worship day all people will come to worship in-front-of ME," says the Lord. HEBREWS 12:18-24 18. You didn't come to something that you could touch, to a hot fire, darkness, sadness, a storm, 19. The sound of a trumpet, or the speaking of a voice. 20. Those people begged to be told no more, because they couldn't burden the command given. Also an animal, if that touches the mountain, the animal must be-stoned to death. 21. And the sight was so-terrible, MOSES said, "I am afraid and nervous." 22. No! You come to Mount ZION, the city of the living God, the heavenly JERUSALEM. Here are ten thousand angels, the whole group gathering, 23. And the church of God's first born people with their names written in heaven. Here is the Judge and God of all. Here are the spirits of the righteous people that became perfected. 24. And here is Jesus, giving us a new promise with God, and the blood sprinkled that tells us better things than ABEL'S blood. GRADUAL: God's riches are very great! God's wisdom and knowledge have no end! No person can explain the things God decides. No person can understand God's ways. God made all things. And everything continues through God and for God. To God give glory forever! Amen. LUKE 13:22-30 22. Then Jesus went from one town to another town and taught the people on HIS way to JERUSALEM. 23. A man asked Jesus, "Lord, are only a few people saved?" 24. Jesus said, "Struggle to walk through the narrow door. 25. I tell you, many people will try to enter and will not succeed. After the Lord of the house gets-up and closes the door, you will be-standing outside and knocking on the door. 'Lord, open-up for us,' you will say. But the Lord will answer, 'I don't-know you.' 26. Then you will say, 'We ate and drank with YOU, and YOU taught in our city.' 27. But the Lord will say, 'I don't-know you. Leave me; you always do wrong things.' 28. Then you will cry and gnash-your-teeth, and you will see ABRAHAM, ISAAC, and JACOB and all the prophets in God's Kingdom, but yourselves thrown-out. 29. People will come from the East and West, North and South and will eat in God's kingdom. 30. You see, some that are last will become first, and some that are first will become last." [C] FIFTEENTH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST INTROIT: Lord, I love YOUR house and the place that YOUR glory lives. Judge me, O Lord, because I live without blame; I trust the Lord; I will not doubt. Study me, O Lord, and test me; Test my mind and heart. I will wash my hands and be clean; I will walk around YOUR altar, Lord, announcing YOUR praise and telling about all YOUR wonderful works. COLLECT: Lord Almighty, YOU are the Creator and Giver of all good things, write on our hearts YOUR name, increase in us true religion, feed us with YOUR goodness, and help grow in us good works. We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, YOUR Son, our Lord. Jesus lives and reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit, eternally one God. Amen. PROVERBS 25:6-7 6. Demand no honor in-front-of the king's face. Don't stand in the place of great men. 7. Because it is better that the king tell you, "Come close," than you become ashamed in-front-of the people. HEBREWS 13:1-8 1. You are brothers and sisters in Christ. Now continue loving each-other. 2. Always remember to help people by accepting them into your home. Some people did that , and they helped angels without knowing it. 3. Don't forget those people in prison. Remember them same-as you are in prison with them. And don't forget the suffering people. Remember them same-as you suffer with them. 4. Marriage must be-honored by all people. And every marriage must be-kept pure between only two people. God will judge guilty those people doing SEXUAL sins and breaking the marriage laws. 5. Don't be-stingy. Be-satisfied with the things you have. God said, "I will never leave you; I will never forget you." 6. Now we can feel safe and say, "The Lord is my Helper; I will not be-afraid. People can do nothing to me." 7. Remember your leaders. They taught you God's Word. Remember their life and death, and copy their faith. 8. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. GRADUAL: God's riches are very great! God's wisdom and knowledge have no end! No person can explain the things God decides. No person can understand God's ways. God made all things. And everything continues through God and for God. To God give glory forever! Amen. LUKE 14:1, 7-14 1. One time on the worship day Jesus went to the home of the leader of the Jewish church to eat, and the people watched Jesus carefully. 7. Jesus noticed that the visitors all tried to sit in the place of honor, and now Jesus told a story to teach them a lesson, 8. "Happens someone invites you to a wedding, don't go and sit in the place of honor or near the new husband. Maybe another visitor is more important than you. 9. Then the father will come and tell you to please move to another seat, and with shame you will move to another seat. 10. But happens someone invites you, go and sit at the far seat, then happens the father comes and sees you, the father will say, 'Friend, please move near to my son.' Then all the other visitors will see the honor given to you. 11. If you give honor to yourself, then you will feel ashamed. But if you are humble, you will receive honor." 12. Then Jesus told the man that invited him to eat, 'Happen you want to give a big meal, don't invite your friends, brothers, family, or rich neighbors. Because they will feel their duty is to invite you to their house. 13. Happen you give a big meal, invite the poor, crippled, weak and blind people. 14. Then you will be-happy, because those people can't pay you again. You will receive your gift from God on the day the righteous people arise from the dead." [C] SIXTEENTH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST INTROIT: It-is good to give-thanks to the Lord, to sing to YOU, O Most High God. Trust in the Lord and do good; live in the country and enjoy safety. Be-happy with the Lord and HE will give-you all your heart wishes. Follow the Lord, trust in HIM and HE will do all this. The Lord saves HIS righteous people; HE supports them in the time of trouble. COLLECT: Merciful Lord, give to YOUR faithful people forgiveness and peace that we will be cleansed from all our sins and serve YOU with a quiet mind. We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, YOUR Son, our Lord. Jesus lives and reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit, eternally one God. Amen. PROVERBS 9:8-12 8. Don't scold a mocker, or he will hate you; scold a wise man, and he will love you. 9. Give information to a wise man, and he will become wiser; teach a righteous man, and he will increase with more learning. 10. Honoring the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy God is clear understanding. 11. Through God your days will be-multiplied, and years will be-added to your life. 12. If you are wise, you are wise for yourself; if you mock, you alone will burden that. PHILEMON 1, 10-21 1. This letter is from PAUL, a servant of Christ Jesus, and from TIMOTHY, our friendly worker. The letter is written to PHILEMON, our dear friendly Christian. 10. He became my friend during the time I was here in jail. 11. Once before ONESIMUS didn't help you, but now he changed and became helpful to you and to me. 12. I am sending ONESIMUS again to you, and remind you about my love for him. 13. I wish that he can stay with me and help serve me while I am in jail. 14. But I don't-want to do anything without your approval. I don't-want you to be-kind to him, because you feel that is your duty, but that you want to do it. 15. Maybe ONESIMUS must leave for a short time, then later he will stay with you always. 16. Now he is no more a servant, but better than a servant, a Christian friend; and I love him, and now he is more valuable to you same-as a man and same-as a Christian. 17. Now if you accept me same-as your friend and brother, then accept ONESIMUS and welcome him same-as you would welcome me. 18. If ONESIMUS owes anything to you or cheated you, charge that to me. 19. I am PAUL, and I am-writing this with my-own hand. I will pay anything that ONESIMUS owes you. And I will say nothing about all you owe me for your own life. 20. Now, my brother, I ask that you do something for me in the Lord. Comfort my heart in Christ. 