ILDAInternational Lutheran Deaf Association

Article XXI
Mission Projects

Section A – Purpose

The first and foremost purpose of the ILDA is to support our Lutheran Christian ministry in its outreach to deaf people.

Section B – ILDA Mission Projects Society

At its beginning, the ILDA adopted the Lutheran Deaf Mission Society (LDMS), a special mission fund to support mission projects designated by the ILDA in convention. This fund has helped many missions through the ILDA history.

Section C – Mission Projects Committee

The president shall appoint a Mission Projects Committee chairman. The Mission Projects chairman with the president’s written approval shall appoint two (2) ILDA members from his/her region.

Section D – Procedures for Submitting Proposed Mission Projects

1.      Congregations or individuals seeking ILDA support for a proposed Mission Project must put such proposal in writing. This proposal must reach the ILDA president at least ninety (90) days prior to the next convention. This letter must include:

a.      A full description of the person or organization for which the ILDA financial support is intended.

b.      The amount of financial support requested.

c.      A description of how this financial support will be used to enhance the deaf ministry.

d.      The name, address and telephone number of a contact person who is able to answer further inquiries.

2.      Board members may submit requests for worthwhile causes.

Section E – Processing of Proposed Mission Projects

1.      At a meeting prior to a convention, the Board of Directors will review all Mission Project requests. The ones that closely reflect the ILDA’s philosophy and purpose will be approved and considered at the next convention.

2.      The committee chairman will print the approved list of proposed Mission Projects in ballot form to be used at the convention.

3.      The Board of Directors will propose the maximum amount of financial support for the ILDA’s Mission Projects in the next two year budget presented to the convention.

Section F – Support of Mission Projects

1.      The ILDA secretary will send to the editor The Deaf Lutheran the Mission Projects the convention voted to support over the next two years. This information will be printed in the next issue and given wide publicity. Regions and congregations will be encouraged to support those mission projects.

2.      The committee appointed by the president will design and print a brochure explaining in detail the Mission Projects. The brochure will contain the name and address of the treasurer to which donations may be sent. Return envelopes will also be included. The committee will send the appropriate number of these brochures and return envelopes to each congregation. Any congregation may request additional brochures for inclusion in their church bulletin and newsletter.

3.      The treasurer shall, upon receiving donations and funds for Mission Projects, deposit those funds in the ILDA Mission Projects bank account. As soon as sufficient amounts are available, the treasurer will disburse funds to mission projects in the order of priority voted at the convention.

4.      The treasurer will send a report to The Deaf Lutheran editor before quarterly newsletter deadlines (the 1st of Feb, May, Aug, and Nov). Regular articles will encourage support.

5.      Each region is to be encouraged for the 1/7th of mission project funding.

Click here to go the ILDA Mission Projects web page.


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