DIT is Expanding to India

India Updates from Rev. Bud Palmer and Rev. Dennis Konkel. Also last year's updates from Rev. John Reinke, Missionary to the Deaf for the South Wisconsin District -- LCMS, along with his son, Joshua.

Revs. Konkel and Palmer along with Rev. David Christudoss of India are be presenting workshops for the India Evangelical Lutheran Church. 

Please pray for them as they travel in India.  Please pray for Rev. David Christudoss and for the deaf Christians of India & for their leaders.


Rev. Christudoss

Rev. David Christudoss, India

Ep-phatha Lutheran School for the Deaf, India

Ep-phatha Lutheran School for the Deaf

India Updates for March 2007:

India Updates for March 2006:

Lutheran School

Children from India signing "I Love You"