21. I write this letter, knowing that you will do the thing I ask. I know that you will do more than I ask. GRADUAL: God's riches are very great! God's wisdom and knowledge have no end! No person can explain the things God decides. No person can understand God's ways. God made all things. And everything continues through God and for God. To God give glory forever! Amen. LUKE 14:25-33 25. Large groups of people followed Jesus. 26. Jesus turned and said, "If you come follow ME, and you love your father, mother, wife, children, brothers, sisters, or love yourself more than you love ME, you can't be MY friend. 27. Anyone refusing to take-up the cross and follow ME, you can't be MY friend. 28. If anyone wants to build a house, first you sit-down and figure-up how-much that costs, to see if you have enough money to finish paying for it. 29. Or happen you begin the foundation, but you can't finish the building, and everyone watching you will laugh at you. 30. They will say, "This man started to build, but he can't finish it." 31. Or maybe a king wants to begin a war against another king. First, the king must decide if his ten thousand soldiers can defeat the other king with twenty thousand soldiers. 32. If he can't, then while the other king is still far-away, he sends his friends to go make peace with the enemy. 33. Same, anyone can't give-up everything in your life, then you can't be MY friend. [C] SEVENTEENTH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST INTROIT: The Lord is merciful and righteous; our God is full of love. I love the Lord because HE hears my voice and my prays for mercy. Because HE listened to me, I will pray to HIM while I am alive. The sadness of death is around me; the grief of the grave found me; I became full of trouble and sadness. Then I prayed to the name of the Lord, "O Lord, save me." The Lord is merciful and righteous; our God is full of love. Rest again, O my soul, because the Lord is good to you. Because HE saved my soul from death, my eyes from tears, and my feet from falling. I will walk in-front-of the Lord in the country of living people. COLLECT: O God, without YOUR blessings we can't please YOU, in mercy let YOUR Holy Spirit lead and reign over our hearts in all things. We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, YOUR Son, our Lord. Jesus lives and reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit, eternally one God. Amen. EXODUS 32:7-14 7. God said to MOSES, "Go to your people; they don't attend to ME. 8. They made an idol cow and kneel and bring gifts to it and say that the idol brought them out-of EGYPT." 9. The Lord said to MOSES, "These people are MY people and are stubborn. 10. Now I will destroy them and start with you and begin a new nation." 11. But MOSES said, "Why become angry against these people YOU led from EGYPT? 12. Why let the EGYPTIANS say that YOU led these people into the dry country and destroyed them? Don't be-angry. 13. Remember our fathers and YOUR promise to our fathers, 'I will make you have many children same-as the stars, and I will give them this land, and your children will keep the land forever.'" 14. The the Lord changed HIS heart and showed mercy to HIS people. I TIMOTHY 1:12-17 12. I thank Christ Jesus our Lord because HE gave-me strength for my work. I thank HIM because HE gave-me honor to serve HIM. 13. Indifferent in the past I cursed HIM, I persecuted HIM, and I said bad things about HIM. But God showed mercy to me because I not-yet believed, and I didn't-know the things I was doing. 14. And the love of God poured into me, and God gave-me faith and love in Christ Jesus. 15. This sentence is true and worthy for all you to accept it: "Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners." And I am the worst sinner. 16. But God showed mercy for this reason, because Christ can show HIS full patience with me, the worst sinner, same-as an example to those people that later will believe in HIM and receive eternal life. 17. Jesus is the eterna; King. We can't see HIM, and HE will never die. HE is the only God. To HIM we give honor and glory forever. Amen. GRADUAL: God's riches are very great! God's wisdom and knowledge have no end! No person can explain the things God decides. No person can understand God's ways. God made all things. And everything continues through God and for God. To God give glory forever! Amen. LUKE 15:1-10 1. Now all the tax collectors and sinners came near to hear Jesus. 2. And the Jewish writers and Law teachers complained about this and said, "This man accepts sinners and eats with them." 3. Now, Jesus spoke this comparison story to them: 4. "Let us use this idea. One man has one hundred sheep, and one sheep becomes lost. That man will leave the ninety nine sheep out in the fields alone, and he will go and search for the one sheep until he finds it. 5. And happens he finds the sheep, he will put the sheep on his shoulders with happiness. 6. The man comes home and invites his friends and neighbors and says, 'Be-happy with me, because I found my lost sheep.' 7. And I tell you, more happiness is in heaven about one sinner that is sorry, than for ninety nine righteous people not feeling any sorrow. 8. Or maybe one woman has ten coins and loses one. She takes a light and sweeps the whole house. She searches eagerly until she finds that coin. 9. And happens she finds that coin, she invites her friends and neighbors and says, 'Be-happy with me, because I found my lost coin.' 10. I tell you, all God's angels in heaven are happy to see one sinner is sorry." [C] EIGHTEENTH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST INTROIT: Look, God is my helper; the Lord supports my soul. Save me, O God, by YOUR name; use YOUR power to free me. O God, hear my prayer; attend to the words I speak. I will give my offering to YOU; I will give-thanks to YOUR name, Lord, because YOU are good. YOU save me from all my troubles; and my eyes see YOU defeat my enemies. COLLECT: O Lord, we ask you to continue showing mercy to YOUR Church; and because without YOU we will fall, always help us and protect us from hurtful things, and lead us to things that will help in our salvation. We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, YOUR Son, our Lord. Jesus lives and reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit, eternally one God. Amen. AMOS 8:4-7 4. You that oppress the poor people and complain to the poor farmer saying, 5. "When will you harvest, then we can sell the food for money? We want to sell on the holy day; we want to sell the food and earn our money. 6. And you stay poor, and we sell you same-as slaves and sell GARBAGE same-as food." 7. The Lord promised, "Truly I will never forget any of their terrible doings." I TIMOTHY 2:1-8 1. First, I ask you, now offer your wants and prayers and begging and thanksgiving to God for all people. 2. Do this for kings and all government people. Then we can have a quiet and peaceful life. And in everything we will remain pure. And we will live under God's reigning. 3. That is good and pleasing to God, our Savior. 4. HE wants to save all people, and HE wants all people to learn the perfect knowledge of the truth. 5. Because we have one God, and one peace Maker betweeen people and God, and that peace Maker is the Man, Christ Jesus. 6. This Jesus gave HIMSELF for a payment for all people. And the story about this payment came at the correct time. 7. HE made me a preacher and sent me to tell this story. I speak truly; I don't lie. I am a teacher to other nations in faith and truth. 8. Now, I want people every place to pray, and I want them to lift-up holy hands without anger and quarreling. GRADUAL: God's riches are very great! God's wisdom and knowledge have no end! No person can explain the things God decides. No person can understand God's ways. God made all things. And everything continues through God and for God. To God give glory forever! Amen. LUKE 16:1-13 1. Jesus said to HIS friends, "One rich man had a house servant. That servant took-care-of the house. And the rich man blamed the servant with wasting his things. 2. And the rich man called the servant and said, 'What do I hear about you? Give-me an exact counting of your work, because you will not remain my house servant.' 3. The house servant thought, 'What will I do? My boss takes-away my work of servant. I am not strong enough to dig. I feel ashamed to beg. 4. I know what I will do. Then after my boss dismisses me from my work, then they will accept me into their house.' 5. And the servant called everyone with debts to his boss, and he said to the first man, 'How-much do you owe my boss?' 6. The man answered, 'Nine hundred GALLONS of OIL.' And the chief servant said to him, 'Take your BILL and sit and write four hundred fifty GALLONS.' 7. Then the servant said to another man, 'How-much do you owe?' The man answered, 'One thousand BUSHELS of WHEAT.' And the chief servant said to him, 'Take your bill and write eight hundred.' 8. And the boss praised the sinful house servant, because he did a clever thing. Because the children of this world are wiser about people, than the children of God. 9. And I say to you, make friends for yourselves through sinful use of your money, then after that money is all-gone, they will accept you into their eternal homes in HELL. 10. The person that takes-care-of not important things will also take-care-of really important things. And the person not honest about little things, will also not be-honest about really important things. 11. Now, if you can't be-trusted with earthly money, do you think God will trust you with true spiritual riches? 12. And if you aren't careful with things that belong to another person, do you think God will give you more things for yourself? 13. No servant can obey two bosses. He will hate one boss and love the other boss. Or the servant will follow the one boss and don't-care about the other boss. You can't attend to God and to earthly things." [C] NINETEENTH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST INTROIT: YOUR name, O Lord, stays forever; YOU are famous through all the years. Praise the Lord! Praise HIS name; praise HIM all you servants of the Lord, you people serving in the house of the Lord, you worshipping in HIS temple. Praise the Lord, because HE is good; sing praise to HIS name, because that is pleasing to HIM. YOUR name, O Lord, stays forever; YOU are famous through all the years. Because the Lord will judge righteous HIS people and show mercy to HIS servants. COLLECT: O God, our strong Supporter, in mercy accept our prayer, and because we are weak people and can do nothing good without YOU, give us YOUR help that we can obey YOUR commandments and please YOU in everything. We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, YOUR Son, our Lord. Jesus lives and reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit, eternally one God. Amen. AMOS 6:1-7 1. Pity to you people in JERUSALEM resting and to you in SAMARIA that feel comfortable in the mountains. 2. Look-at the other nations. Go to the cities named CALNEH and HAMATH. Visit the city named GATH in the country named PHILISTIA. Are those cities better than your city? Is their country larger than your country? 3. It seems you think God's day of destruction is a long time in the future. You permit bad things to happen. 4. Pity to you lying on soft beds and eating comfortably. 5. You listen to sweet music and same-as DAVID you invent new songs. 6. You drink wine from large bowls, and you pour expensive perfume on yourself. You don't grieve about the destructionn of the nation named JOSEPH. 7. They will be the first to enter EXILE, and their party time will disappear. I TIMOTHY 6:6-16 6. If you are-satisfied with your things, then serving God profits you much. 7. Happen we were-born, we had nothing; happens we die, we take nothing with us. 8. Now, if we have food and clothes, we must be-satisfied with that. 9. People wanting riches, get tempted, trapped, and wish for things that hurt them, and that leads to their destruction. 10. Loving money is the beginning of evil; and some people turned-away from God becuase they wanted money, and that made their lives very sad. 11. But you, people of God, don't do those things. Be-eager to be-righteous, religious, full of faith and love, a quiet mind, and full of kindness. 12. Fight the good war of faith, hold-on to eternal life, remember God called you the day you confessed the Lord in-front-of many people. 13. I command you in-front-of God; HE gives life to everything, and in-front-of Jesus Christ; HE stood in-front-of PONTIUS PILATE and confessed HIS faith; 14. That you obey God's commands, without blame and free from shame, until our Lord Jesus comes again. 15. At the correct time God will show Jesus to us; Jesus is the eternal and only chief King and chief Lord' 16. Jesus can't die any more, and lives with God the Father. No one can come near and no one has since seen. To Jesus give honor and power forever. Amen. GRADUAL: God's riches are very great! God's wisdom and knowledge have no end! No person can explain the things God decides. No person can understand God's ways. God made all things. And everything continues through God and for God. To God give glory forever! Amen. LUKE 16:19-31 19. One rich man dressed himself in purple and fine LINEN and feasted much every day. 20. And one poor man, named LAZARUS, lay in-front-of the rich man's door. And his body was full with SORES. 21. And he wanted to eat the CRUMBS from the rich man's table. Also the dogs came and LICKED his SORES. 22. Later the poor man died, and angels carried him to ABRAHAM'S arms. Also the rich man died and got buried. 23. And in HELL the rich man suffered much, and he looked-at ABRAHAM far-away and LAZARUS laying in his arms. 24. And the rich man called, "Father ABRAHAM, show mercy to me and send LAZARUS to dip-his-finger in water and cool my tongue, because I suffer in this fire." 25. ABRAHAM said to him, "Son, remember you received your good things during your life time, and LAZARUS received bad things in the same way. But now he is in comfort here, and you suffer there. 26. And also, God established a large separation bewteen you and us. And indifferent that one wants to cross from here to you, he can't. And no one can cross from you to us." 27. Then the rich man said, "I beg you, father ABRAHAM, send LAZARUS to my father's house. 28. Because I have five brothers. Then he can warn them, and they will not come to this place of suffering." 29. ABRAHAM said, "Your brothers have MOSES and the prophets. Let your brothers hear those words." 30. But he answered, "No, father ABRAHAM, but if one arises from the dead and goes to them, then my brothers will REPENT." 31. But ABRAHAM said to him, 'If they refuse to hear MOSES and the prophets, then they will not believe if one arises from the dead." [C] TWENTIETH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST INTROIT: The Lord bless you from HIS holy mountain all the days of your life. Happy are those people honoring the Lord and walking in HIS ways. You will get praised for your work; blessings and riches will become yours. Your wife will give-birth to many children in your house; you will have many sons around your table. The person honoring the Lord will be-blessed. You will see the city JERUSALEM grow; and you will live to see your grand-children. COLLECT: O God, YOUR power is shown by YOUR mercy and love, give to us YOUR full love, then we will have all the riches of heaven. We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, YOUR Son, our Lord. Jesus lives and reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit, eternally one God. Amen. HABAKKUK 1:1-3, 2:1-4 1. This is the word from the prophet named HABAKKUK. 2. O Lord, how long will I call for help, and YOU not hear me? I shout, 'Trouble,' and YOU don't save me. 3. Why do YOU make me see my wrongs? I look-around me; I see destruction and terrible happenings and war appears. 2:1. I stand watching on the wall, and I watch to see God talk to me and answer my complaint. 2. Then the Lord answered me, "Write your dream. Make the dream clear to all people that read it. 3. Your dream waits and will become true in a future time. The dream seems slow, but it will happen. 4. See, the person's soul is not clean, and the dream will fail him, but the righteous person shall live through his faith." II TIMOTHY 1:3-14 3. I serve God with a clean conscience, same-as my fathers served HIM. And I thank God daily while I remember you in my prayers day and night. 4. I remember your tears, and I very much want to see you, because seeing you would make me really happy. 5. I remember your strong faith. That strong faith lived first in your grandmother, LOIS, and your mother, EUNICE, and now I think also in you. 6. That is the reason I want you to remember to make alive the gift God gave you after I put my hands on your head. 7. Because the spirit God gives doesn't make us afraid, but HIS Spirit fills us with power, love, and self control. 8. Now, don't be-ashamed of telling about our Lord, and don't be-ashamed of me, HIS prisoner. But accept your part of suffering for the Good Announcement. God will give you the strength you need. 9. HE saved us and wants us to be HIS people, not because of anything we have done. No! But God saved us because of HIS own wish and mercy. Before God made the world, HE felt mercy for us through Christ Jesus. 10. But now HE showed us that mercy by the coming of our Savior, Christ Jesus. And Jesus destroyed the power of death and shows us eternal life through the Good Announcement. 11. God chose me, a preacher, and a teacher, and a follower, to announce this Good Story. 12. And that is the reason I suffer now. But I am not ashamed, because I trust God, and I know HIM. And I know HE can guard until the last day the things HE gave-me. 13. With faith and love in Christ Jesus, you obey the true words I told you. 14. Through the power of the Holy Spirit living in us, you keep that good thing God gave you. GRADUAL: These people came out of the great troubles in the world, and washed their clothes in the blood of the Lamb and made them white. Happy are people trusting in YOU, and attending their life to YOUR heaven. LUKE 17:1-10 1. Jesus told HIS friends, "The temptation to sin will happen, but 'whew' bad for the person tempting other people to sin. 2. That tempter should better tie-around-the-neck a stone and throw that into a lake. That punishment is easier than God's punishment for tempting one of God's children to sin. 3. Be-careful yourselves. If your brother sins, warn him; and if your brother is sorry, then forgive him. 4. Also, if your brother sins against you seven times in one day and seven times your brother says he is sorry, you must forgive him." 5. Then the followers said to Jesus, "Give us more faith." 6. Jesus said, 'If you have a faith same-as a tiny MUSTARD seed, you could tell this MULBERRY tree to come-out-of the ground and move plant in the lake, and the tree would obey you. 7. If your servant is out working in the fields or watching the sheep and comes again after his work is finished, will you tell him to come quickly and sit-down to eat? 8. Or would you tell the servant to go and prepare something for me to eat, go get ready and serve me first and later you can eat and drink? 9. You will not thank the servant for doing his duty, will you? No! 10. Also, happen you finished doing everything God commands, you must say, 'We are servants that deserve no praise. We finished do our duty.'" [C] TWENTY FIRST SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST INTROIT: Wonderful is the Lord, and we must praise HIM in the city of our God and on HIS holy mountain. I will praise the Lord always; my mouth will always speak words of praise. My soul will boast about the Lord; let the humble people hear and become happy. Give glory to the Lord with me, and let us praise HIS name together. I searched-for the Lord, and HE answered me; and HE saved me from all my fears. The righteous people pray, and the Lord listens and saves them from all their troubles. COLLECT: O God, we ask YOU to open our minds with YOUR Holy Spirit that we can receive the promises from Jesus and that we will learn YOUR truth. We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, YOUR Son, our Lord. Jesus lives and reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit, eternally one God. Amen. RUTH 1:1-19a 1. Long time ago happened judges reigned in ISRAEL, one man named ELIMELECH, from BETHLEHEM, must leave the country because of hunger in the land, 2. And moved to the country named MOAB with his wife NAOMI and two sons named MAHLON and CHILION. 3. During the time they lived there, ELIMELECH died and NAOMI and her two sons lived. 4. Both sons married women from MOAB, one named ORPAH and the other named RUTH. 5. They lived there about ten years and then both CHILION and MAHLON died, and NAOMI was sad from the death of her husband and two sons. 6. Then NAOMI heard the Lord blessed HIS people and gave them good growing foods. 7. And she decided to go home again to BETHLEHEM with both daughters-in-law. 8. After they began their trip to JUDAH, NAOMI changed her mind and said to her daughters-in-law, "Go, each one of you to your mother's home. The Lord will show kindness to you the same-as you showed kindness to your husbands and to me. 9. The Lord bless you with another happy marriage." Then NAOMI kissed them, and they both cried very much. 10. They both said, "No, we want to go with you to your people." 11. But NAOMI said, "You must go to your own people, my daughters. 12. Why come with me? I don't have any young sons to grow-up and become your husbands. No, my daughters, go to your parents home, because I am too-old now to marry again. 13. If I said I still have hope, if I had a husband tonight and give-birth to sons, would you wait until they grew-up? No, surely not! No, my daughters, then I will deeply grieve for you, because the hand of the Lord is against me." 14. And once more they began to cry much. Then ORPAH kissed her mother-in-law and went home to her own people. But RUTH refused to leave and stayed with her. 15. NAOMI said to her, "See, your sister-in-law went home to her family and to her gods. You must go also and follow your sister-in-law." 16. But RUTH said, "Don't beg me to leave you, because any place you go, I will go. Any place you live, I will live. Your people will be my people, and your God will be my God. 17. Any place you die, I will die, and there I will be-buried. God can do terrible things to me, if I let anything except death separate us." 18. Happened NAOMI saw that she was determined to go with her, she said nothing more. 19. And the two women travelled until they arrived in BETHLEHEM. II TIMOTHY 2:8-13 8. Remember, Jesus Christ from the family of DAVID arose from the dead. This is the Good Announcment I preach. 9. Because of that preaching I am suffering and in jail same-as a thief and murderer. But God's Word can't stay in jail. 10. That is the reason I can suffer anything for God's people, so-that they are saved through faith in Jesus and get eternal life in heaven. 11. These words are true. If we die with Jesus, then we will live with HIM. 12. If we are patient to the end of our life, we will reign with HIM. If we say we don't-know HIM, then HE will say HE doesn't-know us. 13. If we aren't faithful, still Jesus always is faithful, because HE will never break HIS promise to us. GRADUAL: These people came out of the great troubles in the world, and washed their clothes in the blood of the Lamb and made them white. Happy are people trusting in YOU, and attending their life to YOUR heaven. LUKE 17:11-19 11. On the way to JERUSALEM Jesus traveled through SAMARIA and GALILEE. 12. Happened Jesus came near one town, ten men sick with LEPROSY came near to HIM. 13. They stood far-away and shouted, "Jesus, Lord, show mercy to us." 14. Happened Jesus saw the ten people, Jesus said, "Go and let the priests look-at your bodies." And on the way to the priest's house, their sickness was-healed. 15. One man saw his body healed, and he came to Jesus and praised God. 16. He knelt in-front-of Jesus and thanked HIM. That man was from the country SAMARIA. 17. Jesus said, "Ten people became healed. Where are the other nine? Will none others come to praise God? Or only this one SAMARITAN?" 18. And Jesus said to the man, 'Stand and leave. 19. Your faith healed you." [C] TWENTY SECOND SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST INTROIT: The Lord watches over you; the Lord is your protector near your right hand. I will look to the mountains; where is my helper? The Lord is my helper; HE made the sky and the earth. HE will not let you fall-down; HE will not sleep while watching over you. Truly, while God watches over HIS people, HE never sleeps or rests. The Lord will protect you from all trouble; HE will protect your life; the Lord will watch over your coming and going from now-on forever. COLLECT: Lord, we ask that YOUR love will always be around us and we can continually do good works. We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, YOUR Son, our Lord. Jesus lives and reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit, eternally one God. Amen. GENESIS 32:22-30 22. JACOB got-up from bed that night and led his two wives, two female servants, his eleven sons across the JORDAN River at the city JABBOK. 23. And JACOB sent all to the other side with everything he had. 24. JACOB was now alone and someone came and wrestled with him all-night until sunrise. 25. And happened that person knew that JACOB wouldn't give-up, that person touched JACOB'S hip and dislocated it. 26. And the person said, "Let me leave because it is sunrise." But JACOB said, "I will not let you leave until you bless me." 27. And the person said, "What is your name?" JACOB told his name. 28. And the person said, "Your name is now changed to ISRAEL, because you struggled with God and the people, and you won." 29. JACOB asked, "Please tell me YOUR name!" And the person answered, "Why do you ask for MY name?" And God blessed JACOB. 30. JACOB named that place PENIEL, because he saw God face-to-face, and he lived. II TIMOTHY 3:14 - 4:5 14. Now you remember the things you learned, and you know that is true. 15. You know who taught you, and that since you were a little child, you learned the Holy Writings. That makes you wise and will save you, if you believe in Christ Jesus. 16. All Holy Writings are given by God and helps us to teach, helps us to show our wrongs, helps us to improve and teach correct living. 17. So-that the child of God is ready and trained for every good work. 4:1. In-front-of God and Christ Jesus, the judge of all the living and dead people, I command you to preach the Word, remembering Jesus will come and reign over us. 2. Preach the Word at all times and in all places, criticize, warn, encourage, be-patient with your teaching. 3. A time will happen that people will not listen to good teaching, but they will want to learn something different and look-for new teachers. 4. They will refuse to listen to the truth, and they will believe stories. 5. But you remember to control yourself good in all things, be-patient during hard times, do your work of telling the Good Announcement, and doing everything that God commanded you. GRADUAL: These people came out of the great troubles in the world, and washed their clothes in the blood of the Lamb and made them white. Happy are people trusting in YOU, and attending their life to YOUR heaven. LUKE 18:1-8a 1. Jesus told the people a story to show that they should always pray and not become tired with praying. 2. "In a town lived a judge. He didn't love God, and he didn't-care about anything the people thought. 3. In that town lived a WIDOW woman, and she went to the judge often and said, 'Please judge honestly and protect me from my enemy.' 4. First, the judge refused to help her, but then he thought, 'Indifferent I don't love God, and I don't-care about people's thinking, this woman still bothers me often. 5. I must judge her honestly, or she will continue coming to me, and I will become tired of listening to her.'" 6. Jesus said, "Listen to the words that selfish judge says. Surely God will judge honestly HIS special people that pray to HIM day-and-night. Correct? 7. Is God slow in helping HIS people? No! God will quickly answer, 8. And help HIS people." [C] TWENTY THIRD SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST INTROIT: The Lord watches over the righteous people, but the sinful people will die. Happy is the person not following the advice of sinful people, and not standing among the sinners, and not sitting with the mocking people. But the righteous person finds happiness obeying the Law of the Lord, and that person studies God's Law day and night. That person is same-as a tree standing near the rivers and growing good food at the correct time; the leafs on the tree will not fall and die; and everything that person does will succeed. COLLECT: Almighty God, we ask YOU to show mercy to YOUR servants that we will not trust our own good works, and that YOU will judge us with YOUR mercy. We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, YOUR Son, our Lord. Jesus lives and reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit, eternally one God. Amen. DEUTERONOMY 10:12-22 12. Now people of ISRAEL. The Lord demands this from you: Fear the Lord your God, do all HE commands, love HIM and serve HIM with all your mind and heart, and obey all HIS Laws. 13. I give you these Laws today for your-own good. 14. Remember! The highest heavens, the earth, and everything in the earth belong to the Lord. 15. Still, the Lord loved your fathers and chose you, instead-of other people -- you are HIS chosen people. 16. From now-on, show obedience to the Lord and stop feeling stubborn. 17. The Lord your God is highest over all other gods and over all powers. HE is great and mighty and has terrible power. 18. HE doesn't think one person is better than another. No one can bribe HIM. HE shows kindness to ORPHANS, and WIDOWS. HE loves any STRANGER and gives him food and clothing. 19. Now, you also show love for STRANGERS, because you one time lived same-as STRANGERS in EGYPT. 20. Show respect for the Lord your God and worship only HIM. Keep your promise to HIM, and in HIS name give your promises. 21. Praise HIM, because HE is your God. With your eyes you saw those great and terrible things HE did for you. 22. Your fathers were only seventy people during the time they moved out-of EGYPT. But now the Lord multiplied you to become many people same-as stars in the sky. II TIMOTHY 4:6-8, 16-18 6. I am now ready to give my life, and now I must leave. 7. I fought good. I am near the end of my life. I remained faithful to God. 8. Now the Lord, our righteous judge, is waiting to give-me a crown in heaven on that last day. And not only for me, but God will give a crown to all those loving to see HIS coming again. 16. The first time I must defend myself, no one came to help me, but everyone leaved me. I pray that God will forgive them. 17. But the Lord stayed with me and gave-me strength to finish my preaching, so-that all the non-Jews would hear it. I was-saved from the lion's mouth. 18. The Lord will save me from all the bad plans, and HE will bring me to HIS heavenly kingdom. To God give glory forever. Amen. GRADUAL: These people came out of the great troubles in the world, and washed their clothes in the blood of the Lamb and made them white. Happy are people trusting in YOU, and attending their life to YOUR heaven. LUKE 18:9-14 9. Jesus told this story to some of the people that thought they were good and looked-down-their-nose at other people. 10. "Two men went to the temple to pray. One man was a Law teacher and the other man was a tax collector. 11. The Law teacher stood and prayed and said, 'God, I thank YOU that I am not the same-as other people; robbers, wrongdoers, people that do SEX sins, or bad same-as that tax collector. 12. Twice a week I don't eat and I give one tenth of all my things to the church.' 13. But the tax collector stood near a corner and would not look-up to heaven, but beat-his-breast and said, 'God forgive me. I am a sinner.' 14. This tax collector went home and God forgave him, but God refused to forgive the Law teacher. Everyone boasting, God will shame. And everyone showing humility, God will praise." [C] TWENTY FOURTH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST INTROIT: I bow-down my face to the ground; make me live agreeing with YOUR word. Happy are people that live without blame obeying the Laws of the Lord. Happy are people following God's wishes and searching for God with all their heart. With all my heart I searched for YOU; don't let me wander-away from YOUR commandments. I put YOUR word in my heart, then I will not sin against YOU. Praise I give to YOU, O Lord; teach me YOUR Laws. I am happy with YOUR commands, and I will not forget YOUR words. COLLECT: O Lord, we ask YOU to send YOUR love into our hearts to cleanse our thoughts and minds. Then happens Jesus, YOUR Son, comes, HE will find a pleasant home inside our hearts. We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, YOUR Son, our Lord. Jesus lives and reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit, eternally one God. Amen. EXODUS 34:5-9 5. MOSES went again to Mt. SINAI, and the Lord came-down in the cloud, and MOSES stood there with the Lord and prayed to HIM. 6. Then the Lord passed-by MOSES and said, "I am the Lord, a God of kindness and mercy, slow to become angry, and full with much love and faithfulness, 7. Giving my continual love for many thousands of people and forgiving their wrongs, and Law breakings and sins; but I will not forget those guilty people, and I demand that the father's sin be-punished in the sons and grandsons in the future." 8. Quickly MOSES bowed-to-the-ground and worshipped and said, 9. "If you have mercy and love for me, O Lord, then please go with us to the Promised Land. Yes, they are a stubborn and sinful people, but forgive our wrongs and our sins and accept us, YOUR people." II THESSALONIANS 1:1-5, 11-12 1. From PAUL, SILAS, and TIMOTHY to the church in THESSALONICA in God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ; 2. Love to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. 3. We always thank God for you, my Christian friends. That is the correct thing to do, because your faith is growing wonderfully, and your love for each-other is increasing. 4. We boast about you in God's churches and tell about your patience and your trust indifferent your sufferings. 5. That shows God judges righteously. God plans to bring you to HIS kingdom, and that is the reason you suffer now. 11. Because of this we remember you in our prayers, asking God to make you HIS precious people, and with HIS power to help in every good thing you do and every work of your faith. 12. To give glory to the name of the Lord Jesus through you, and you can have glory in Jesus, agreeing with the love of our God and Lord Jesus Christ. GRADUAL: These people came out of the great troubles in the world, and washed their clothes in the blood of the Lamb and made them white. Happy are people trusting in YOU, and attending their life to YOUR heaven. LUKE 19:1-10 1. Jesus came to the town named JERICHO. A man lived in this town by the name of ZACCHAEUS. 2. He was a tax collector, and he was a rich man. 3. ZACCHAEUS wanted to see Jesus, but he was short man, and he couldn't see because many people watched on the street. 4. ZACCHAEUS ran and climbed a tree to see Jesus, because Jesus was walking by that tree. 5. Happened Jesus came to that tree, Jesus looked-up and said, "ZACCHAEUS, come-down. Today I must visit your house." 6. ZACCHAEUS hurried-down and happily welcomed Jesus. 7. But all the people began to complain. "Jesus visits the house of that sinful man." 8. ZACCHAEUS then said to Jesus, "Lord, half of my things I will give to the poor people, and if I cheated anyone, I will pay again four times the money." 9. Jesus said, "Today salvation comes to a son of ABRAHAM. 10. The Son of Man came to seek and to save lost people." [C] TWENTY FIFTH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST INTROIT: Let us give thanks to the Lord for HIS great love and HIS wonderful works for people. Give thanks to the Lord, because HE is good; HIS love stays forever. Let the people of the Lord, those HE saved from the enemies, say this: HE helped HIS people out-of trouble and let their familes grow large same-as sheep. The righteous people see and are-happy, but all the bad people keep their mouths shut. COLLECT: O God, reign over and lead our hearts and mind by YOUR Holy Spirit that remembering the end of all things and your judgment day we can live holy here and live with YOU forever in heaven. We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, YOUR Son, our Lord. Jesus lives and reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit, eternally one God. Amen. I CHRONICLES 29:10-13 10. King DAVID praised the Lord. All the people were-watching. DAVID said, "Praise to YOU, Lord of ISRAEL. YOU are our Father. YOU lived always in the past and will live always. 11. Lord, YOURS is the greatness, power, glory, victory, and shining beauty, because everything in heaven and on earth is YOURS. The Kingdom is YOURS, Lord, and YOU are the chief reigning over all. 12. Riches and honor both are YOURS, and YOU reign over all things. In YOUR hand is power and strength, and YOU can make anyone great and strong. 13. Now, our God, we thank YOU and praise YOUR wonderful name." II THESSALONIANS 2:13 - 3:5 13. Brothers and sisters, the Lord loves you. God chose you from the beginning to be-saved. We should always thank God for you. You are saved by the Spirit making you holy and by your faith in the truth. 14. God called you to give you salvation. God called you through the Good Announcement we preached, so-that you can share in the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. 15. Brothers and sisters, stand strong and continue to believe our teaching. We taught you through speech and through letters. 16. Our Lord Jesus Christ HIMSELF and God our Father loved us and by mercy gave us eternal comfort and good hope. 17. God comfort you and make you strong in every work and word. 3:1. One last thing, brothers, pray for us, that the Lord's Word will spread quickly and have glory, the same-as HIS Word spreads among you. 2. Also, pray that we will be-free from wrong and bad people. Not everyone has faith. 3. But, the Lord is true. HE will give you strength and protect you against the devil. 4. We have faith in the Lord that you do now and will do the things we command you. 5. The Lord lead you that you can know God's love and Christ's patience. GRADUAL: These people came out of the great troubles in the world, and washed their clothes in the blood of the Lamb and made them white. Happy are people trusting in YOU, and attending their life to YOUR heaven. LUKE 20:27-38 27. Some of the Jewish church leaders came to Jesus. They believe that dead people can't arise. They asked Jesus: 28. "Teacher, MOSES wrote to us , 'If any married man dies and has no children, his brother must marry the widow and have children for his dead brother.' 29. The first brother of seven married a wife, had no children, and died. 30. The second brother, and 31. Then the third brother married the widow. All seven brothers married her and all died without any children. 32. Finally, the woman died. 33. Happen they arise from the dead, she will be whose wife? All seven brothers are her husband?" 34. Jesus said to them, "In this world men and women marry, 35. But those people judged worthy and arise from the dead to live in the future world don't marry. 36. They can't die again, because they are equal to angels. They are God's children. They arise from the dead. 37. MOSES also said that the dead arise. At the burning bush MOSES called the Lord God of ABRAHAM and God of ISAAC and God of JACOB. 38. God is not God of dead persons, but of the living. All live to God." [C] THIRD LAST SUNDAY IN THE CHURCH YEAR INTROIT: The person standing strong in faith to the end will be saved. Lord, YOU found pleasure in YOUR land; YOU give success again to JACOB. YOU forgave all the wrong doings of YOUR people, and covered all their sins. YOU took-away all YOUR anger and you changed from YOUR hot anger. Change us, O God of our salvation; stop YOUR anger to us. Show us YOUR mercy, O Lord, and give us YOUR salvation. COLLECT: O Lord, forgive YOUR people for all their sins that happened in weakness, then save us with YOUR great goodness. We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, YOUR Son, our Lord. Jesus lives and reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit, eternally one God. Amen. MALACHI 4:1-2 1. The Lord of heaven says, "Watch! The day of judgment is coming, burning same-as on oven. All the proud and bad people will be burned same-as STRAW, without roots or branches on them. 2. But those people that respect MY name, the righteous sun will shine to give healing to MY people." II THESSALONIANS 3:6-13 6. Now I command you, Christian friends, in the name of the Lord Jesus to refuse one-another with anyone that doesn't live and work agreeing with our teaching you. 7. You know you must copy us. We weren't lazy while we were with you. 8. We didn't accept free meals, but we worked hard day-and-night that we wouldn't burden you. 9. We had the alright to receive support, but instead we wanted to be good examples for you. 10. While we were with you, we told you that if anyone doesn't work, then he shouldn't eat. 11. We heard that some people are lazy, not working, but wasting their time gossiping. 12. Those people we urge and command in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ that they work quietly and eat their own food. 13. Christian friends, don't become tired in doing good things. GRADUAL: These people came out of the great troubles in the world, and washed their clothes in the blood of the Lamb and made them white. Happy are people trusting in YOU, and attending their life to YOUR heaven. LUKE 21:5-19 5. Some of Jesus' friends began talking about the beautiful temple with all its decorations. 6. Jesus said, "The day will happen that all these things you see will be-destroyed and every stone taken-down." 7. HIS friends asked, "Lord, when will that happen? How will we know that is happening?" 8. Jesus answered, "Don't let anyone fool you. Many people will come using MY name saying, 'I am Christ. The time is ready.' Don't listen to them. 9. But happens you hear about wars and rebellions, don't be-afraid becausee these things must happen, but the end of the world is not-yet." 10. Then Jesus said, "Nations will war against nations. And one kingdom against another kingdom. 11. You will see great earthquakes, hungers and sicknesses, terrible sights and things happening in the sky. 12. Before that happens people will arrest you, persecute you, bring you in-front-of church judges, throw you in prison. Because you speak MY name you will stand in-front-of kings and governors." 13. You will speak the truth. 14. Don't worry about the words you will speak. 15. Because I will give you the right words and wisdom to speak, so-that your enemies can't quarrel with you. 16. Also, your parents, brothers, family, and friends will betray you, and because of that some of you will be-killed. 17. And people will hate you, because you love ME. 18. But not one hair on your head will die. 19. Remain patient in your faith, and your soul will live." [C] SECOND LAST SUNDAY IN THE CHURCH YEAR INTROIT: Forgiveness comes from YOU, O God, now we can honor YOU. O Lord, hear my prayer, attend to my prayer for mercy; because YOU are faithful and righteous answer my prayer. My hands I stretch-out to YOU; my soul is thirsty for YOU same-as dry ground. Hurry to answer me, Lord; my spirit eagerly waits; don't hide YOUR face from me, or I will become same-as people in the grave. Save me from my enemies, Lord; I trust in YOU. Because of YOUR name, Lord, make me strong again; in YOUR righteousness become happy to lead my soul from trouble. COLLECT: Almighty and ever-living God, YOU gave great and important promises to people believing in YOU, help us to believe without doubting in YOUR Son Jesus Christ that our faith can grow strong. We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, YOUR Son, our Lord. Jesus lives and reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit, eternally one God. Amen. ISAIAH 52:1-6 1. Awake, awake, ZION, dress with strength. Dress with beautiful clothing. JERUSALEM is the holy city, now not believers and not clean people can't enter. 2. You aren't slaves any more. You are free. 3. The Lord says, "You were-forced to become slaves. Now through mercy you will become free people. 4. MY people went to visit EGYPT and became forced slaves. 5. I saw MY people become slaves. The kings spoke against MY people and against ME. 6. Now, MY people will know MY name. On that day MY people will know that I speak; I am here." I CORINTHIANS 15:54-58 54. My body can get destroyed. My body can die. Happen my body can't be-destroyed, and happen my body can't die, then the words will become true: "Life defeats death." (Isaiah 25:8) 55. Death, your power is finished. Death, your pains are ended. 56. Death's pain happens from sin. Sin's power comes from the Law. 57. But thank God for giving us victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. 58. Now, my dear friends, stand strong. Don't let other people change your minds. Always do your work without limit. Your work for God can't disappear. GRADUAL: These people came out of the great troubles in the world, and washed their clothes in the blood of the Lamb and made them white. Happy are people trusting in YOU, and attending their life to YOUR heaven. LUKE 19:11-27 11. While the people listened, Jesus told them a story. Because Jesus was near JERUSALEM, the people thought the holy nation of God was to appear now. 12. Jesus told a story, "A leader went to another country to become crowned king and then came home. 13. The man called ten of his special workers and gave them money equal to ten days pay. And he said to them, 'Use the money until I come again.' 14. But the other people in his country hated him. They sent a group informing them saying, 'We don't-want this man to become our king.' 15. But now the man came home again crowned king. The king called the special workers with that money. The king wanted to know how-much profit they earned. 16. The first worker came and said, "King, you gave-me one coin worth one days pay. I earned for you ten more coins.' 17. The king said, 'You are a good worker. You took-care-of a little thing. Now you will reign over ten cities. 18. And the second worker came saying, 'King, your one coin increased to five.' 19. And the king said to him, 'You will be-responsible for five cities.' 20. Another worker came, 'King, see. Here is your money. I kept your money hidden in a CLOTH. 21. You scare me. You are a strict man.' 22. The king said to him, 'I condemn you with your words. You know I am a strict man. I grab and keep things that aren't mine. 23. Why didn't you put my money in the BANK? Then after I arrived home, I would receive my money plus interest.' 24. Then the king said, 'Take his money and give the money to the man that earned ten coins.' 25. And the workers said to the king, 'But he finished has ten coins.' 26. 'I tell you, the person that has, he will receive more. But the person that has nothing, his nothing will be-taken-away. 27. My enemies don't-want me to become their king. Bring my enemies here and kill them here.'" [C] LAST SUNDAY IN THE CHURCH YEAR INTROIT: We are eagerly watching for the new sky and the new earth, the home for the righteous people. Show me, O Lord, the end of my life and how-many days; let me know that my life is quick. YOU made my days on earth a few; all my years pass quickly in-front-of YOU. Every person's life is quick same-as a breath. But now, Lord, what is my future? I trust in YOU. Save me from all my wrong doings; don't let my enemies laugh at me. Hear my prayer, O Lord, attend to my prayer for mercy; look-on my tears. COLLECT: Lord God, heavenly Father, we ask YOU to send YOUR Son to lead home HIS bride, the Church, that all us believers can enter YOUR eternal kingdom. We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, YOUR Son, our Lord. Jesus lives and reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit, eternally one God. Amen. JEREMIAH 23:2-6 2. The Lord God of ISRAEL says this about the shepherds that take-care-of HIS people, "You didn't take-care-of them. Notice! I will punish you for your bad deeds. 3. I will bring together those MY people from all the nations at the places I sent them. And I will bring them again to their own home, and I will bless them, and they will increase in larger groups. 4. I will choose responsible shepherds to take-care-of them. They will fear no more, and no one will become lost," says the Lord God. 5. "Notice! The day is coming near that I will put a RIGHTEOUS BRANCH on the throne of King DAVID. HE will reign the true king with wisdom and justice and honesty in the land. 6. In that day JUDAH will be-saved, and ISRAEL will live in peace. And this is the name HE will have: 'The Lord our righteousness.'" COLOSSIANS 1:13-20 13. God the Father saved us from the power of sin and the devil, and HE brought us to the kingdom of HIS dear Son. 14. In Jesus we are-saved, and our sins are-forgiven. 15. Happen you see Christ, you are-looking-at God. Christ is God and above all things that God made. 16. God made all things through Christ, all things in heaven and on earth, things we see and can't see, all spiritual kings and powers. God made all things through Jesus and for Jesus. 17. Jesus lived before the world began. And Jesus takes-care-of the world now. 18. Christ reigns HIS Church. Jesus arose from the dead first; now HE is the Chief King, 19. Because God the Father is fully in the Son. 20. God made peace with the world by HIS Son's death on the cross. God made peace with all things in heaven and on earth. GRADUAL: These people came out of the great troubles in the world, and washed their clothes in the blood of the Lamb and made them white. Happy are people trusting in YOU, and attending their life to YOUR heaven. LUKE 23:35-43 35. (This is the time Jesus got crucified.) The people stood there watching Jesus. But the Jewish leaders laughed-at Jesus. The leaders said, "YOU saved other people. Now save YOURSELF if YOU are Christ, the Savior from God!" 36. The soldiers also laughed-at Jesus. The soldiers offered some wine to Jesus. 37. And they said, "If YOU are really the King of the Jews, save YOURSELF!" 38. Some words were-written and put above Jesus on the cross: "This is the King of the Jews." 39. One of the robbers crucified with Jesus cursed Jesus: "Are YOU really Christ? Save YOURSELF and us!" 40. But the other robber scolded him saying, "You don't honor God? All three of us got condemned with the same-same-same punishment. 41. You and I deserve to be-punished because we did wrong. But Jesus did nothing wrong." 42. Then the sorry robber said to Jesus, "Lord, please remember me in YOUR Kingdom." 43. Jesus answered, "I tell you, today you will be with ME in heaven." [C] REFORMATION DAY INTROIT: I will speak YOUR laws in-front-of kings, and I will not be-ashamed. God is our protection and strength, very near with HIS help in trouble. Now we will not fear, no-matter the earth change, and the mountains become moved into the middle of the sea. Let the water make-big-waves and the mountains shake. The Lord reigning over all things is with us; the God of Jacob is our protection. COLLECT: Almighty God, merciful Lord, pour YOUR Holy Spirit on YOUR faithful people. Keep them strong in YOUR love and truth, protect and comfort them in all temptations, defend them from all enemies of YOUR Word, and give to them YOUR peace. We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, YOUR Son, our Lord. Jesus lives and reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit, eternally one God. Amen. JEREMIAH 31:31-34 31. The time will happen, says the Lord, that I will make a new agreement with the people of ISRAEL and JUDAH. 32. Not the same agreement I made with their fathers before while I led them out-of EGYPT; that agreement they broke, says the Lord. 33. But this is the agreement I will make with the people, says the Lord; I will put MY Law inside them and write that on their hearts, and I will be their God, and they will be MY people. 34. And they will no more teach their neighbor or brother saying, "Learn about the Lord," because they will all know ME both young people and old people, because I will forgive their wrong-doings and forget all their sins. ROMANS 3:19-28 19. The Law commands many things. We know that those commands are for the people living under the Law. This stops all people's excuses and brings all the world under God's judgment. 20. Why? Because no person can become righteous in-front-of God by following the Law. The Law only shows us our sin. 21. But now God named another way making HIM a friend with people. That way is not by the Jewish Law. The Law and the prophets told about that way. 22. People become friends with God by trusting in Jesus Christ. God will accept people coming that way. 23. Indifferent because all people sinned and all people lost the glory of God. 24. God became a friend with them because of HIS loving free gift. Jesus paid with HIS blood and made us free from our sins. 25. God gave Jesus to the world so that people trusting in the blood of Jesus will have the forgiveness of their sins. God did this to show HIS righteousness. In the past God was patient and forgot the sins people did. 26. But now God proves HE is correct in saving people from sin. God shows HE does NO sins and makes anyone holy if they trust in Jesus. 27. Why should we be proud people? We have nothing to boast about. Why not? Because we have obeyed the Law? No! We are saved because we trusted in Jesus. 28. We all learned that a person becomes a friend of God by believing in Christ. We don't become griends of God by obeying the Laws. GRADUAL: The Lord is wonderful and we must praise HIM, in the city of our God and in HIS holy mountain. Walk around the holy city and count the TOWERS. See the strong building and the beautiful houses, then you can tell your future children about that. JOHN 8:31-36 31. Jesus spoke to the Jewish believers, "If you continue to obey MY teaching, then you are truly MY followers. 32. Then you will know the truth. And the truth will make you free." 33. The Jews answered, "We are children from ABRAHAM, and we never were-slaves. Why do you say that we will be-free?" 34. Jesus said, "I tell you truly. Every person that sins becomes a slave to that sin. 35. A slave doesn't stay with a family always, but a son stays with the family forever. 36. Now if the Son makes you free, then you will be truly free. [C] THANKSGIVING INTROIT: I will sing to the Lord while I live; I will sing praise to my God while I have my life. O Lord, YOUR works are many, and with wisdom YOU made all things; the earth is full with the things YOU made. All these things wait for YOU to give them food at the correct time. YOU send YOUR Spirit and they begin to live; YOU make new the face of the earth. COLLECT: Almighty God, YOUR mercies come new to us every morning and YOUR goodness gives much for all our needs of body and soul, we ask YOU to give us YOUR Holy Spirit that we will notice all YOUR mercies to us and give thanks to YOU and serve you obediently. We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, YOUR Son, our Lord. Jesus lives and reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit, eternally one God. Amen. DEUTERONOMY 8:1-10 1. Be-careful to do everything I command you today, that you will live and have many children and live in the land the Lord promised to your fathers. 2. And remember that the Lord your God led you all the way through the dry country for 40 years to make you humble and test you to see into your hearts if you obey or not. 3. God made you suffer and hunger, and then fed you with bread that you and your fathers didn't make to show that people don't live by eating bread but they live by the words the Lord speaks. 4. Your clothes stayed new all during the years and your feet didn't swell. 5. In your hearts learn this, that the Lord your God is teaching you same-as a father teaches his son. 6. Obey the things the Lord commands, follow HIS way, and honor HIM. 7. The Lord your God brings you into a good land with many rivers from the mountains flowing through the valleys. 8. The land grows WHEAT, BARLEY, GRAPES, FIGS, POMEGRANATES, OLIVES, and HONEY. 9. The land has enough food for all the people and you will need nothing more; the mountains have plenty of IRON and COPPER. 10. You will eat anything you want and praise the Lord your God for all the good land HE gave you. I TIMOTHY 2:1-4 1. First, I tell you to pray and give thanks for all people, 2. Pray for kings and for all government leaders that we can have quiet and peaceful lives with full worship and respect for God. 3. This is good and pleases God our Savior. 4. God wants all people to be saved, and HE wants all people to know the truth. GRADUAL: The eyes of all people look to YOU to give them food at the correct time. YOU open YOUR hands and satisfy every living thing. Praise the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all HIS blessings. LUKE 17:11-19 11. Jesus travelled from the country named GALILEE, through the country named SAMARIA, on HIS way to the city named JERUSALEM. 12. Jesus came to a small city and met ten men. Those men didn't come near to Jesus, because they had the sickness named LEPROSY. 13. But the men called to Jesus, "Lord, please help us!" 14. Jesus saw the men and said, "Go and show your bodies to the priests." While the ten men walked to the priest's house, their bodies became healed. 15. One man saw that his body was-healed, ran again to Jesus, and thanked God with a loud voice. 16. The man knelt in-front-of Jesus and thanked Jesus. That man lived in the country named SAMARIA. 17. Jesus said, "Ten men became healed. Where are the other nine men? 18. This man from the country named SAMARIA is the only one to thank God." 19. Then Jesus spoke to the man and said, "Stand-up! You can leave. You became healed because you believed."